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Last active August 29, 2015 13:58
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The "sio" module provides support for basic interaction through command-line prompts and input.
import sys
def make_float_readable(s):
Make a float into a readable string.
:param s: the value to make readable
if (not type(s) is float):
d = float(s)
d = s
return "{:,.4f}".format(d)
def make_int_readable(s):
Make an integer into a readable string.
:param s: the value to make readable
if (not type(s) is int):
d = int(s)
d = s
return "{:,d}".format(d)
def pick_float(collection, index, defaultValue=None):
Pick a float from a list collection.
:param collection: the list collection to access
:param index: index of the item to pick
:param defaultValue: the default value to return on error (default is None)
if (index >= 0) and (index < len(collection)):
return to_float(collection[index], defaultValue)
return defaultValue
def pick_int(collection, index, defaultValue=None):
Pick an int from a list collection.
:param collection: the list collection to access
:param index: index of the item to pick
:param defaultValue: the default value to return on error (default is None)
if (index >= 0) and (index < len(collection)):
return to_int(collection[index], defaultValue)
return defaultValue
def print_choice(choice, description, indent=None, delimiter=CHOICE_DELIMITER):
Output a choice to stdout.
:param choice: the character or string to be entered
:param description: a description of the choice
:param indent: the number of spaces to use in the indent
:param delimiter: the delimiter to display between the choice and its description (defaults to CHOICE_DELIMITER)
print_text('%s%s%s' % (choice, delimiter, description), True)
def print_indent(indent):
Output an indent of the specified length to stdout.
:param indent: the number of spaces to use in the indent
if indent and (indent > 0):
print_text(' ' * indent, False)
def print_labeled_text(label, text, indent=None, newline=True):
Output labeled text to stdout.
This causes the label to be printed, if it exists, followed by dot leader, and then the desired text.
:param label: the label to be output at the start of the line
:param text: the text to output after the leader
:param indent: the number of spaces of indent (default is None)
:param newline: flag indicating whether to print a new line after the text (default is True)
if text:
if label:
print_text(label, False)
if indent:
if label:
length = PROMPT_LENGTH - indent - len(label)
length = PROMPT_LENGTH - indent
elif label:
length = PROMPT_LENGTH - len(label)
print_text(text, newline)
def print_leader(length, type=DOT_LEADER):
Output dot leader of the specified length to stdout.
:param length: the length of the dot leader to output
:param type: the type of leader to print (defaults to DOT_LEADER)
if (length > 0):
print_text(type * length, False)
def print_newline(n=1):
Output the specified number of new lines to stdout.
:param n: the number of new lines to output (default is 1)
i = 0
while (i < n):
i += 1
def print_prompt(prompt, indent=None, defaultFormat=None, defaultValue=None, printLeader=False):
Output a prompt to stdout.
:param prompt: the prompt text to output
:param indent: the amount of indent before the prompt text (default is None)
:param defaultFormat: text describing the default format of the desired input (default is None)
:param defaultValue: default value returned if no input provided (default is None)
if prompt or defaultFormat or defaultValue:
p = ""
if prompt:
p += prompt
if defaultValue:
p += ' [' + defaultValue + ']'
elif defaultFormat:
p += ' [' + defaultFormat + ']'
print_text(p, False)
if indent and (indent > 0):
length = PROMPT_LENGTH - indent - len(p)
length = PROMPT_LENGTH - len(p)
if printLeader:
print_text(":", False)
def print_text(text, newline=True):
Output the provided text to stdout.
This will iterate collections to provide a more regular output.
:param text: the text to print
:param newline: flag indicating whether to print a new line after the text (default is True)
if (type(text) is list):
if (len(text) == 1):
if (type(text[0]) is str):
text = text[0].strip()
text = text[0]
elif (len(text) > 1):
for s in text:
if (type(s) is str):
s = s.strip()
print s
print text,
if newline:
def print_title(title):
Output a title to stdout.
:param title: the title text to output
title_length = len(title)
indent = TITLE_CENTER - (title_length / 2)
print_underscore(title_length, indent)
def print_underscore(length, indent=None, type=HYP_LEADER):
Output an underscore to stdout.
:param length: the length of the underscore following the indent, if any
:param indent: the amount of indent (default is None)
:param type: type of underscore to use (defaults to HYP_LEADER)
print_text(type * length)
def read_delimited_line(delimiter, prompt=None, indent=None, defaultFormat=None, defaultValue=None):
Read a line of input that may contain delimited values.
:param delimiter: the delimiter character separating the values
:param prompt: the prompt to display for the input (default is None)
:param indent: the amount of indent before the prompt text (default is None)
:param defaultFormat: text describing the default format of the desired input (default is None)
:param defaultValue: default value returned if no input provided (default is None)
s = read_line(prompt, indent, defaultFormat, defaultValue)
if (s.find(delimiter) != -1):
return s.split(delimiter)
return s
def read_line(prompt=None, indent=None, defaultFormat=None, defaultValue=None):
Read a line of input.
:param prompt: the prompt to display for the input (default is None)
:param indent: the amount of indent before the prompt text (default is None)
:param defaultFormat: text describing the default format of the desired input (default is None)
:param defaultValue: default value returned if no input provided (default is None)
print_prompt(prompt, indent, defaultFormat, defaultValue)
s = raw_input()
if len(s):
return s
if defaultValue:
return defaultValue
return s
def redirect(out=None):
Push the current value of stdout onto the STDOUT_STACK and redirect it to the specified file.
:param out: the file or name of the file to redirect stdout to
if (type(out) is str):
out = open(out, 'w')
if (type(out) is file):
sys.stdout = out
def restore():
Restore stdout to a previous value from the STDOUT_STACK.
if (len(STDOUT_STACK) > 0):
sys.stdout = STDOUT_STACK.pop()
def to_float(s, defaultValue=0.0):
Make a value a float.
:param s: value to make into a float
:param defaultValue: value to use if the initial value cannot be made into a float
if (type(s) is str) or (type(s) is float) or (type(s) is int) or (type(s) is long):
return float(s)
except Exception:
return defaultValue
def to_int(s, defaultValue=0):
Make a value an int.
:param s: value to make into an int
:param defaultValue: value to use if the initial value cannot be made into an int
if (type(s) is str) or (type(s) is float) or (type(s) is int) or (type(s) is long):
return int(s)
except Exception:
return defaultValue
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