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Last active February 12, 2016 19:23
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Save markhorrocks/3a75ec56640acd6f15ed to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Nagios ruby NRPE plugin to check, list and graph all volumes for an Ubuntu server.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# you may need to use /usr/bin/ruby
def largest_hash_key(hash)
hash.max_by{|k,v| v}
filesystem = %x(df -h)
perfdata = filesystem.split("\n")
.map{ |e| "'%s'=%s" % [ e[-1], e[-2] ] }
.join(" ")
volumes = Hash[perfdata.split(" ").map {|str| str.split("=")}]
volumes ={ |k, v| [k, v.to_i] }
full_disk = largest_hash_key(volumes)
pc_full = full_disk[1]
message = "#{perfdata} | #{perfdata}"
if pc_full > 94
puts "DISK CRITICAL - #{message}"
exit 2
elsif pc_full > 89
puts "DISK WARNING - #{message}"
exit 1
puts "DISK OK - #{message}"
exit 0
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Make the file check_disk_usage.rb executable with chmod +x and upload it to /usr/lib/nagios/plugins.

Add the following line to nrpe.cfg


Add the service in services.cfg:

define service {
hostgroup_name check_disk_usage
service_description check_disk_usage
check_command check_nrpe_1arg!check_disk_usage
use generic-service,graphed-service
notification_interval 5

Add the hostgroup in hostgroups.cfg (or hosts.cfg if you don't use hostgroups)

define hostgroup {
hostgroup_name check_disk_usage
alias check_disk_usage
members server1,server2,server3

Test with
nagios@nagios-server:/home/me$ /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_nrpe -H client-server -c check_disk_usage
DISK OK - '/'=37% '/tmp'=1% '/srv'=63% '/backups'=80% | '/'=37% '/tmp'=1% '/srv'=63% '/backups'=80%

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