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Last active June 21, 2023 17:26
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jspanel4 TypeScript declarations
declare module 'jspanel4' {
// Types.
export type IJSPanelAutoPosition = 'down' | 'left' | 'up' | 'right';
export type JSPanelContent<T = string | HTMLElement> = T;
export type IJSPanelContentArray<
TContent = string | HTMLElement,
> = IJSPanelDynamicContent<TContent>[] | JSPanelContent<TContent>;
export type JSPanelControlStatus = 'disable' | 'enable' | 'hide' | 'remove' | 'show';
export type IJSPanelDimension = number | string | IJSPanelCallback<number | string>;
export type IJSPanelDynamicContent<
TReturn = string,
TContent = string | HTMLElement,
> = JSPanelContent<TContent> | IJSPanelCallback<TReturn>;
export type JSPanelPosition = 'center' | 'center-bottom' | 'center-top' | 'left-bottom' | 'left-center' | 'left-top' | 'right-bottom' | 'right-center' | 'right-top';
export type JSPanelStatus = 'closed' | 'maximized' | 'minimized' | 'normalized' | 'smallified' | 'smallifiedmax';
export type JSPanelType = 'contextmenu' | 'error' | 'hint' | 'modal' | 'standard' | 'tooltip';
// Interfaces.
export interface IJSPanelInstance extends HTMLDivElement {
// Properties.
autocloseProgressbar?: HTMLDivElement;
content: HTMLDivElement;
controlbar?: HTMLDivElement;
droppableTo?: HTMLDivElement;
footer?: HTMLDivElement;
header?: HTMLDivElement;
headerbar?: HTMLDivElement;
headerlogo?: HTMLDivElement;
headertitle?: HTMLSpanElement;
headertoolbar?: HTMLDivElement;
options: IJSPanelOptions;
snappableTo: JSPanelPosition;
snapped: JSPanelPosition;
status: JSPanelStatus;
titlebar?: HTMLDivElement;
// Methods.
addControl(config: IJSPanelControl): this;
addToolbar(location: 'header' | 'footer', toolbar: IJSPanelContentArray, callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
close(callback?: (this: string | IJSPanelInstance, id: string, panel?: IJSPanelInstance) => void): string | false;
closeChildpanels(callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
contentRemove(callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
dragit(action: 'enable' | 'disable'): this;
front(callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
getChildpanels<TList = HTMLElement[]>(callback?: IJSPanelChildPanelsCallback): TList;
isChildpanel(callback?: IJSPanelChildPanelCallback): IJSPanelInstance | false;
maximize(callback?: IJSPanelStatusCallback<void>): this;
minimize(callback?: IJSPanelStatusCallback<void>): this;
normalize(callback?: IJSPanelStatusCallback<void>): this;
overlaps(reference: 'window' | 'parent' | string, elmtBox: 'paddingbox' | string, event: PointerEvent): IJSPanelOverlaps;
reposition(position: string | IJSPanelPositionOptions, updateCache?: boolean, callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
resize(size: string | IJSPanelSize, updateCache?: boolean, callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
resizeit(action: 'enable' | 'disable'): this;
setBorder(border?: string): this;
setBorderRadius(radius: number | string): this;
setControlStatus(control: string, action: JSPanelControlStatus, callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
setHeaderLogo(logo: string | HTMLElement, callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
setHeaderTitle(title: IJSPanelDynamicContent, callback?: IJSPanelCallback): this;
setTheme(theme: string | IJSPanelThemeOptions): this;
smallify(callback?: IJSPanelStatusCallback): this;
unsmallify(callback?: IJSPanelStatusCallback): this;
export interface IJSPanelPosition {
left: number | string;
top: number | string;
export interface IJSPanelSize {
height: IJSPanelDimension;
width: IJSPanelDimension
export interface IJSPanelData {
height: number;
left: number;
top: number;
width: number;
// Callbacks.
