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Created July 23, 2011 08:09
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Tweaked version of jsgauge to use requestAnimationFrame
* Jsgauge 0.4.1
* Licensed under the MIT license:
* Tweaked by Mark Embling ( to use requestAnimationFrame instead of setTimeout.
/*jslint browser: true */
function Gauge( canvas, options ) {
var that = this;
this.canvas = canvas;
options = options || {};
// shim layer with setTimeout fallback (
window.requestAnimFrame = (function(){
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(/* function */ callback, /* DOMElement */ element){
window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
// Gauge settings
this.settings = {
value: options.value || 0,
pointerValue: options.value || 0,
label: options.label || '',
unitsLabel: options.unitsLabel || '',
min: options.min || 0,
max: options.max || 100,
majorTicks: options.majorTicks || 5,
minorTicks: options.minorTicks || 2, // small ticks inside each major tick
bands: [].concat(options.bands || []),
// START - Deprecated
greenFrom: [].concat(options.greenFrom || 0),
greenTo: [].concat(options.greenTo || 0),
yellowFrom: [].concat(options.yellowFrom || 0),
yellowTo: [].concat(options.yellowTo || 0),
redFrom: [].concat(options.redFrom || 0),
redTo: [].concat(options.redTo || 0)
// END - Deprecated
// settings normalized to a [0, 100] interval
function normalize( settings ) {
var i,
span = settings.max - settings.min,
spanPct = span/100,
// Restrict pointer to range of values
if (settings.pointerValue > settings.max){
settings.pointerValue = settings.max;
} else if(settings.pointerValue < settings.min){
settings.pointerValue = settings.min;
normalized = {
min: 0,
max: 100,
value: ( settings.value - settings.min ) / spanPct,
pointerValue: ( settings.pointerValue - settings.min ) / spanPct,
label: settings.label || '',
greenFrom: [],
greenTo: [],
yellowFrom: [],
yellowTo: [],
redFrom: [],
redTo: [],
bands: [],
// also fix some possible invalid settings
majorTicks: Math.max( 2, settings.majorTicks ),
minorTicks: Math.max( 0, settings.minorTicks ),
decimals: Math.max( 0, 3 - ( settings.max - settings.min ).toFixed( 0 ).length )
for(i=settings.bands.length;i--;) {
var band = settings.bands[i];
normalized.bands[i] = {
color: band.color,
from: (band.from - settings.min)/spanPct,
to: ( - settings.min)/spanPct
return normalized;
// Colors used to render the gauge
this.colors = {
text: options.colorOfText || 'rgb(0, 0, 0)',
warningText: options.colorOfWarningText || 'rgb(255, 0, 0)',
fill: options.colorOfFill || [ '#111', '#ccc', '#ddd', '#eee' ],
pointerFill: options.colorOfPointerFill || 'rgba(255, 100, 0, 0.7)',
pointerStroke: options.colorOfPointerStroke || 'rgba(255, 100, 100, 0.9)',
centerCircleFill: options.colorOfCenterCircleFill || 'rgba(0, 100, 255, 1)',
centerCircleStroke: options.colorOfCenterCircleStroke || 'rgba(0, 0, 255, 1)',
// START - Deprecated
redBand: options.colorOfRedBand || options.redColor || 'rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.2)',
yelBand: options.colorOfYellowBand || options.yellowColor || 'rgba(255, 215, 0, 0.2)',
grnBand: options.colorOfGreenBand || options.greenColor || 'rgba(0, 255, 0, 0.2)'
// END - Deprecated
// Add colors to the bands object
for(var i=this.settings.redFrom.length; i--;){
this.settings.bands.push({ // Red
color: this.colors.redBand,
from: this.settings.redFrom[i],
to: this.settings.redTo[i]
for(i=this.settings.yellowFrom.length; i--;){
this.settings.bands.push({ // Yellow
color: this.colors.yelBand,
from: this.settings.yellowFrom[i],
to: this.settings.yellowTo[i]
for(i=this.settings.greenFrom.length; i--;){
this.settings.bands.push({ // Green
color: this.colors.grnBand,
from: this.settings.greenFrom[i],
to: this.settings.greenTo[i]
// draw context contains a set of values useful for
// most drawing operations.
this.relSettings = normalize( this.settings );
this.animate = function(){
var targetValue = that.settings.value;
var currentPointerValue = that.settings.pointerValue;
var targetPointerValue =
(targetValue > that.settings.max) ?
that.settings.max : // Nomalize to max value
(targetValue < that.settings.min) ?
