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Last active December 21, 2022 16:18
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Remediate inline blocks referenced by multiple node layouts (entity_clone)
namespace Drupal\mymodule;
use Drupal\layout_builder\Section;
* Resave inline blocks associated with cloned nodes.
class Defuser {
* Main callback.
public static function defuse() {
// Get extant site data for nodes & blocks.
$layout_revisions = self::getAllLayoutRevisions();
$block_map = self::getExistingBlocks();
$inline_block_usage = self::getInlineBlockUsage();
// Prepare a map for reference as we traverse layout revisions.
$defused = [];
// Prepare to store a map of blocks, keyed by node id, then original
// block id, e.g.:
// '<node_id> => [
// 'cloned_from_node' => 35,
// 'revisions_with_missing_blocks' => [75, 76],
// '<old_bid>' => [
// 'new_bid' => 10,
// 'rids' => [
// '<old_rid>' => 11,
// '<old_rid>' => 12,
// ],
// ],
// ];
foreach ($layout_revisions as $current_node) {
// Start by assuming this layout revision doesn't need any changes.
$do_save = FALSE;
$section = unserialize($current_node->layout_builder__layout_section);
$components = $section->getComponents();
$section_array = $section->toArray();
$new_section_array = $section_array;
// Check each component in the current section.
foreach ($components as &$component) {
$component_array = $component->toArray();
if (empty($component_array['configuration']['provider']) || $component_array['configuration']['provider'] !== 'layout_builder') {
// Skip anything other than blocks.
$plugin = $component->getPlugin();
$deriver_id = $plugin->getPluginDefinition()['id'];
// Only process inline blocks (i.e., filter out reusable block_content).
if ($deriver_id !== 'inline_block') {
$uuid = $component_array['uuid'];
// This is the block revision ID originally used by the clone, e.g. "3".
$old_rid = $component_array['configuration']['block_revision_id'];
// Get original block ID to create a duplicate.
$old_bid = $block_map[$old_rid] ?? 0;
$originating_node_id = $inline_block_usage[$old_bid];
// Check if this inline block is referenced by another entity.
if (isset($inline_block_usage[$old_bid]) && $current_node->entity_id === $originating_node_id) {
// This inline block was created on the entity itself. Move on.
// Check if the block still exists and can be cloned.
if ($old_bid === 0) {
// This block has been deleted and we can't recover it.
$defused[$current_node->entity_id]['revisions_with_missing_blocks'][] = 'Revision ' . $current_node->revision_id;
// This inline block was created from a different entity and it is
// still recoverable. Create a duplicate inline block revision and add
// to our map.
$defused = self::duplicateBlockRevision($old_rid, $old_bid, $defused, $current_node->entity_id, $originating_node_id);
// Update the node component reference to the block revision id.
if (isset($defused[$current_node->entity_id][$old_bid]['rids'][$old_rid])) {
$component_array['configuration']['block_revision_id'] = $defused[$current_node->entity_id][$old_bid]['rids'][$old_rid];
$new_section_array['components'][$uuid] = $component_array;
$do_save = TRUE;
// Only overwrite the layout if we found something to change.
if ($do_save) {
$new_section = Section::fromArray($new_section_array);
// Write the change in the layout storage to the database.
self::saveNewSection($current_node->entity_id, $current_node->revision_id, $current_node->delta, $new_section);
// Empty the cache.entity and tables so nodes don't display
// the old block.
return $defused;
* Write a new layout section to the database.
* @param int $entity_id
* The entity id of the layout section to be saved.
* @param int $revision_id
* The entity id of the layout section to be saved.
* @param int $delta
* The entity id of the layout section to be saved.
* @param object $section
* The Section object of the current layout.
protected static function saveNewSection($entity_id, $revision_id, $delta, $section) {
$connection = \Drupal::database();
// Update the current revision.
'layout_builder__layout_section' => serialize($section),
->condition('entity_id', $entity_id, '=')
->condition('revision_id', $revision_id, '=')
->condition('delta', $delta, '=')
// Update all revisions.
