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Forked from ismasan/gist:70430
Created July 2, 2009 13:51
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# Put this in an initializer (config/initializers/common_scopes.rb) or library file.
module CommonScopes
module ClassMethods
# Sort given fields ASC or DESC
# Example:
# class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
# extend CommonAr::ClassMethods
# sortable_with :title => 'The title', :created_at => 'Created on'
# end
# Now you can sort with:
# 'title_asc'
# 'title_desc'
# 'created_at_asc'
# 'created_at_desc'
# @posts = Post.sort_with(params[:sort]).paginate(:page => params[:page])
# Post.sortable_fields gives you param and human names you can use in your GUI
# Post.sortable_fields #=> {:title_asc => 'The title', :created_at => 'Created on'}
def sortable_with(fields = {})
sorts = fields.inject({}) do |h,f|
h[:"#{f.first}_asc"] = "#{f.last} a-z"
h[:"#{f.first}_desc"] = "#{f.last} z-a"
class_inheritable_reader :sortable_fields
named_scope :sort_with, lambda { |*args|
return {} if args.compact.blank?
k = args.first.to_sym
return {} if !sortable_fields.has_key?(k)
{:order => k.to_s.sub('_desc',' desc').sub('_asc',' asc')} # who has time to learn proper RegEx
# Search given fields with SQL LIKE
# Example:
# class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
# extend CommonAr::ClassMethods
# likeable_with :title, :body
# end
# Now your LIKE queries will look in title and body
# You can combine scopes.
# @posts = Post.sort_with(params[:sort]).like(params[:q]).paginate(:page => params[:page])
def likeable_with(*fields)
# TODO: validate that schema has these fields
named_scope :like, lambda {|q|
return {} if q.blank? || !q.respond_to?(:to_s)
t = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.quote("%#{q}%")
conditions = fields.collect{|f| "#{f} LIKE #{t}" }.join(' OR ')
{:conditions => conditions}
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