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Created December 29, 2017 07:21
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Extracting detection features from tensorflow object detection API.
"""This file extracts faster-rcnn features and bounding box coordinates"""
import pdb
import argparse
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import PIL.Image as PILI
def session(sess, feat_conv, feat_avg, boxes, classes, scores, image_tensor, image):
feat_conv_out, feat_avg_out, boxes_out, classes_out, scores_out =[
feat_conv, feat_avg, boxes, classes, scores], feed_dict={image_tensor: image})
feat_conv_out = feat_conv_out.squeeze()
feat_avg_out = feat_avg_out.squeeze()
boxes_out = boxes_out.squeeze()
classes_out = classes_out.squeeze().astype(np.int32)
scores_out = scores_out.squeeze()
return feat_conv_out, feat_avg_out, boxes_out, classes_out, scores_out
def load_graph(graph, ckpt_path):
with graph.as_default():
od_graph_def = tf.GraphDef()
with tf.gfile.GFile(ckpt_path, 'rb') as fid:
serialized_graph =
tf.import_graph_def(od_graph_def, name='')
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('--img', metavar='', type=str, default=None, help='Image path.')
parser.add_argument('--model', metavar='', type=str, default='frcnn_res101', help='frcnn_incresv2 or frcnn_res101.')
args, unparsed = parser.parse_known_args()
if len(unparsed) != 0: raise SystemExit('Unknown argument: {}'.format(unparsed))
graph = tf.Graph()
if args.model == 'frcnn_incresv2':
ckpt_path = './faster_rcnn_inception_resnet_v2_atrous_coco_2017_11_08/frozen_inference_graph.pb'
load_graph(graph, ckpt_path)
# (1, ?, ?, 3)
image_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0')
# (100, 8, 8, 1536)
feat_conv = graph.get_tensor_by_name('SecondStageFeatureExtractor/InceptionResnetV2/Conv2d_7b_1x1/Relu:0')
# (100, 1, 1, 1536)
feat_avg = graph.get_tensor_by_name('SecondStageBoxPredictor/AvgPool:0')
elif args.model == 'frcnn_res101':
ckpt_path = './faster_rcnn_resnet101_coco_2017_11_08/frozen_inference_graph.pb'
load_graph(graph, ckpt_path)
# (1, ?, ?, 3)
image_tensor = graph.get_tensor_by_name('image_tensor:0')
# (100, 7, 7, 2048)
feat_conv = graph.get_tensor_by_name('SecondStageFeatureExtractor/resnet_v1_101/block4/unit_3/bottleneck_v1/Relu:0')
# (100, 1, 1, 2048)
feat_avg = graph.get_tensor_by_name('SecondStageBoxPredictor/AvgPool:0')
raise SystemExit('Unknown model: {}'.format(args.model))
boxes = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_boxes:0')
scores = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_scores:0')
classes = graph.get_tensor_by_name('detection_classes:0')
print ('model: {}'.format(args.model))
# Load tf model into memory
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config=config, graph=graph)
print ('Detect a single image')
# Load image
image =
image = np.asarray(image)
# Run session
feat_conv, feat_avg, boxes, classes, scores = session(
sess, feat_conv, feat_avg, boxes, classes, scores, image_tensor, np.expand_dims(image, 0))
print ('Done')
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albanie commented Aug 17, 2019

Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

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malicd commented Sep 23, 2019

Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

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Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

This stack overflow answer worked for me:

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Do you know whether using the new functionality by re exporting the graph, preserves the order across features, boxes, scores?

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jshi31 commented Aug 25, 2020

Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

This stack overflow answer worked for me:

Even if I set output_final_box_features as True in the fastercnn.proto, I cannot get the `detection_features' key in output_dict...

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jshi31 commented Aug 26, 2020

Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

This stack overflow answer worked for me:

Even if I set output_final_box_features as True in the fastercnn.proto, I cannot get the `detection_features' key in output_dict...

Now it works, after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto, you have to recompile the protobuf into python file again.

