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Last active May 20, 2024 21:51
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poe div card gamba simulator
# python3 startingStack=4 maxStack=9 strat=one winningAmount=300 maxRuns=10000
import sys
import random
import time
debug = False
def runSimulation(startingStack, maxStack, strat, maxRuns=1000, winningAmount=-1):
currentStack = startingStack
amountToGamble = 0
if strat == "one":
amountToGamble = 1
elif strat == "two":
amountToGamble = 2
totalRuns = 0
peakStack = -1
if maxRuns > 0 and winningAmount < 0:
for i in range(maxRuns):
if strat == "half":
amountToGamble = min(currentStack // 2, maxStack // 2)
elif strat == "max":
amountToGamble = min(currentStack, maxStack // 2)
if currentStack < amountToGamble:
if debug:
print("\nSimulation stopped. Not enough cards to gamble.")
return {"remainingStack": currentStack, "totalRuns": i, "peakStack": peakStack}
if debug:
print("Current Stack: {}. Wagering {}".format(currentStack, amountToGamble), end="")
# Gamble
currentStack -= amountToGamble
possibleResults = list(range(0, amountToGamble * 2 + 1))
result = random.choice(possibleResults)
if debug:
print(" | Result {}".format(result))
currentStack += result
if currentStack > peakStack:
peakStack = currentStack
totalRuns += 1
elif winningAmount > 0:
while currentStack < winningAmount:
if strat == "half":
amountToGamble = min(currentStack // 2, maxStack // 2)
elif strat == "max":
amountToGamble = min(currentStack, maxStack // 2)
if currentStack < amountToGamble:
if debug:
print("\nSimulation stopped. Not enough cards to gamble.")
return {"remainingStack": currentStack, "totalRuns": totalRuns, "peakStack": peakStack}
if debug:
print("Current Stack: {}. Wagering {}".format(currentStack, amountToGamble), end="")
# Gamble
currentStack -= amountToGamble
possibleResults = list(range(0, amountToGamble * 2 + 1))
result = random.choice(possibleResults)
if debug:
print(" | Result {}".format(result))
currentStack += result
if currentStack > peakStack:
peakStack = currentStack
totalRuns += 1
return {"remainingStack": currentStack, "totalRuns": totalRuns, "peakStack": peakStack}
def printUsage():
print("Usage: python [options]")
print(" startingStack: Starting stack of cards")
print(" maxStack: Maximum stack of cards allowed by the game (e.g 9 for House of Mirrors)")
print(" strat: Strategy to use. Can be 'one', 'two', 'half', 'max' or 'computeBest'")
print(" 'one' is doing single cards bets")
print(" 'two' is doing double cards bets")
print(" 'half' is betting half of the current stack (up to half of maxStack)")
print(" 'max' is betting as much as possible every time (up to half of maxStack)")
print(" maxRuns: Maximum number of runs to do (optional)")
print(" winningAmount: The amount of cards to reach to consider the simulation a success (optional)")
# Usage:
# python [options]
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
startingStack = 0
maxStack = 0
strat = ""
maxRuns = 1000
winningAmount = -1
for arg in sys.argv:
if arg == "-d":
debug = True
if arg == "-h":
if arg.startswith("startingStack="):
startingStack = int(arg.split("=")[1])
if arg.startswith("maxStack="):
maxStack = int(arg.split("=")[1])
if arg.startswith("strat="):
strat = arg.split("=")[1]
if arg.startswith("maxRuns="):
maxRuns = int(arg.split("=")[1])
if arg.startswith("winningAmount="):
winningAmount = int(arg.split("=")[1])
if startingStack == 0 or maxStack == 0 or strat == "":
print("Starting Stack: {}".format(startingStack))
print("Max Stack: {}".format(maxStack))
print("Strategy: {}".format(strat))
print("Max Runs: {}".format(maxRuns))
print("Winning Amount: {}".format(winningAmount))
#sys.exit(runSimulation(startingStack, maxStack, strat))
winning = 0
total = 0
while winning < 100000:
stats = runSimulation(startingStack, maxStack, strat, maxRuns, winningAmount)
if stats["remainingStack"] >= winningAmount:
winning += 1
total += 1
print("\r", end="")
print("Win percentage: {:.2f}%".format(winning / total * 100), end="")
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