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Created February 13, 2014 10:25
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* Generated by Scrooge
* version: 3.12.0
* rev: acdb2135b6b8ab36c09a93fb3d502295ba9a27b6
* built at: 20140110-113906
package com.example
import com.twitter.scrooge.{
TFieldBlob, ThriftException, ThriftStruct, ThriftStructCodec3, ThriftUtil}
import org.apache.thrift.protocol._
import org.apache.thrift.transport.{TMemoryBuffer, TTransport}
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.Arrays
import scala.collection.immutable.{Map => immutable$Map}
import scala.collection.mutable.Builder
import scala.collection.mutable.{
ArrayBuffer => mutable$ArrayBuffer, Buffer => mutable$Buffer,
HashMap => mutable$HashMap, HashSet => mutable$HashSet}
import scala.collection.{Map, Set}
object Enumish extends ThriftStructCodec3[Enumish] {
private val NoPassthroughFields = immutable$Map.empty[Short, TFieldBlob]
val Struct = new TStruct("Enumish")
val ValueField = new TField("value", TType.ENUM, 1)
val ValueFieldI32 = new TField("value", TType.I32, 1)
val ValueFieldManifest = implicitly[Manifest[SomethingOrOther]]
* Checks that all required fields are non-null.
def validate(_item: Enumish) {
override def encode(_item: Enumish, _oproto: TProtocol) {
override def decode(_iprot: TProtocol): Enumish = {
var value: SomethingOrOther = null
var _passthroughFields: Builder[(Short, TFieldBlob), immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob]] = null
var _done = false
while (!_done) {
val _field = _iprot.readFieldBegin()
if (_field.`type` == TType.STOP) {
_done = true
} else {
var _readField = false match {
case 1 =>
_field.`type` match {
case TType.I32 | TType.ENUM => {
value = readValueValue(_iprot)
_readField = true
case _ => // skip
case _ =>
if (_passthroughFields == null)
_passthroughFields = immutable$Map.newBuilder[Short, TFieldBlob]
_passthroughFields += ( ->, _iprot))
_readField = true
if (!_readField) {
TProtocolUtil.skip(_iprot, _field.`type`)
new Immutable(
if (_passthroughFields == null)
def apply(
value: SomethingOrOther
): Enumish =
new Immutable(
def unapply(_item: Enumish): Option[SomethingOrOther] = Some(_item.value)
private def readValueValue(_iprot: TProtocol): SomethingOrOther = {
private def writeValueField(value_item: SomethingOrOther, _oprot: TProtocol) {
writeValueValue(value_item, _oprot)
private def writeValueValue(value_item: SomethingOrOther, _oprot: TProtocol) {
object Immutable extends ThriftStructCodec3[Enumish] {
override def encode(_item: Enumish, _oproto: TProtocol) { _item.write(_oproto) }
override def decode(_iprot: TProtocol): Enumish = Enumish.decode(_iprot)
* The default read-only implementation of Enumish. You typically should not need to
* directly reference this class; instead, use the Enumish.apply method to construct
* new instances.
class Immutable(
val value: SomethingOrOther,
override val _passthroughFields: immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob]
) extends Enumish {
def this(
value: SomethingOrOther
) = this(
* This Proxy trait allows you to extend the Enumish trait with additional state or
* behavior and implement the read-only methods from Enumish using an underlying
* instance.
trait Proxy extends Enumish {
protected def _underlying_Enumish: Enumish
override def value: SomethingOrOther = _underlying_Enumish.value
override def _passthroughFields = _underlying_Enumish._passthroughFields
trait Enumish
extends ThriftStruct
with Product1[SomethingOrOther]
import Enumish._
def value: SomethingOrOther
def _passthroughFields: immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob] = immutable$Map.empty
def _1 = value
* Gets a field value encoded as a binary blob using TCompactProtocol. If the specified field
* is present in the passthrough map, that value is returend. Otherwise, if the specified field
* is known and not optional and set to None, then the field is serialized and returned.
def getFieldBlob(_fieldId: Short): Option[TFieldBlob] = {
lazy val _buff = new TMemoryBuffer(32)
lazy val _oprot = new TCompactProtocol(_buff)
_passthroughFields.get(_fieldId) orElse {
val _fieldOpt: Option[TField] =
_fieldId match {
case 1 =>
if (value ne null) {
writeValueValue(value, _oprot)
} else {
case _ => None
_fieldOpt match {
case Some(_field) =>
val _data = Arrays.copyOfRange(_buff.getArray, 0, _buff.length)
Some(TFieldBlob(_field, _data))
case None =>
* Collects TCompactProtocol-encoded field values according to `getFieldBlob` into a map.