'layout_builder__layout_section' => serialize($section),
->condition('entity_id', $entity_id, '=')
->condition('revision_id', $revision_id, '=')
->condition('delta', $delta, '=')
// Clear tempstore values to prevent outdated references.
->condition('collection', 'tempstore.shared.layout_builder.section_storage.overrides')
->condition('name', '%' . $connection->escapeLike('node.' . $entity_id) . '%', 'LIKE')
* Move a shared inline block revision to a self-contained block.
* @param int $old_rid
* The originating block revision ID.
* @param int $old_bid
* The originating block ID.
* @param array $defused
* The migration map of defused blocks.
* @param int $referencing_entity_id
* The node ID this block is referenced on.
* @param int $originating_node_id
* The node ID that this block was cloned from.
* @return array
* The updated $defused map.
public static function duplicateBlockRevision($old_rid, $old_bid, array $defused, $referencing_entity_id, $originating_node_id) {
$block_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('block_content');
$node_storage = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('node');
$referencing_entity = $node_storage->load($referencing_entity_id);
$old_entity_revision = $block_storage->loadRevision($old_rid);
// Check if we already have a new block for the clone.
if (isset($defused[$referencing_entity_id][$old_bid])) {
// We already created a new block for this. Load that to get the base
// properties.
$already_registered = TRUE;
$new_entity = $block_storage->load($defused[$referencing_entity_id][$old_bid]['new_bid']);
else {
$already_registered = FALSE;
$new_entity = $old_entity_revision->createDuplicate();
foreach ($new_entity->getFieldDefinitions() as $field_id => $field_definition) {
$field = $old_entity_revision->get($field_id);
$field_revision_value = $field->getValue();
if (!in_array($field_id, ['id', 'uuid', 'revision_id', 'changed'])) {
$new_entity->set($field_id, $field_revision_value);
$new_bid = $new_entity->id();
$new_rid = $new_entity->getRevisionId();
if (!$already_registered) {
// Register this new block in Inline Block Usage.
/** @var \Drupal\layout_builder\InlineBlockUsageInterface $inline_block_usage */
$inline_block_usage = \Drupal::service('inline_block.usage');
$inline_block_usage->addUsage($new_bid, $referencing_entity);
// Add to the map so that the next revision can be added to the new block.
if (!isset($defused[$referencing_entity_id][$old_bid])) {
$defused[$referencing_entity_id][$old_bid] = [
'new_bid' => $new_bid,
'rids' => [],
$defused[$referencing_entity_id]['cloned_from_node'] = $originating_node_id;
$defused[$referencing_entity_id][$old_bid]['rids'][$old_rid] = $new_rid;
return $defused;
* Get current inline block usage.
* @return array
* A list of all inline block usage by BID.
public static function getInlineBlockUsage() {
$map = [];
$connection = \Drupal::database();
$query = $connection->select('inline_block_usage', 'b');
$query->fields('b', ['block_content_id', 'layout_entity_id']);
$result = $query->execute();
$usage = $result->fetchAll();
foreach ($usage as $b) {
$map[$b->block_content_id] = $b->layout_entity_id;
return $map;
* Get a map of extant blocks.
* @return array
* A list of all blocks, keyed by revision ID.
public static function getExistingBlocks() {
$map = [];
$connection = \Drupal::database();
$query = $connection->select('block_content_field_revision', 'b');
$query->fields('b', ['id', 'revision_id']);
$result = $query->execute();
$block_revisions = $result->fetchAll();
foreach ($block_revisions as $b) {
$map[$b->revision_id] = $b->id;
return $map;
* Get all Layout Builder layout revisions.
* @return array
* A list of all layout revisions.
public static function getAllLayoutRevisions() {
$connection = \Drupal::database();
$query = $connection->select('node_revision__layout_builder__layout', 'n');
$query->fields('n', [
$result = $query->execute();
$layouts = $result->fetchAll();
return $layouts;
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