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Last active July 22, 2024 15:22
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Setup a new computer



This project contains an Ansible collection for Ubuntu that is used to configure a user environment and to install dotfiles.

  • ansible
  • bash with bash-it
  • asdf
  • git
  • fzf
  • nvim with NVChad
  • node/npm
  • python3 (libraries)
  • ruby
  • tmux
  • wsl configuration (for WSL2 environments)
  • wsl vpn-kit (for WSL2 environments)
  • zsh with zim
  • zoxide
  • fonts from NerdFonts

Note: I am assuming the commands below will be all executed as the root user and the ansible remote_user will also be root.


See Setup a new computer for the files referenced below.

  1. Create an Ansible vault file as ~/.vault and edit the file to add the password:
  1. Set permissions on vault file
chmod 600 ~.vault
  1. Create an inventory file as ~/inventory.yml with the following contents:
# Edit the below as required
      ansible_connection: local
      ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ ansible_playbook_python }}"
      github_username: GITHUB_USERNAME # username may be different in github
      user_name: USER_NAME
      user_homedir: "/home/USER_NAME" # this is the default if unset
      user_comment: "USER_FULL_NAME"
      user_uid: 1000 # This id should exist on default Ubuntu installations but verify before using
      user_group_id: 1000 # This gid should exist on default Ubuntu installations but verify before using
      user_group: USER_GROUP
      user_groups: sudo # This ensures that the user can sudo
      user_shell: USER_SHELL # i.e /usr/bin/bash or /usr/bin/zsh
      user_font_list: ['Meslo'] # Optional list of fonts to install from NerdFonts or ['all'] to install them all      
      user_ssh_keys: # each key here will be installed into `/home/USER_NAME/.ssh/<basename>`
        - /tmp/id_rsa # be sure to delete this when it is no longer needed
      stow_dotfiles_repo: ''
      dns_servers: [''] # dns servers should be added here, used by wsl role
  1. Create ~/ansible.cfg with the following contents:
ansible_managed = This file is managed by Ansible, all changes will be lost
inventory = ~/inventory.yml
log_path = ~/ansible.log
remote_user = root
nocows = True
retry_files_enabled = False
timeout = 60

pipelining = True
scp_if_ssh = True
  1. Create ~/ with the following contents:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
apt-get update &>/dev/null
apt-get install -y python3-venv whois
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages /tmp/venv
chmod -R u+rwX,g+rX,o+rX /tmp/venv
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install ansible
if [[ -f "$VAULT_FILE" ]]; then
    exit 0
SALT="$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 12; echo)"
cat <<EOF > "$VAULT_FILE"
user_password_salt: "$SALT"
user_password: $(mkpasswd --method=sha-512 -S "$SALT")
  1. Run
chmod +x
  1. Encrypt ~/vault.yml with Ansible vault:
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate
ansible-vault encrypt ~/vault.yml
  1. Install the collection:
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate
ansible-galaxy collection install git+
  1. Run the playbook
ansible-playbook -l localhost \
  ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/net/markfaine/playbooks/playbook.yml \
  -e @~/vault.yml
  1. Logout and login as the non-root user

Pre-requisites for WSL vpn-kit installations

The steps below for WSL vpn-kit are not managed by the role and must be performed prior to running the wsl role.

Setup a distro

Download the prebuilt file wsl-vpnkit.tar.gz from the latest release to $env:USERPROFILE\wsl-vpnkit wsl-vpnkit.tar.gz and import the distro into WSL 2.

# Powershell

wsl --import wsl-vpnkit --version 2 $env:USERPROFILE\wsl-vpnkit wsl-vpnkit.tar.gz

Run the wsl role

ansible-playbook -l localhost \
  ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/net/markfaine/playbooks/playbook.yml \
  -e @~/vault.yml -e wsl

Shutdown WSL

# Get the default distro
wsl --list
# The verstion will be the item marked with (Default)
# for example: Ubuntu-24.04 (Default)
# Now run
C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe --shutdown "THE_DEFAULT_DISTRO"
# For example:
C:\Windows\System32\wsl.exe --shutdown Ubuntu-24.04

Restart WSL and wsl-vpnkit should be installed.

ansible_managed = This file is managed by Ansible, all changes will be lost
inventory = ~/inventory.yml
log_path = ~/ansible.log
remote_user = root
nocows = True
retry_files_enabled = False
timeout = 60
pipelining = True
scp_if_ssh = True
#!/usr/bin/env bash
apt-get update &>/dev/null
apt-get install -y python3-venv whois
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages /tmp/venv
chmod -R u+rwX,g+rX,o+rX /tmp/venv
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install ansible
if [[ -f "$VAULT_FILE" ]]; then
exit 0
SALT="$(tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 </dev/urandom | head -c 12; echo)"
cat <<EOF > "$VAULT_FILE"
user_password_salt: "$SALT"
user_password: $(mkpasswd --method=sha-512 -S "$SALT")
6. Encrypt `~/vault.yml` with Ansible vault:
. /tmp/venv/bin/activate
ansible-vault encrypt default ~/vault.yml
# Edit the below as required
ansible_connection: local
ansible_python_interpreter: "{{ ansible_playbook_python }}"
github_username: GITHUB_USERNAME # username may be different in github
user_name: USER_NAME
user_homedir: "/home/USER_NAME" # this is the default if unset
user_comment: "USER_FULL_NAME"
user_uid: 1000 # This id should exist on default Ubuntu installations but verify before using
user_group_id: 1000 # This gid should exist on default Ubuntu installations but verify before using
user_group: USER_GROUP
user_groups: sudo # This ensures that the user can sudo
user_shell: USER_SHELL # i.e /usr/bin/bash or /usr/bin/zsh
user_font_list: ['Meslo'] # Optional list of fonts to install from NerdFonts or ['all'] to install them all
user_ssh_keys: # each key here will be installed into `/home/USER_NAME/.ssh/<basename>`
- /tmp/id_rsa # be sure to delete this when it is no longer needed
stow_dotfiles_repo: ''
dns_servers: [''] # dns servers should be added here, used by wsl role
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markfaine commented May 25, 2024


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