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Created September 30, 2018 22:54
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Killer Sudoku solver
typealias Grid = List<List<Int>>
data class Cell(val row: Int, val col: Int)
data class Group(val label: String, val total: Int? = null, val cells: List<Cell>)
data class NewBoard(val n: Int,
val cells: List<Cell>,
val values: Map<Cell, Int>,
val groups: List<Group>) {
companion object {
fun sudoku(grid: Grid): NewBoard {
val n = grid.size
val cellValues = grid
.flatMap { x -> x.asIterable() }
.mapIndexed { index, value ->
val row = index / n
val col = index % n
Pair(Cell(row, col), value)
val cells = { it -> it.first }
val values = cellValues.asSequence().filter { it.second != 0 }
.associateBy({ it -> it.first }, { it -> it.second })
val rowGroups = cells.asSequence()
.groupBy { it -> it.row }
.map { (row, cells) -> Group("Row $row", null, cells) }
val colGroups = cells.asSequence()
.groupBy { it -> it.col }
.map { (col, cells) -> Group("Col $col", null, cells) }
val boxGroups = if (n == 9) {
.groupBy { cell -> Pair(cell.row / 3, cell.col / 3) }
.map { it -> Group("Box (${it.key.first},${it.key.second})", null, it.value) }
} else emptyList()
return NewBoard(n, cells, values, rowGroups + colGroups + boxGroups)
* Killer Sudoku, the board is empty, but there are extra constraint groups with totals
* that must be satisfied
fun killer(n: Int, constraints: List<Group>) : NewBoard {
val empty = List(n) { _ -> List(n) {0} }
val board = sudoku(empty)
val cCells : Set<Cell> = constraints.flatMap { g -> g.cells.asIterable() }.toSet()
assert(cCells.size == board.cells.size)
return NewBoard(board.n, board.cells, board.values, board.groups + constraints)
fun print(writer: {
var row = 0
cells.forEach {
if (row != it.row) {
writer.write(" ${values.getOrDefault(it, 0)}")
fun guessCell(cell: Cell, value: Int): NewBoard {
val newValues = values.toMutableMap().apply { put(cell, value) }
return NewBoard(n, cells, newValues, groups)
fun isValid(): Boolean {
return groups.fold(true) { valid, g -> valid && groupValid(g) }
private fun groupValid(group: Group): Boolean {
val entries = group.cells.asSequence().map { it -> values[it] }.filterNotNull().toList()
return entries.size == entries.toSet().size &&
( == null || if (entries.size < group.cells.size) {
(entries.sum() <
} else {
(entries.sum() ==
fun solve(board: NewBoard, index: Int = 0): NewBoard? {
if (!board.isValid()) {
return null
} else if(index == board.cells.size) {
return board
} else {
val cell = board.cells[index]
if (board.values.containsKey(cell)) {
return solve(board, index + 1)
} else {
for (i in 1..board.n) {
solve(board.guessCell(cell, i), index + 1)?.let { return it }
return null
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val writer = BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(System.out))
val board: NewBoard = NewBoard.sudoku(listOf(
listOf(4, 0, 1, 0, 0, 3),
listOf(0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0),
listOf(0, 4, 2, 3, 0, 6),
listOf(1, 0, 3, 2, 5, 0),
listOf(0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0),
listOf(6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 1)))
writer.write("\nSolving simple sudoku\n")
val board2: NewBoard = NewBoard.sudoku(listOf(
listOf(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0),
listOf(0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0),
listOf(2, 0, 5, 1, 9, 0, 0, 0, 6),
listOf(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 0, 6, 3),
listOf(0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 7, 0),
listOf(4, 2, 0, 9, 3 ,0, 0, 0, 0),
listOf(1, 0, 0, 0, 6, 2, 5, 0, 9),
listOf(0, 6, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0),
listOf(0, 0, 4, 0, 0 ,0, 0, 0, 0)))
writer.write("\nSolving normal sudoku\n")
// TODO: better import format to represent the groups..
val board3: NewBoard = NewBoard.killer(9, listOf(
Group("0,0", 14, listOf(Cell(0, 0),
Cell(1, 0))),
Group("0,1", 13, listOf(Cell(0, 1), Cell(0, 2))),
Group("0,3", 9, listOf(Cell(0, 3), Cell(0, 4))),
Group("0,5", 14, listOf(Cell(0, 5), Cell(0, 6),
Cell(1, 5))),
Group("0,7", 8, listOf(Cell(0, 7), Cell(0, 8))),
Group("1,1", 5, listOf(Cell(1, 1), Cell(1, 2))),
Group("1,3", 23, listOf(Cell(1, 3), Cell(1, 4),
Cell(2, 4))),
Group("1,6", 22, listOf(Cell(1, 6), Cell(1, 7),
Cell(2, 6), Cell(2, 7))),
Group("1,8", 7, listOf(Cell(1, 8), Cell(2, 8))),
Group("2,0", 4, listOf(Cell(2, 0),
Cell(3, 0))),
Group("2,1", 12, listOf(Cell(2, 1), Cell(2, 2))),
Group("2,3", 9, listOf(Cell(2, 3), Cell(3, 3))),
Group("2,5", 8, listOf( Cell(2, 5),
Cell(3, 4), Cell(3, 5))),
Group("3,1", 18, listOf(Cell(3, 1), Cell(3, 2),
Cell(4, 1), Cell(4, 2))),
Group("3,6", 23, listOf(Cell(3, 6), Cell(3, 7), Cell(3, 8))),
Group("4,0", 20, listOf(Cell(4, 0), Cell(5, 0), Cell(6, 0))),
Group("4,3", 17, listOf(Cell(4, 3), Cell(5, 3), Cell(6, 3))),
Group("4,4", 5, listOf(Cell(4, 4), Cell(5, 4))),
Group("4,5", 21, listOf(Cell(4, 5), Cell(4, 6),
Cell(5, 5))),
Group("4,7", 7, listOf(Cell(4, 7), Cell(4, 8))),
Group("5,1", 11, listOf(Cell(5, 1), Cell(5, 2))),
Group("5,6", 3, listOf(Cell(5, 6), Cell(5, 7))),
Group("5,8", 16, listOf(Cell(5, 8),
Cell(6, 8))),
Group("6,1", 17, listOf(Cell(6, 1),
Cell(7, 1))),
Group("6,2", 4, listOf(Cell(6, 2),
Cell(7, 2))),
Group("6,4", 12, listOf( Cell(6, 4), Cell(6, 5),
Cell(7, 3), Cell(7, 4))),
Group("6,6", 11, listOf(Cell(6, 6), Cell(6, 7))),
Group("7,0", 7, listOf(Cell(7, 0),
Cell(8, 0))),
Group("7,5", 14, listOf(Cell(7, 5),
Cell(8, 5))),
Group("7,6", 15, listOf(Cell(7, 6), Cell(7, 7))),
Group("7,8", 6, listOf(Cell(7, 8),
Cell(8, 8))),
Group("8,1", 10, listOf(Cell(8, 1), Cell(8, 2))),
Group("8,3", 16, listOf(Cell(8, 3), Cell(8, 4))),
Group("8,6", 4, listOf(Cell(8, 6), Cell(8, 7)))
writer.write("\nSolving killer sudoku\n")
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