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Created September 27, 2017 23:38
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Patch cljs compiler for emacs-on-windows
;; The cljs compiler currently uses string-matching for path comparison; on windows (case-insensitive)
;; for some reason I have both C:\... and c:\... present, which fails. This is my monkey-patch.
;; See
(in-ns 'cljs.util)
(require '[ :as io]
'[clojure.string :as string])
(import '[ URLDecoder])
(defn ^String relative-name
"Given a file return a path relative to the working directory. Given a
URL return the JAR relative path of the resource."
{:pre [(or (file? x) (url? x))]}
(letfn [(strip-user-dir [s]
(let [base-count (.getNameCount (.toPath (io/file (System/getProperty "user.dir"))))
file-path (.toPath (io/file s))]
(str (.subpath file-path base-count (.getNameCount file-path)))))]
(if (file? x)
(strip-user-dir (.getAbsolutePath x))
(let [f (URLDecoder/decode (.getFile x))]
(if (string/includes? f ".jar!/")
(last (string/split f #"\.jar!/"))
(strip-user-dir f))))))
(ns figwheel
(:require [figwheel-sidecar.repl-api :refer [start-figwheel! cljs-repl reset-autobuild]]))
;;; reset-autobuild included so it's accessible when we :cljs/quit back to the clj repl
(start-figwheel! "dev")
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