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Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

This stack overflow answer worked for me:

Even if I set output_final_box_features as True in the fastercnn.proto, I cannot get the `detection_features' key in output_dict...

Now it works, after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto, you have to recompile the protobuf into python file again.

two question:
1-after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto only recompile the protobuf into python file again is enough?
2-how to I recompile the protobuf into python file again?

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jshi31 commented Sep 7, 2020

Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

This stack overflow answer worked for me:

Even if I set output_final_box_features as True in the fastercnn.proto, I cannot get the `detection_features' key in output_dict...

Now it works, after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto, you have to recompile the protobuf into python file again.

two question:
1-after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto only recompile the protobuf into python file again is enough?
2-how to I recompile the protobuf into python file again?

When you install the tf detection API, you will firstly compile proto as indicated here So before you compile the proto, you need to set output_final_box_features to true in faster_rcnn.proto
After compilation of proto, just follow the demo example of the stackflow answer, then you will get it.

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Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

This stack overflow answer worked for me:

Even if I set output_final_box_features as True in the fastercnn.proto, I cannot get the `detection_features' key in output_dict...

Now it works, after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto, you have to recompile the protobuf into python file again.

two question:
1-after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto only recompile the protobuf into python file again is enough?
2-how to I recompile the protobuf into python file again?

When you install the tf detection API, you will firstly compile proto as indicated here So before you compile the proto, you need to set output_final_box_features to true in faster_rcnn.proto
After compilation of proto, just follow the demo example of the stackflow answer, then you will get it.

how to I set output_final_box_features to true in faster_rcnn.proto? (optional bool output_final_box_features = 42 [default = true];) or (optional bool output_final_box_features = true [default = false];)
I try both but not solved

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jshi31 commented Sep 7, 2020

Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

This stack overflow answer worked for me:

Even if I set output_final_box_features as True in the fastercnn.proto, I cannot get the `detection_features' key in output_dict...

Now it works, after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto, you have to recompile the protobuf into python file again.

two question:
1-after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto only recompile the protobuf into python file again is enough?
2-how to I recompile the protobuf into python file again?

When you install the tf detection API, you will firstly compile proto as indicated here So before you compile the proto, you need to set output_final_box_features to true in faster_rcnn.proto
After compilation of proto, just follow the demo example of the stackflow answer, then you will get it.

how to I set output_final_box_features to true in faster_rcnn.proto? (optional bool output_final_box_features = 42 [default = true];) or (optional bool output_final_box_features = true [default = false];)
I try both but not solved

(optional bool output_final_box_features = 42 [default = true];) is correct. I was using the detection API1 and tensorflow1.15, and just did the things above to enable the box feature.

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Feature extraction support seems to have been recently added (in this PR: tensorflow/models#7208). You can use it by re-exporting the existing models. The features extracted from bounding boxes will then be named detection_features:0.

Is there a comment on how should we enable this? From the I see that it is an optional parameter but can't figure out how to enable it.

This stack overflow answer worked for me:

Even if I set output_final_box_features as True in the fastercnn.proto, I cannot get the `detection_features' key in output_dict...

Now it works, after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto, you have to recompile the protobuf into python file again.

two question:
1-after modifying the fastser_rcnn.proto only recompile the protobuf into python file again is enough?
2-how to I recompile the protobuf into python file again?

When you install the tf detection API, you will firstly compile proto as indicated here So before you compile the proto, you need to set output_final_box_features to true in faster_rcnn.proto
After compilation of proto, just follow the demo example of the stackflow answer, then you will get it.

how to I set output_final_box_features to true in faster_rcnn.proto? (optional bool output_final_box_features = 42 [default = true];) or (optional bool output_final_box_features = true [default = false];)
I try both but not solved

(optional bool output_final_box_features = 42 [default = true];) is correct. I was using the detection API1 and tensorflow1.15, and just did the things above to enable the box feature.

I was using "get_tensor_by_name('SecondStageBoxPredictor/AvgPool:0')" and achieve to feature vector with dim=2048 for each box but I don't know this feature vectors are discriminative in which space? euclidean space or cosine space or another space?

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