that.settings.min : // Nomalize to min value
if (currentPointerValue != targetPointerValue) { // if we're already at the right value, do nothing
var increment = Math.abs( currentPointerValue - targetPointerValue ) / 5/*20*/;
var span;
if ( currentPointerValue < targetPointerValue ) {
that.settings.pointerValue += increment;
if ( currentPointerValue + increment >= targetPointerValue ) {
that.settings.pointerValue = targetPointerValue;
} else {
that.settings.pointerValue -= increment;
if ( currentPointerValue - increment <= targetPointerValue ) {
that.settings.pointerValue = targetPointerValue;
span = that.settings.max - that.settings.min;
that.relSettings.pointerValue = (that.settings.pointerValue -
that.settings.min) / (span / 100);
// Draw the frame
requestAnimFrame(that.animate); // Lets have a new frame
// Private helper functions
function styleText( context, style ) {
context.font = style;
context.mozTextStyle = style; // FF3
function measureText(context, text) {
if (context.measureText) {
return context.measureText(text).width; //-->
} else if (context.mozMeasureText) { //FF < 3.5
return context.mozMeasureText(text); //-->
throw "measureText() not supported!";
function fillText(context, text, px, py) {
var width;
if (context.fillText) {
return context.fillText(text, px, py);
} else if (context.mozDrawText) { //FF < 3.5;
context.translate(px, py);
width = context.mozDrawText(text);
return width;
throw "fillText() not supported!";
this.drawBackground = function( ) {
var fill = that.colors.fill,
rad = [ this.radius, this.radius - 1, this.radius * 0.98, this.radius * 0.95 ],
this.c2d.rotate( this.startDeg );
for ( i = 0; i < fill.length; i++ ) {
this.c2d.fillStyle = fill[ i ];
this.c2d.arc( 0, 0, rad[ i ], 0, this.spanDeg, false );
this.drawRange = function( from, to, style ) {
if ( to > from ) {
var span = this.spanDeg * ( to - from ) / 100;
this.c2d.rotate( this.startDeg );
this.c2d.fillStyle = style;
this.c2d.rotate( this.spanDeg * from / 100 );
this.c2d.moveTo( this.innerRadius, 0 );
this.c2d.lineTo( this.outerRadius, 0 );
this.c2d.arc( 0, 0, this.outerRadius, 0, span, false );
this.c2d.rotate( span );
this.c2d.lineTo( this.innerRadius, 0 );
this.c2d.arc( 0, 0, this.innerRadius, 0, - span, true );
this.drawTicks = function( majorTicks, minorTicks ) {
var majorSpan,
i, j;
// major ticks
this.c2d.rotate( this.startDeg );
this.c2d.lineWidth = this.radius * 0.025;
majorSpan = this.spanDeg / ( majorTicks - 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < majorTicks; i++ ) {
this.c2d.moveTo( this.innerRadius,0 );
this.c2d.lineTo( this.outerRadius,0 );
// minor ticks
if ( i + 1 < majorTicks ) {;
this.c2d.lineWidth = this.radius * 0.01;
var minorSpan = majorSpan / ( minorTicks + 1 );
for ( j = 0; j < minorTicks; j++ ) {
this.c2d.rotate( minorSpan );
this.c2d.moveTo( this.innerRadius + ( this.outerRadius - this.innerRadius ) / 3, 0 );
this.c2d.lineTo( this.outerRadius, 0 );
this.c2d.rotate( majorSpan );
this.drawPointer = function( value ) {
function pointer( ctx ) {
ctx.c2d.moveTo( - ctx.radius * 0.2, 0 );
ctx.c2d.lineTo( 0, ctx.radius * 0.05 );
ctx.c2d.lineTo( ctx.radius * 0.8, 0 );
ctx.c2d.lineTo( 0, - ctx.radius * 0.05 );
ctx.c2d.lineTo( - ctx.radius * 0.2, 0 );
this.c2d.rotate( this.startDeg );
this.c2d.rotate( this.spanDeg * value / 100 );
this.c2d.lineWidth = this.radius * 0.015;
this.c2d.fillStyle = that.colors.pointerFill;
pointer( this );
this.c2d.strokeStyle = that.colors.pointerStroke;
pointer( this );
// center circle
this.c2d.fillStyle = that.colors.centerCircleFill;
this.c2d.arc( 0, 0, this.radius * 0.1, 0, Math.PI * 2, true );
this.c2d.strokeStyle = that.colors.centerCircleStroke;
this.c2d.arc( 0, 0, this.radius * 0.1, 0, Math.PI * 2, true );
this.drawCaption = function( label ) {
if ( label ) {
var fontSize = this.radius / 5;
styleText( this.c2d, fontSize.toFixed(0) + 'px sans-serif');
var metrics = measureText( this.c2d, label );
this.c2d.fillStyle = that.colors.text;
var px = - metrics/ 2;
var py = - this.radius * 0.4 + fontSize / 2;
fillText( this.c2d, label, px, py );
this.drawValues = function( min, max, value, decimals ) {
var deg, fontSize, metrics, valueText;
function formatNum( value, decimals ) {
var ret = value.toFixed( decimals );
while ( ( decimals > 0 ) && ret.match( /^\d+\.(\d+)?0$/ ) ) {
decimals -= 1;
ret = value.toFixed( decimals );
return ret;
// value text
valueText = formatNum( value, decimals ) + that.settings.unitsLabel;
fontSize = this.radius / 5;
styleText( this.c2d, fontSize.toFixed(0) + 'px sans-serif');
metrics = measureText( this.c2d, valueText );
if (value < min || value > max) { // Outside min/max ranges?
