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Created September 6, 2012 15:07
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F2.Container with removeApp logic
* Core Container functionality
* @module f2
* @class F2
F2.extend('', (function(){
var _apps = {};
var _config = false;
* Appends the App's html to the DOM
* @method _afterAppRender
* @private
* @param {F2.App} app The App object
* @param {string} html The string of html
* @return {Element} The DOM Element that contains the App
var _afterAppRender = function(app, html) {
var handler = _config.afterAppRender || function(app, html) {
return $(html).appendTo('body');
var appContainer = handler(app, html);
if (!!_config.afterAppRender && !appContainer) {
F2.log('F2.ContainerConfiguration.afterAppRender() must return the DOM Element that contains the App');
} else {
// apply APP class and Instance ID
$(appContainer).addClass(F2.Constants.Css.APP).attr('id', app.instanceId);
return appContainer.get(0);
* Renders the html for an App.
* @method _appRender
* @private
* @param {F2.App} app The App object
* @param {string} html The string of html
var _appRender = function(app, html) {
function outerHtml(html) {
return $('<div></div>').append(html).html();
// apply APP_CONTAINER class
html = outerHtml($(html).addClass(F2.Constants.Css.APP_CONTAINER + ' app' + app.appId));
// optionally apply wrapper html
if (_config.appRender) {
html = _config.appRender(app, html);
// apply APP class and instanceId
return outerHtml(html);
* Rendering hook to allow Containers to render some html prior to an App
* loading
* @method _beforeAppRender
* @private
* @param {F2.App} app The App object
var _beforeAppRender = function(app) {
var handler = _config.beforeAppRender || $.noop;
* Adds properties and methods to the App object
* @method _hydrateApp
* @private
* @param {F2.App} app The App object
var _hydrateApp = function(app) {
// create the instanceId for the App
app.instanceId = app.instanceId || F2.guid();
// default the views if not provided
app.views = app.views || [];
if (!F2.inArray(app.views, F2.Constants.Views.HOME)) {
app.setTitle = function(title) {
if (F2.Rpc.isRemote(this.instanceId)) {
} else {
$('#' + this.instanceId).find('.' + F2.Constants.Css.APP_TITLE).text(title);
app.updateHeight = function(height) {
height = height || $('#' + this.instanceId).outerHeight();
if (F2.Rpc.isRemote(this.instanceId)) {
} else {
this.height = height;
$('#' + this.instanceId).find('iframe').height(this.height);
* Attach App events
* @method _initAppEvents
* @private
var _initAppEvents = function (app) {
var appContainer = $('#' + app.instanceId);
// these events should only be attached outside of the secure app
if (!_config.isSecureAppPage) {
// it is assumed that all containers will at least have
// F2.Constants.Views.HOME
if (_config.supportedViews.length > 1) {
$(appContainer).on('click', '.' + F2.Constants.Css.APP_VIEW_TRIGGER + '[' + F2.Constants.Views.DATA_ATTRIBUTE + ']', function(event) {
var view = $(this).attr(F2.Constants.Views.DATA_ATTRIBUTE);
// handle the special REMOVE view
if (view == F2.Constants.Views.REMOVE) {
// make sure the app supports this type of view
} else if (F2.inArray(view, app.views)) {
// tell the app that the view has changed
F2.Events.emit(F2.Constants.Events.APP_VIEW_CHANGE + app.instanceId, view);
* Attach Container Events
* @method _initContainerEvents
* @private
var _initContainerEvents = function() {
var resizeTimeout;
var resizeHandler = function() {
$(window).on('resize', function() {
resizeTimeout = setTimeout(resizeHandler, 100);
* Has the Container been init?
