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Last active August 9, 2019 21:21
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Raspberry Pi PICO-8 console autostart
# This file lives at ~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
# Default autostart from /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart
# Uncomment for normal desktop.
#@lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
#@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
#@xscreensaver -no-splash
# Instead, run custom startup script
lxterminal --command="~/"
# This file lives at ~/
# This script tries to mount the floppy drive,
# if not already mounted, and take appropriate action.
# Some helper functions:
# Counts down, then shuts down.
timer_down() {
echo 'shutting down in...'
while test $i -gt 0
echo "$i"
sleep 1s
# Tells the attached HDMI device to enter standby mode.
# Requires cec-utils
# echo standby 0 | cec-client -s -d 1
sudo shutdown now
# Reports a failure
fail() {
echo "Floppy boot failed: $*." 1>&2
# Starts the normal desktop
pixel() {
lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi &
pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi &
point-rpi &
# Launches PICO-8, shuts down when it closes.
# Launches a special launcher cart. Adjust for where you have PICO-8 installed.
pico8() {
~/pico-8/pico8_dyn -run '~/.lexaloffle/pico-8/carts/launcher.p8.png'; timer_down
# Launches DOSBox.
# I don't have this set up, so fail for now.
dosbox() {
fail 'DOSBox is not configured'
# Actual script:
# Check for the mounted floppy drive.
# This requires an entry for /media/floppy in /etc/fstab.
# Assuming your floppy is at /dev/sda, something like:
# /dev/sda /media/floppy vfat owner,group,umask=000,noauto,sync 0 0
while ! (cat /proc/mounts | grep -Pq '\s/media/floppy/?\s' -) && ! sudo mount /media/floppy
# TODO: figure out something similar that doesn't require keyboard.
# retry a fixed number of times?
read -p 'No floppy disk found. Retry? [Y/n] ' -n1 retry
if (echo "$retry" | grep -iq n -)
# Get a listing of the files on the floppy
files=$(ls -1b /media/floppy)
# Autorun section. In theory this is dangerous, but who's going to troll you?
#autorun=$(echo "$files" | grep -Pim1 '^autorun(.sh)?' -)
#if test ! -z "$autorun"
# echo "Autorun script. Launching /media/floppy/$autorun."
# /media/floppy/$autorun
#elif ...
# Check for a PICO-8 cart
if echo "$files" | grep -Piq '.p8(.png)?$' -
echo 'PICO-8 cart detected. Launching PICO-8.'
# Check for a DOS executable, as an example
elif echo "$files" | grep -Piq '.exe$' -
echo 'EXE detected. Launching DOSBox.'
# Other checks can be added here: launch emulators for game ROMs, etc.
# TODO: do something else since a user without mouse and keyboard is stranded.
echo 'Falling back to PIXEL environment.'
# This file lives at ~/
# This script tries to mount the floppy drive,
# if not already mounted, and then boot PICO-8.
# Some helper functions:
# Counts down, then shuts down.
timer_down() {
echo 'shutting down in...'
while test $i -gt 0
echo "$i"
sleep 1s
# Tells the attached HDMI device to enter standby mode.
# Requires cec-utils
# echo standby 0 | cec-client -s -d 1
sudo shutdown now
# Reports a failure
fail() {
echo "Floppy boot failed: $*." 1>&2
# Check for the mounted floppy drive.
# This requires an entry for /media/floppy in /etc/fstab.
# Assuming your floppy is at /dev/sda, something like:
# /dev/sda /media/floppy vfat owner,group,umask=000,noauto,sync 0 0
if ! (cat /proc/mounts | grep -Pq '\s/media/floppy/?\s' -) && ! sudo mount /media/floppy
# Fail if the floppy drive can't be mounted.
fail "no floppy disk found."
# Launches PICO-8, shuts down when it closes.
# Launches a special launcher cart. Adjust for where you have PICO-8 installed.
~/pico-8/pico8_dyn -run '~/.lexaloffle/pico-8/carts/launcher.p8.png'; timer_down
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