this.c2d.fillStyle = that.colors.warningText;
} else {
this.c2d.fillStyle = that.colors.text;
fillText( this.c2d, valueText, - metrics/ 2, this.radius * 0.72 );
// min label;
deg = Math.PI * 14.5/8;
this.c2d.translate( this.radius * 0.65 * Math.sin( deg ),
this.radius * 0.65 * Math.cos( deg ) );
fontSize = this.radius / 8;
styleText( this.c2d, fontSize.toFixed(0) + 'px sans-serif');
this.c2d.fillStyle = that.colors.text;
fillText( this.c2d, formatNum( min, decimals ), 0, 0 );
// max label;
deg = Math.PI * 17.5/8;
this.c2d.translate( this.radius * 0.65 * Math.sin( deg ),
this.radius * 0.65 * Math.cos( deg ) );
fontSize = this.radius / 8;
styleText( this.c2d, fontSize.toFixed(0) + 'px sans-serif');
metrics = measureText( this.c2d, formatNum( max, decimals ) );
this.c2d.fillStyle = that.colors.text;
fillText( this.c2d, formatNum( max, decimals ), - metrics, 0 );
return this;
Gauge.prototype.setValue = function( value ) {
// var that = this,
// pointerValue = (value > that.settings.max) ?
// that.settings.max : // Nomalize to max value
// (value < that.settings.min) ?
// that.settings.min : // Nomalize to min value
// value,
// increment = Math.abs( that.settings.pointerValue - pointerValue ) / 20;
// function adjustValue() {
// var span;
// if ( that.settings.pointerValue < pointerValue ) {
// that.settings.pointerValue += increment;
// if ( that.settings.pointerValue + increment >= pointerValue ) {
// that.settings.pointerValue = pointerValue;
// }
// } else {
// that.settings.pointerValue -= increment;
// if ( that.settings.pointerValue - increment <= pointerValue ) {
// that.settings.pointerValue = pointerValue;
// }
// }
// span = that.settings.max - that.settings.min;
// that.relSettings.pointerValue = (that.settings.pointerValue -
// that.settings.min) / (span / 100);
// that.draw();
// if (that.settings.pointerValue != pointerValue) {
// //setTimeout(adjustValue, 50); // Draw another frame
// window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame(adjustValue);
// }
// }
if ( !isNaN(value) && this.settings.value !== value ) {
this.settings.value = value;
// adjustValue();
Gauge.prototype.draw = function() {
var r, g, y;
if ( ! this.canvas.getContext ) {
return; //-->
var drawCtx = {
c2d: this.canvas.getContext( '2d' ),
startDeg: Math.PI * 5.5 / 8,
spanDeg: Math.PI * 13 / 8,
save: function() {;
restore: function() {
call: function( fn ) {
var args = arguments );;
fn.apply( this, args.slice( 1 ) );
clear: function() {
this.c2d.clearRect( 0, 0, this.width, this.height );
translateCenter: function() {
this.c2d.translate( this.centerX, this.centerY );
drawCtx.width = drawCtx.c2d.canvas.width;
drawCtx.height = drawCtx.c2d.canvas.height;
drawCtx.radius = Math.min( drawCtx.width / 2 - 4, drawCtx.height / 2 - 4 );
drawCtx.innerRadius = drawCtx.radius * 0.7;
drawCtx.outerRadius = drawCtx.radius * 0.9;
drawCtx.centerX = drawCtx.radius + 4;
drawCtx.centerY = drawCtx.radius + 4 + ( drawCtx.radius -
drawCtx.radius * Math.sin( drawCtx.startDeg ) ) / 2;
// draw everything
drawCtx.clear(); this.drawBackground );
for(var i = this.relSettings.bands.length; i--;) {
var band = this.relSettings.bands[i];, band.from,, band.color);
} this.drawTicks, this.relSettings.majorTicks, this.relSettings.minorTicks ); this.drawPointer, this.relSettings.pointerValue ); this.drawCaption, this.relSettings.label ); this.drawValues,
this.relSettings.decimals );
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