def getFieldBlobs(ids: TraversableOnce[Short]): immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob] =
(ids flatMap { id => getFieldBlob(id) map { id -> _ } }).toMap
* Sets a field using a TCompactProtocol-encoded binary blob. If the field is a known
* field, the blob is decoded and the field is set to the decoded value. If the field
* is unknown and passthrough fields are enabled, then the blob will be stored in
* _passthroughFields.
def setField(_blob: TFieldBlob): Enumish = {
var value: SomethingOrOther = this.value
var _passthroughFields = this._passthroughFields match {
case 1 =>
value = readValueValue(
case _ => _passthroughFields += ( -> _blob)
new Immutable(
* If the specified field is optional, it is set to None. Otherwise, if the field is
* known, it is reverted to its default value; if the field is unknown, it is subtracked
* from the passthroughFields map, if present.
def unsetField(_fieldId: Short): Enumish = {
var value: SomethingOrOther = this.value
_fieldId match {
case 1 =>
value = null
case _ =>
new Immutable(
_passthroughFields - _fieldId
* If the specified field is optional, it is set to None. Otherwise, if the field is
* known, it is reverted to its default value; if the field is unknown, it is subtracked
* from the passthroughFields map, if present.
def unsetValue: Enumish = unsetField(1)
override def write(_oprot: TProtocol) {
if (value ne null) writeValueField(value, _oprot)
_passthroughFields.values foreach { _.write(_oprot) }
def copy(
value: SomethingOrOther = this.value,
_passthroughFields: immutable$Map[Short, TFieldBlob] = this._passthroughFields
): Enumish =
new Immutable(
override def canEqual(other: Any): Boolean = other.isInstanceOf[Enumish]
override def equals(other: Any): Boolean =
_root_.scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._equals(this, other) &&
_passthroughFields == other.asInstanceOf[Enumish]._passthroughFields
override def hashCode: Int = _root_.scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._hashCode(this)
override def toString: String = _root_.scala.runtime.ScalaRunTime._toString(this)
override def productArity: Int = 1
override def productElement(n: Int): Any = n match {
case 0 => value
case _ => throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(n.toString)
override def productPrefix: String = "Enumish"
#@namespace scala com.example
enum SomethingOrOther {
struct Enumish {
1: SomethingOrOther value
* Generated by Scrooge
* version: 3.12.0
* rev: acdb2135b6b8ab36c09a93fb3d502295ba9a27b6
* built at: 20140110-113906
package com.example
import com.twitter.scrooge.ThriftEnum
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = Array("com.twitter.scrooge.Compiler"), date = "2014-02-13T21:07:58.778+1100")
case object SomethingOrOther {
case object Some extends com.example.SomethingOrOther {
val value = 0
val name = "Some"
case object Other extends com.example.SomethingOrOther {
val value = 1
val name = "Other"
* Find the enum by its integer value, as defined in the Thrift IDL.
* @throws NoSuchElementException if the value is not found.
def apply(value: Int): com.example.SomethingOrOther = {
value match {
case 0 => com.example.SomethingOrOther.Some
case 1 => com.example.SomethingOrOther.Other
case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException(value.toString)
* Find the enum by its integer value, as defined in the Thrift IDL.
* Returns None if the value is not found
def get(value: Int): Option[com.example.SomethingOrOther] = {
value match {
case 0 => scala.Some(com.example.SomethingOrOther.Some)
case 1 => scala.Some(com.example.SomethingOrOther.Other)
case _ => scala.None
def valueOf(name: String): Option[com.example.SomethingOrOther] = {
name.toLowerCase match {
case "some" => scala.Some(com.example.SomethingOrOther.Some)
case "other" => scala.Some(com.example.SomethingOrOther.Other)
case _ => scala.None
lazy val list: List[com.example.SomethingOrOther] = scala.List[com.example.SomethingOrOther](
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = Array("com.twitter.scrooge.Compiler"), date = "2014-02-13T21:07:58.778+1100")
sealed trait SomethingOrOther extends ThriftEnum with Serializable
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