* @method _isInit
* @private
* @return {bool} True if the Container has been init
var _isInit = function() {
return _config;
* Loads the App's html/css/javascript
* @method loadApp
* @private
* @param {Array} apps An array of {{#crossLink "F2.App"}}{{/crossLink}}
* objects
* @param {F2.AppManifest} [appManifest] The AppManifest object
var _loadApps = function(apps, appManifest) {
apps = [].concat(apps);
// check for secure app
if (apps.length == 1 && apps[0].isSecure && !_config.isSecureAppPage) {
_loadSecureApp(apps[0], appManifest);
// check that the number of apps in manifest matches the number requested
if (apps.length != appManifest.apps.length) {
F2.log('The number of Apps defined in the AppManifest do not match the number requested.', appManifest);
var scripts = appManifest.scripts || [];
var styles = appManifest.styles || [];
var inlines = appManifest.inlineScripts || [];
var scriptCount = scripts.length;
var scriptsLoaded = 0;
var appInit = function() {
$.each(apps, function(i, a) {
if (F2.Apps[a.appId] !== undefined) {
if (typeof F2.Apps[a.appId] === 'function') {
F2.Apps[a.appId].appClass = new F2.Apps[a.appId](a, appManifest.apps[i]);
if (F2.Apps[a.appId].appClass['init'] !== undefined) {
} else {
F2.log('App initialization class is defined but not a function. (' + a.appId + ')');
// load styles
var stylesFragment = [];
$.each(styles, function(i, e) {
stylesFragment.push('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + e + '"/>');
// load html
$.each(appManifest.apps, function(i, a) {
// load html
_afterAppRender(apps[i], _appRender(apps[i], a.html));
// init events
// load scripts and eval inlines once complete
$.each(scripts, function(i, e) {
success:function() {
if (++scriptsLoaded == scriptCount) {
$.each(inlines, function(i, e) {
try {
} catch (exception) {
F2.log('Error loading inline script: ' + exception + '\n\n' + e);
// fire the load event to tell the App it can proceed
error:function(jqxhr, settings, exception) {
F2.log(['Failed to load script (' + e +')', exception.toString()]);
// if no scripts were to be processed, fire the appLoad event
if (!scriptCount) {
* Loads the App's html/css/javascript into an iframe
* @method loadSecureApp
* @private
* @param {F2.App} app The App's context object.
* @param {F2.AppManifest} appManifest The App's html/css/js to be loaded into the
* page.
var _loadSecureApp = function(app, appManifest) {
// make sure the Container is configured for secure apps
if (_config.secureAppPagePath) {
// create the html container for the iframe
_afterAppRender(app, _appRender(app, '<div></div>'));
// init events
// create RPC socket
F2.Rpc.register(app, appManifest);
} else {
F2.log('Unable to load secure app: \"secureAppPagePath\" is not defined in ContainerConfiguration.');
* Checks if the App is valid
* @method _validateApp
* @private
* @param {F2.App} app The App object
* @returns {bool} True if the App is valid
var _validateApp = function(app) {
// check for valid App configurations
if (!app.appId) {
F2.log('"appId" missing from App object');
return false;
} else if (!app.manifestUrl) {
F2.log('manifestUrl" missing from App object');
return false;
return true;
return {
* Description of Events goes here
* @class F2.Events
Events:(function() {
// init EventEmitter
var events = new EventEmitter2({
// unlimited listeners, set to > 0 for debugging
return {
* Same as F2.Events.emit except that it will not send the event
* to all sockets.
* @method _socketEmit
* @private
* @param {string} event The event name
* @param {object} [arg]* The arguments to be passed
_socketEmit:function() {
return EventEmitter2.prototype.emit.apply(events, [];
* Execute each of the listeners tha may be listening for the specified
* event name in order with the list of arguments
* @method emit
* @param {string} event The event name
* @param {object} [arg]* The arguments to be passed
emit:function() {
F2.Rpc.broadcast(F2.Constants.Sockets.EVENT, [];
return EventEmitter2.prototype.emit.apply(events, [];
* Adds a listener that will execute n times for the event before being
* removed. The listener is invoked only the first time the event is
* fired, after which it is removed.
* @method many
* @param {string} event The event name
* @param {int} timesToListen The number of times to execute the event
* before being removed
* @param {function} listener The function to be fired when the event is
* emitted
many:function(event, timesToListen, listener) {
return events.many(event, timesToListen, listener);
* Remove a listener for the specified event.
* @method off
* @param {string} event The event name
* @param {function} listener The function that will be removed
off:function(event, listener) {
return, listener);
* Adds a listener for the specified event
* @method on
* @param {string} event The event name
* @param {function} listener The function to be fired when the event is
* emitted
on:function(event, listener){
return events.on(event, listener);
* Adds a one time listener for the event. The listener is invoked only
* the first time the event is fired, after which it is removed.
* @method once
* @param {string} event The event name
* @param {function} listener The function to be fired when the event is
* emitted
once:function(event, listener) {
return events.once(event, listener);
* Gets the current list of Apps in the container
* @method getContainerState
* @returns {Array} An array of objects containing the appId and...
* @for F2
getContainerState:function() {
if (!_isInit()) {
F2.log('F2.init() must be called before F2.getContainerState()');
return $.map(_apps, function(e, i) {
return { appId: };
* Initializes the Container. This method must be called before performing
* any other actions in the Container.