export type IJSPanelAfterInsertCallback = (this: IJSPanelControl, control: IJSPanelControl) => void;
export type IJSPanelCallback<TReturn = void> = (this: IJSPanelInstance, panel: IJSPanelInstance) => TReturn;
export type IJSPanelChildPanelCallback = (this: IJSPanelInstance, panel: IJSPanelInstance, parentpanel: IJSPanelInstance | null) => void;
export type IJSPanelChildPanelsCallback<TList = HTMLElement[]> = (this: IJSPanelInstance, panel: IJSPanelInstance, index: number, list: TList) => void;
export type IJSPanelControlHandler = (this: IJSPanelInstance, panel: IJSPanelInstance, control: IJSPanelControl) => void;
export type IJSPanelDragCallback = (this: IJSPanelInstance, panel: IJSPanelInstance, paneldata: IJSPanelData, event: PointerEvent) => void;
export type IJSPanelDropCallback = (this: IJSPanelInstance, panel: IJSPanelInstance, target: HTMLElement, source: HTMLElement) => void;
export type IJSPanelFetchCallback = (this: Response, response: Response, panel: IJSPanelInstance) => void;
export type IJSPanelFunction<TReturn = any> = (...args: any[]) => TReturn;
export type IJSPanelOnBeforeCloseCallback = (this: IJSPanelControl, panel: IJSPanelInstance, status: JSPanelStatus, closedByUser: boolean) => boolean;
export type IJSPanelOnClosedCallback = (this: IJSPanelControl, panel: IJSPanelInstance, closedByUser: boolean) => boolean;
export type IJSPanelParentCallback = (this: IJSPanelInstance, parent: IJSPanelInstance, size: IJSPanelSize) => void;
export type IJSPanelPositionCallback<TReturn = number | string> = (this: IJSPanelPosition, pos: IJSPanelPosition, position: IJSPanelPositionOptions) => TReturn;
export type IJSPanelResizeCallback = (this: IJSPanelInstance, panel: IJSPanelInstance, paneldata: IJSPanelData, event: PointerEvent) => void;
export type IJSPanelStatusCallback<TReturn = boolean> = (this: IJSPanelControl, panel: IJSPanelInstance, status: JSPanelStatus) => TReturn;
export type IJSPanelWindowCallback = (this: IJSPanelInstance, event: UIEvent, panel: IJSPanelInstance) => void;
export type IJSPanelXhrCallback = (this: XMLHttpRequest, xhr: XMLHttpRequest, panel: IJSPanelInstance) => void;
// Option Interfaces.
export interface IJSPanelAutoCloseOptions {
background?: string;
progressbar?: boolean;
time?: string | number;
export interface IJSPanelAjaxOptions {
always?: IJSPanelXhrCallback;
async?: boolean;
autoreposition?: boolean;
autoresize?: boolean;
beforeSend?: IJSPanelXhrCallback;
data?: any;
done?: IJSPanelXhrCallback;
fail?: IJSPanelXhrCallback;
method?: string;
pwd?: string | null;
responseType?: XMLHttpRequestResponseType;
timeout?: number;
url: string;
user?: string | null;
withCredentials?: boolean;
export interface IJSPanelControl {
html: string;
name?: string;
handler?: IJSPanelControlHandler;
position?: number;
afterInsert?: IJSPanelAfterInsertCallback;
export interface IJSPanelControlOptions {
add?: IJSPanelControl | IJSPanelControl[];
close?: JSPanelControlStatus;
maximize?: JSPanelControlStatus;
normalize?: JSPanelControlStatus;
minimize?: JSPanelControlStatus;
smallify?: JSPanelControlStatus;
size?: 'xs' | 'sm' | 'md' | 'lg' | 'xl';
export interface IJSPanelDragOptions {
axis?: string;
containment?: number | [number, number?, number?, number?];
cursor?: string; // @todo make this a tuple?
