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Created December 22, 2015 10:46
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Clumsy C# solution to advent of code day 22
// n.b. Linqpad script
class QueueSpellChooser : ISpellChooser
private Queue<Spell> spellQueue;
public QueueSpellChooser(IEnumerable<Spell> spells)
spellQueue = new Queue<Spell>(spells);
public Spell GetNextSpell(PlayerStatus status)
return spellQueue.Dequeue();
public void WinningAmount(int amount)
public void NewBattle()
interface ISpellChooser
void NewBattle();
Spell GetNextSpell(PlayerStatus status);
void WinningAmount(int amount);
class SpellChooser : ISpellChooser
public int bestWinningAmount = Int32.MaxValue;
public List<string> choices = new List<string>();
private Random rand = new Random();
public Spell GetNextSpell(PlayerStatus status)
var options = spells.Where(s => s.Cost <= status.Mana &&
s.Cost + status.ManaSpent < bestWinningAmount &&
if (options.Count == 0) return null;
var t = options[rand.Next(options.Count)].GetType();
var spell = (Spell)Activator.CreateInstance(t);
return spell;
public void NewBattle()
public void WinningAmount(int amount)
if (amount < bestWinningAmount)
Console.WriteLine("NEW BEST AMOUNT {0}", amount);
foreach(var choice in choices)
bestWinningAmount = amount;
abstract class Spell
public Spell(string name, int cost)
Name = name;
Cost = cost;
public int Cost { get; }
public string Name { get; }
public abstract void Use(PlayerStatus self, PlayerStatus opponent, bool debug);
public abstract int Timer { get; }
class MagicMissile : Spell
public MagicMissile() : base("Magic Missile", 53) { }
public override void Use(PlayerStatus self, PlayerStatus opponent, bool debug)
if (debug) Console.WriteLine("Magic Missile deals 4 damage");
public override int Timer { get { return 0; } }
class Drain : Spell
public Drain() : base("Drain", 73) { }
public override void Use(PlayerStatus self, PlayerStatus opponent, bool debug)
if (debug) Console.WriteLine ("Player casts Drain, dealing 2 damage, and healing 2 hit points");
public override int Timer { get { return 0; } }
class Shield : Spell
public Shield() : base("Shield", 113) { }
private int timer = 6;
public override void Use(PlayerStatus self, PlayerStatus opponent, bool debug)
if (timer == 6)
if (debug) Console.WriteLine("Shield increases armor by 7");
if (timer == 1)
if (debug) Console.WriteLine("Shield wears off, decreasing armor by 7");
public override int Timer { get { return timer; } }
class Poison : Spell
public Poison() : base("Poison", 173) { }
private int timer = 6;
public override void Use(PlayerStatus self, PlayerStatus opponent, bool debug)
if (debug) Console.WriteLine("Poison deals 3 damage");
public override int Timer { get { return timer; } }
class Recharge : Spell
public Recharge() : base("Recharge", 229) { }
private int timer = 5;
public override void Use(PlayerStatus self, PlayerStatus opponent, bool debug = true)
if (debug) Console.WriteLine("Recharge increases mana by 101");
public override int Timer { get { return timer; } }
static List<Spell> spells = new List<Spell>()
new MagicMissile(),
new Drain(),
new Shield(),
new Recharge(),
new Poison(),
bool Battle(PlayerStatus player, PlayerStatus boss, ISpellChooser spellChooser, bool hard, bool debug = false)
while (player.HitPoints > 0 && boss.HitPoints > 0)
if (debug)
Console.WriteLine("-- Player turn --");
Console.WriteLine($"Player has {player.HitPoints} hit points, {player.Armor} armor, {player.Mana} mana");
Console.WriteLine($"Boss has {boss.HitPoints} hit points");
if (hard)
if (player.HitPoints <= 0) return false;
player.UseSpells(boss, debug);
var spell = spellChooser.GetNextSpell(player);
// can't afford any more spells (or this battle won't be cheapest)
if (spell == null) return false;
if (debug) Console.WriteLine($"Player casts {spell.Name}");
player.AddSpell(spell, boss, debug);
if (debug)
Console.WriteLine("-- Boss turn --");
Console.WriteLine($"Player has {player.HitPoints} hit points, {player.Armor} armor, {player.Mana} mana");
Console.WriteLine($"Boss has {boss.HitPoints} hit points");
player.UseSpells(boss, debug);
if (boss.HitPoints > 0) player.HitBy(boss, debug);
var playerWins = player.HitPoints > 0;
if (playerWins) spellChooser.WinningAmount(player.ManaSpent);
return playerWins;
class PlayerStatus
private List<Spell> activeSpells = new List<Spell>();
public PlayerStatus(int hp, int d, int a, int m)
HitPoints = hp;
Damage = d;
Armor = a;
Mana = m;
public int HitPoints { get; private set; }
public int Damage { get; private set; }
public int Armor { get; private set; }
public int Mana { get; private set; }
public int ManaSpent { get; private set; }
public void AddHitPoints(int hitPoints)
HitPoints += hitPoints;
public void AddArmor(int armor)
Armor += armor;
public void AddMana(int mana)
Mana += mana;
public void AddSpell(Spell spell, PlayerStatus opponent, bool debug = false)
Mana -= spell.Cost;
ManaSpent += spell.Cost;
if (Mana < 0) throw new ArgumentException("Can't afford this spell");
if (spell.Timer == 0)
spell.Use(this, opponent, debug);
public void UseSpells(PlayerStatus boss, bool debug = false)
foreach (var spell in activeSpells)
if (boss.HitPoints > 0)
spell.Use(this, boss, debug);
if (debug)
Console.WriteLine($"{spell.Name}'s timer is now {spell.Timer}");
activeSpells.RemoveAll(s => s.Timer == 0);
public void HitBy(PlayerStatus boss, bool debug = false)
var bossDamage = Math.Max(1, boss.Damage - Armor);
if (debug) Console.WriteLine($"Boss attacks for {bossDamage} damage");
HitPoints -= bossDamage;
public bool IsSpellActive(string spellName)
return activeSpells.Any(s => s.Name == spellName);
void Main()
var testPlayer = new PlayerStatus(10, 0, 0, 250);
var testBoss = new PlayerStatus(13, 8, 0, 0);
var spells = new Spell[] { new Poison(), new MagicMissile() };
//Battle(testPlayer, testBoss, new QueueSpellChooser(spells), true).Dump();
var testPlayer2 = new PlayerStatus(10, 0, 0, 250);
var testBoss2 = new PlayerStatus(14, 8, 0, 0);
var spells2 = new Spell[] { new Recharge(), new Shield(), new Drain(), new Poison(), new MagicMissile() };
//Battle(testPlayer2, testBoss2, new QueueSpellChooser(spells2), true).Dump();
var chooser = new SpellChooser();
for (int n = 0; n < 10000; n++)
var player = new PlayerStatus(50, 0, 0, 500);
var boss = new PlayerStatus(58, 9, 0, 500);
Battle(player, boss, chooser, true, false);
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