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Super Serial
"""Easily save as tfrecord files, and restore tfrecords as Datasets.
The goal of this module is to create a SIMPLE api to tfrecords that can be used without
learning all of the underlying mechanics.
Users only need to deal with 2 functions:
dataset = load(tfrecord, header)
To make this work, we create a .header file for each tfrecord which encodes metadata
needed to reconstruct the original dataset.
Saving must be done in eager mode, but loading is compatible with both eager and
graph execution modes.
- This module is only compatible with "dictionary-style" datasets {key: val, key2:val2,..., keyN: valN}.
- The restored dataset will have the TFRecord dtypes {float32, int64, string} instead of the original
tensor dtypes. This is always the case with TFRecord datasets, whether you use this module or not.
The original dtypes are stored in the headers if you want to restore them after loading."""
import functools
import os
import tempfile
import numpy as np
import yaml
import tensorflow as tf
# The three encoding functions.
def _bytes_feature(value):
"""value: list"""
return tf.train.Feature(bytes_list=tf.train.BytesList(value=value))
def _float_feature(value):
"""value: list"""
return tf.train.Feature(float_list=tf.train.FloatList(value=value))
def _int64_feature(value):
"""value: list"""
return tf.train.Feature(int64_list=tf.train.Int64List(value=value))
#TODO use base_type() to ensure consistent conversion.
def np_value_to_feature(value):
"""Maps dataset values to tf Features.
Only numpy types are supported since Datasets only contain tensors.
Each datatype should only have one way of being serialized."""
if isinstance(value, np.ndarray):
# feature = _bytes_feature(value.tostring())
if np.issubdtype(value.dtype, np.integer):
feature = _int64_feature(value.flatten())
elif np.issubdtype(value.dtype, np.float):
feature = _float_feature(value.flatten())
elif np.issubdtype(value.dtype, np.bool):
feature = _int64_feature(value.flatten())
raise TypeError(f"value dtype: {value.dtype} is not recognized.")
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
feature = _bytes_feature([value])
elif np.issubdtype(type(value), np.integer):
feature = _int64_feature([value])
elif np.issubdtype(type(value), np.float):
feature = _float_feature([value])
raise TypeError(f"value type: {type(value)} is not recognized. value must be a valid Numpy object.")
return feature
def base_type(dtype):
"""Returns the TFRecords allowed type corresponding to dtype."""
int_types = [tf.int8, tf.int16, tf.int32, tf.int64,
tf.uint8, tf.uint16, tf.uint32, tf.uint64,
tf.qint8, tf.qint16, tf.qint32,
float_types = [tf.float16, tf.float32, tf.float64]
byte_types = [tf.string, bytes]
if dtype in int_types:
new_dtype = tf.int64
elif dtype in float_types:
new_dtype = tf.float32
elif dtype in byte_types:
new_dtype = tf.string
raise ValueError(f"dtype {dtype} is not a recognized/supported type!")
return new_dtype
def build_header(dataset):
"""Build header dictionary of metadata for the tensors in the dataset. This will be used when loading
the tfrecords file to reconstruct the original tensors from the raw data. Shape is stored as an array
and dtype is stored as an enumerated value (defined by tensorflow)."""
header = {}
for key in dataset.element_spec.keys():
header[key] = {"shape": list(dataset.element_spec[key].shape), "dtype": dataset.element_spec[key].dtype.as_datatype_enum}
return header
def build_feature_desc(header):
"""Build feature_desc dictionary for the tensors in the dataset. This will be used to reconstruct Examples
from the tfrecords file.
Assumes FixedLenFeatures.
If you got VarLenFeatures I feel bad for you son,
I got 115 problems but a VarLenFeature ain't one."""
feature_desc = {}
for key, params in header.items():
feature_desc[key] =["shape"], dtype=base_type(int(params["dtype"])))
return feature_desc
def dataset_to_examples(ds):
"""Converts a dataset to a dataset of tf.train.Example strings. Each Example is a single observation.
WARNING: Only compatible with "dictionary-style" datasets {key: val, key2:val2,..., keyN, valN}.
WARNING: Must run in eager mode!"""
# TODO handle tuples and flat datasets as well.
for x in ds:
# Each individual tensor is converted to a known serializable type.
features = {key: np_value_to_feature(value.numpy()) for key, value in x.items()}
# All features are then packaged into a single Example object.
example = tf.train.Example(features=tf.train.Features(feature=features))
yield example.SerializeToString()
def save(dataset, tfrecord_path, header_path):
"""Saves a flat dataset as a tfrecord file, and builds a header file for reloading as dataset."""
# Header
header = build_header(dataset)
header_file = open(header_path, "w")
yaml.dump(header, stream=header_file)
# Dataset
ds_examples = dataset_to_examples(dataset), output_types=tf.string)
writer =
# TODO-DECIDE is this yaml loader safe?
def load(tfrecord_path, header_path):
"""Uses header file to predict the shape and dtypes of tensors for"""
header_file = open(header_path)
header = yaml.load(header_file, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
feature_desc = build_feature_desc(header)
parse_func = functools.partial(, features=feature_desc)
dataset =
return dataset
def test():
"""Test super serial saving and loading.
NOTE- test will only work in eager mode due to list() dataset cast."""
savefolder = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
savepath = os.path.join(, "temp_dataset")
tfrecord_path = savepath + ".tfrecord"
header_path = savepath + ".header"
# Data
x = np.linspace(1, 3000, num=3000).reshape(10, 10, 10, 3)
y = np.linspace(1, 10, num=10).astype(int)
ds ={"image": x, "label": y})
# Run
save(ds, tfrecord_path=tfrecord_path, header_path=header_path)
new_ds = load(tfrecord_path=tfrecord_path, header_path=header_path)
# Test that values were saved and restored
assert list(ds)[0]["image"].numpy()[0, 0, 0] == list(new_ds)[0]["image"].numpy()[0, 0, 0]
assert list(ds)[0]["label"] != list(new_ds)[0]["label"]
# Clean up- folder will disappear on crash as well.
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Test passed.")
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faroit commented Feb 18, 2020

  • As I understand save requires to load all examples into memory. Is there a way to iterate over the dataset and each example as a single tfrecord?
  • Could this be extended to that we save batched examples?

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markemus commented Feb 18, 2020

As I understand save requires to load all examples into memory. Is there a way to iterate over the dataset and each example as a single tfrecord?

Currently that's true, but I don't think it has to be that way. dataset_to_examples() can probably be converted to a generator and that should be enough.

Could this be extended to that we save batched examples?

The way I use it is to call super_serial.load().batch(32). I am not sure whether TFRecords support a batch dimension, but they probably do- if they do, this can be extended to support it.

BTW this is for TF1.x- if you are using TF2.0 you have to make a few minor changes to some of the import paths, and in build_header() to use element_spec instead of output_shape. I'll push the changes when I get a chance but you can also debug them yourself pretty easily.

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faroit commented Feb 18, 2020

@markemus thanks for your reply. Will look into this.

Also interesting: tensorflow/community#193 which is probably address all the hassles

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Ah very cool! I didn't know that was coming, that's excellent news. Frankly I was pretty annoyed that I had to write this at all.

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@faroit update for tf2.0 is pushed now.

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faroit commented Feb 26, 2020

@markemus 👌

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Super_serial 2.0. Headers are not backwards compatible (but easily convertible).


  • serialization now uses a generator instead of precompiling the full dataset, so memory usage is now very minimal.
  • headers are now human readable and do not serialize Python objects.
  • added a test.

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