disable?: boolean;
disableOnMaximized?: boolean;
drop?: IJSPanelDropOptions;
grid?: number | [number, number];
handles?: string;
opacity?: number;
start?: IJSPanelDragCallback | IJSPanelDragCallback[];
drag?: IJSPanelDragCallback | IJSPanelDragCallback[];
stop?: IJSPanelDragCallback | IJSPanelDragCallback[];
snap?: boolean | IJSPanelSnapOptions;
export interface IJSPanelDropOptions {
callback?: IJSPanelDropCallback;
dropZones: (string | HTMLElement)[];
export interface IJSPanelFetchOptions {
autoreposition?: boolean;
autoresize?: boolean;
beforeSend?: IJSPanelFetchCallback;
bodyMethod?: string;
done?: IJSPanelFetchCallback;
fetchInit?: RequestInit;
resource: RequestInfo | URL;
export interface IJSPanelSnapOptions {
active?: 'both' | 'inside';
callback?: IJSPanelCallback;
containment?: boolean;
repositionOnSnap?: boolean;
resizeToPreSnap?: boolean;
sensitivity?: number;
snapCenterBottom?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback;
snapCenterTop?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback;
snapLeftBottom?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback;
snapLeftCenter?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback;
snapLeftTop?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback;
snapRightBottom?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback;
snapRightCenter?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback;
snapRightTop?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback;
trigger?: 'panel' | 'pointer';
export interface IJSPanelOverlaps {
bottom: number;
left: number;
overlaps: boolean;
panelRect: DOMRect;
parentBorderWidth: DOMRect;
pointer: {
bottom: number;
clientX: number;
clientY: number;
left: number;
right: number;
top: number;
referenceRect: DOMRect;
right: number;
top: number;
export interface IJSPanelPositionOptions {
my?: JSPanelPosition | IJSPanelCallback<JSPanelPosition>;
at?: JSPanelPosition | IJSPanelCallback<JSPanelPosition>;
of?: string | HTMLElement | IJSPanelCallback<string | HTMLElement>;
autoposition?: IJSPanelAutoPosition;
offsetX?: number | string | IJSPanelPositionCallback;
offsetY?: number | string | IJSPanelPositionCallback;
minLeft?: number | string | IJSPanelPositionCallback;
maxLeft?: number | string | IJSPanelPositionCallback;
maxTop?: number | string | IJSPanelPositionCallback;
minTop?: number | string | IJSPanelPositionCallback;
modify?: number | string | IJSPanelPositionCallback<IJSPanelPosition>;
export interface IJSPanelResizeOptions {
aspectRatio?: 'panel' | 'content';
containment?: number | [number, number?, number?, number?];
disable?: boolean;
grid?: [number, number?];
handles?: string;
minWidth?: number;
minHeight?: number;
maxWidth?: number;
maxHeight?: number;
start?: IJSPanelResizeCallback;
resize?: IJSPanelResizeCallback;
stop?: IJSPanelResizeCallback;
export interface IJSPanelThemeOptions {
bgContent?: string;
bgFooter?: string;
bgPanel?: string;
border?: string;
borderRadius?: string;
colorContent?: string;
colorFooter?: string;
colorHeader?: string;
export interface IJSPanelOptions {
addCloseControl?: 1;
animateIn?: string;
animateOut?: string;
autoclose?: boolean | number | IJSPanelAutoCloseOptions;
border?: string;
borderRadius?: string | number;
boxShadow?: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5;
callback?: IJSPanelCallback | IJSPanelCallback[];
closeOnEscape?: boolean | IJSPanelCallback<boolean>;
config?: IJSPanelOptions;
container?: string | HTMLElement;
content?: string | HTMLElement | IJSPanelCallback;
contentAjax?: string | IJSPanelAjaxOptions;
contentFetch?: string | IJSPanelFetchOptions;
contentOverflow?: string;
contentSize?: string | IJSPanelSize;
css?: Record<string, string>; // @todo make this a tuple?
