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Created September 30, 2015 20:02
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SQL cheat sheet
Statements always end with a semi-colon ;
Statement breakdown:
CREATE TABLE table_name (
column_1 data_type,
column_1 data_type
CREATE TABLE is a clause
Clauses are conventionally written in capitals.
Clauses perform specific tasks within the database
refers to the table that the statement applies to
the context in which the clause will be executed
( column_1 data_type )
these are the parameters of the statement
a list of columns, data types or values that are passed to the statement as parameters
Here the parameter is a list of column names and the associated data type
When writing statements they can be across multiple lines or on a single line. How the statement is formatted is chosen primarily for readability.
CREATE TABLE - create a new table CREATE TABLE table_name (column datatype, column datatype)
INSERT INTO - Insert a row into a new table INSERT INTO table_name (column,s)
VALUES - indicates data to be inserted VALUES (value,s)
SELECT - retrieve values from the database. This statement always returns a new table called the 'result set' SELECT column1, column2
FROM - specify where data should be coming from FROM table_name
UPDATE - change existing records in a particular table UPDATE table_name
SET - indicates the column to edit SET column_name = value
WHERE - filter results of a query WHERE condition (id = | IS 1)
ALTER TABLE - edit an existing table ALTER TABLE table_name
ADD COLUMN - add a column to a table ADD COLUMN column_name data_type
DELETE FROM - delete row from a table DELETE FROM table_name
DISTINCT - return unique values within the result_set SELECT DISTINCT
ORDER BY - Sort the results of a query
LIMIT - Specify the max. number of rows in the result set
GROUP BY - arrange identical data into groups
LIKE - compare similar values
BETWEEN - filter the results set within a range (numbers, text and dates)
AND - combine conditions
_ : wildcard characters exactly one missing letter
% : wildcard 0 or more missing letters
DESC: Apply descending order by clause
ASC: Apply ascending order by clause
AS: Rename a column or table using an Alias for the result set
COUNT() - calculate the number of rows in a table COUNT(*)
MAX() - Find largest value in a column
MIN() - Find the smallest value in a column
AVG() - Find the average for values in a column
ROUND(column_name, dec_places) - Round values in a column to the number of decimal places
Data types:
PRIMARY KEY - Only one column in a table can have this, ensures that the data in a column is unique, ensures none of the values in a column are NULL
PRIMARY KEY is a unique identifier for rows within a particular table
FOREIGN KEY is a unique identifier for a different table which is used to associate two tables. foreign keys do not need to be unique and can be NULL
Cross Join: Specify multiple tables separated by a comma. Columns must be specified using dot notation between the table name and the column name
SELECT, FROM table1, table2
Inner Join: Combine rows from different tables if the join condition is true
SELECT, category,
JOIN table2 ON
table1.foreign_key =
Outer join: These joins do not require the join condition to be met
Left Join: Every row in the left table is returned in the result set filling the columns in the right table with NULL values when the condition is not met
Left table: The first table in the join
Right table: The second table in the join
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