* @method init
* @param {F2.ContainerConfiguration} config The configuration object
* @for F2
init:function(config) {
_config = config;
if (!_config.isSecureAppPage) {
* Has the Container been init?
* @method isInit
* @return {bool} True if the Container has been init
* Begins the loading process for all Apps. The App will
* be passed the {{#crossLink "F2.App"}}{{/crossLink}} object which will
* contain the App's unique instanceId within the Container. Optionally, the
* {{#crossLink "F2.AppManifest"}}{{/crossLink}} can be passed in and those
* assets will be used instead of making a request.
* @method registerApps
* @param {Array} apps An array of {{#crossLink "F2.App"}}{{/crossLink}}
* objects
* @param {Array} [appManifests] An array of
* {{#crossLink "F2.AppManifest"}}{{/crossLink}}
* objects. This array must be the same length as the apps array that is
* objects. This array must be the same length as the apps array that is
* passed in. This can be useful if Apps are loaded on the server-side and
* passed down to the client.
registerApps:function(apps, appManifests) {
if (!_isInit()) {
F2.log('F2.init() must be called before F2.registerApps()');
var appStack = [];
var batches = {};
var callbackStack = {};
var haveManifests = false;
apps = [].concat(apps);
appManifests = appManifests || [];
haveManifests = !!appManifests.length;
// ensure that the array of apps and manifests are qual
if (apps.length && haveManifests && apps.length != appManifests.length) {
F2.log('The length of "apps" does not equal the length of "appManifests"');
F2.log("apps1", apps)
// validate each app and assign it an instanceId
// then determine which apps can be batched together
$.each(apps, function(i, a) {
if (!_validateApp(a)) {
return; // move to the next app
// add properties and methods
// save app
_apps[a.instanceId] = { app:a };
// fire beforeAppRender
if (haveManifests) {
F2.log(a, appManifests[i])
//appManifests[i] = $.extend(appManifests[i], { el: $(appManifests[i][0].html).find("div.f2-app-view") })
// if we have the manifest, go ahead and load the app
if (haveManifests) {
_loadApps(a, appManifests[i]);
} else {
// check if this app can be batched
if (a.enableBatchRequests && !a.isSecure) {
batches[a.manifestUrl.toLowerCase()] = batches[a.manifestUrl.toLowerCase()] || [];
} else {
// we don't have the manifests, go ahead and load them
if (!haveManifests) {
// add the batches to the appStack
$.each(batches, function(i, b) {
appStack.push({ url:i, apps:b })
// if an App is being loaded more than once on the page, there is the
// potential that the jsonp callback will be clobbered if the request
// for the AppManifest for the app comes back at the same time as
// another request for the same app. We'll create a callbackStack
// that will ensure that requests for the same app are loaded in order
// rather than at the same time
$.each(appStack, function(i, req) {
// define the callback function based on the first app's App ID
var jsonpCallback = F2.Constants.JSONP_CALLBACK + req.apps[0].appId;
// push the request onto the callback stack
callbackStack[jsonpCallback] = callbackStack[jsonpCallback] || [];
// loop through each item in the callback stack and make the request
// for the AppManifest. When the request is complete, pop the next
// request off the stack and make the request.
$.each(callbackStack, function(i, requests) {
var manifestRequest = function(jsonpCallback, req) {
if (!req) { return; }
jsonp:false, /* do not put 'callback=' in the query string */
jsonpCallback:jsonpCallback, /* Unique function name */
success:function(appManifest) {
_loadApps(req.apps, appManifest);
error:function(jqxhr, settings, exception) {
F2.log('Failed to load app(s)', exception.toString(), req.apps);
//remove failed app(s)
$.each(req.apps, function(idx,item){
F2.log('Removed failed ' ' app', item);
complete:function() {
manifestRequest(i, requests.pop());
manifestRequest(i, requests.pop());
* Removes all Apps from the Container
* @method removeAllApps
removeAllApps:function() {
if (!_isInit()) {
F2.log('F2.init() must be called before F2.removeAllApps()');
$.each(_apps, function(i, a) {
* Removes an App from the Container
* @method removeApp
* @param {string} instanceId The App's instanceId
removeApp:function(instanceId) {
if (!_isInit()) {
F2.log('F2.init() must be called before F2.removeApp()');
if (_apps[instanceId]) {
delete _apps[instanceId];
$('#' + instanceId).fadeOut(function() {
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