data?: any;
dragit?: IJSPanelDragOptions;
footerToolbar?: string | HTMLElement | (string | HTMLElement)[] | IJSPanelCallback<string | HTMLElement>;
header?: boolean | 'auto-show-hide';
headerControls?: string | IJSPanelControlOptions;
headerLogo?: string;
headerTitle?: string | HTMLElement | IJSPanelFunction<string>;
headerToolbar?: string | HTMLElement | (string | HTMLElement)[] | IJSPanelCallback<string | HTMLElement>;
iconfont?: string | string[];
id?: string | IJSPanelFunction<string>;
maximizedMargin?: number | [number, number?, number?, number?];
minimizeTo?: 'default' | 'parent' | 'parentpanel' | string | boolean;
onbeforeclose?: IJSPanelOnBeforeCloseCallback | IJSPanelOnBeforeCloseCallback[];
onbeforemaximize?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onbeforeminimize?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onbeforenormalize?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onbeforesmallify?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onbeforeunsmallify?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onclosed?: IJSPanelOnClosedCallback | IJSPanelOnClosedCallback[];
onfronted?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onmaximized?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onminimized?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onnormalized?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onsmallified?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onstatuschange?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onunsmallified?: IJSPanelStatusCallback | IJSPanelStatusCallback[];
onparentresize?: boolean | IJSPanelParentCallback | {
callback: IJSPanelParentCallback;
preset?: boolean;
onwindowresize?: boolean | IJSPanelWindowCallback | {
callback: IJSPanelWindowCallback;
preset?: boolean;
opacity?: number;
panelSize?: string | IJSPanelSize;
paneltype?: JSPanelType;
position?: boolean | string | IJSPanelPositionOptions;
resizeit?: IJSPanelResizeOptions | false;
rtl?: boolean;
setStatus?: JSPanelStatus;
syncMargins?: boolean;
template?: HTMLElement;
theme?: string | IJSPanelThemeOptions;
export interface IJSPanel {
autopositionSpacing?: number;
colorFilled?: number;
colorFilledDark?: number;
colorFilledLight?: number;
colorNames?: { [key: string]: string };
defaults: IJSPanelOptions;
errorReporting?: 0 | 1;
globalCallbacks?: IJSPanelCallback | IJSPanelCallback[];
icons?: { [key: string]: string };
pointerdown?: ['pointerdown'?, 'touchstart'?, 'mousedown'?];
pointermove?: ['pointermove'?, 'touchmove'?, 'mousemove'?];
pointerup?: ['pointerup'?, 'touchend'?, 'mouseup'?];
version: string;
date: string;
ziBase?: number;
addScript(src: string, type: string, callback?: IJSPanelFunction): void;
ajax(xhrConfig: IJSPanelAjaxOptions): void;
calcColors(color: string): [string, string, string, string, string, string, string];
color(color: string): {
hex: string;
hsl: { css: string, h: number, s: string, l: string };
rgb: { css: string, r: string, g: string, b: string };
create(options?: IJSPanelOptions): IJSPanelInstance;
darken(color: string, amount: number): string;
emptyNode<T = HTMLElement>(node: T): T;
extend(object: Record<PropertyKey, any>): void;
fetch(fetchConfig: IJSPanelFetchOptions): void;
getPanels(condition?: IJSPanelCallback): IJSPanelInstance[];
getCssVariableValue(variable: string): string;
lighten(color: string, amount: number): string;
perceivedBrightness(color: string): number;
position<T = HTMLElement>(element: T, position: IJSPanelPositionOptions): T;
remClass<T = HTMLElement>(element: T, classnames: string): T;
setClass<T = HTMLElement>(element: T, classnames: string): T;
setStyles<T = HTMLElement>(element: T, stylesobject: Record<string, string>): T;
strToHtml(string: string): DocumentFragment;
toggleClass<T = HTMLElement>(element: T, classnames: string): T;
usePointerEvents(use?: boolean): void;
export const jsPanel: IJSPanel;
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default jsPanel;
// Export same interfaces for ES6 code.
declare module 'jspanel4/es6module/jspanel' {
import { IJSPanel } from 'jspanel4';
export const jsPanel: IJSPanel;
// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-default-export
export default jsPanel;
import { IJSPanelInstance } from 'jspanel4';
declare global {
export type IJSPanelGlobalClosedEvent<TDetails = string> = CustomEvent<TDetails>;
export interface IJSPanelGlobalEvent<TDetails = string> extends CustomEvent<TDetails> {
panel: IJSPanelInstance;
interface DocumentEventMap {
jspanelbeforeclose: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelbeforemaximize: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelbeforeminimize: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelbeforenormalize: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelbeforesmallify: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelbeforeunsmallify: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelclosed: IJSPanelGlobalClosedEvent;
jspanelcloseduser: IJSPanelGlobalClosedEvent;
jspaneldrag: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspaneldragstart: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspaneldragstop: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelfronted: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelloaded: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelmaximized: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelminimized: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelnormalized: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelresize: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelresizestart: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelresizestop: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelsmallified: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelsmallifiedmax: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
jspanelstatuschange: IJSPanelGlobalEvent;
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This is really good @markhalliwell

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