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Last active November 28, 2016 06:24
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Virtualizor admin SDK with namespace
namespace Virtualizor;
class Admin {
var $key = '';
var $pass = '';
var $ip = '';
var $port = 4085;
var $protocol = 'https';
var $error = array();
* Contructor
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $ip IP of the NODE
* @param string $key The API KEY of your NODE
* @param string $pass The API Password of your NODE
* @param int $port (Optional) The port to connect to. Port 4085 is the default. 4084 is non-SSL
* @return NULL
function __construct($ip = null, $key = null, $pass = null, $port = null) {
$this->key = env('VIRTUALIZOR_KEY', $key);
$this->pass = env('VIRTUALIZOR_PASS', $pass);
$this->ip = env('VIRTUALIZOR_IP', $ip);
$this->port = env('VIRTUALIZOR_PORT', $port);
if($this->port != 4085){
$this->protocol = 'http';
* Dumps a variable
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param array $re The Array or any other variable.
* @return NULL
function r($re){
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
* Unserializes a string
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $str The serialized string
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function _unserialize($str){
$var = @unserialize($str);
$str = preg_replace('!s:(\d+):"(.*?)";!se', "'s:'._strlen('$2').':\"$2\";'", $str);
$var = @unserialize($str);
//If it is still empty false
return false;
return $var;
* Make an API Key
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $key An 8 bit random string
* @param string $pass The API Password of your NODE
* @return string The new APIKEY which will be used to query
function make_apikey($key, $pass){
return $key.md5($pass.$key);
* Generates a random string for the given length
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param int $length The length of the random string to be generated
* @return string The generated random string
function generateRandStr($length){
$randstr = "";
for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++){
$randnum = mt_rand(0,61);
if($randnum < 10){
$randstr .= chr($randnum+48);
}elseif($randnum < 36){
$randstr .= chr($randnum+55);
$randstr .= chr($randnum+61);
return strtolower($randstr);
* Makes an API request to the server to do a particular task
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $path The action you want to do
* @param array $post An array of DATA that should be posted
* @param array $cookies An array FOR SENDING COOKIES
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function call($path, $data = array(), $post = array(), $cookies = array()){
$key = $this->generateRandStr(8);
$apikey = $this->make_apikey($key, $this->pass);
$url = ($this->protocol).'://'.$this->ip.':'. $this->port .'/'. $path;
$url .= (strstr($url, '?') ? '' : '?');
$url .= '&api=serialize&apikey='.rawurlencode($apikey);
// Pass some data if there
$url .= '&apidata='.rawurlencode(base64_encode(serialize($data)));
// Set the curl parameters.
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
// Time OUT
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 3);
// Turn off the server and peer verification (TrustManager Concept).
// UserAgent
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Softaculous');
// Cookies
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIESESSION, true);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_COOKIE, http_build_query($cookies, '', '; '));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($post));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
// Get response from the server.
$resp = curl_exec($ch);
// The following line is a method to test
//if(preg_match('/sync/is', $url)) echo $resp;
return false;
$r = @unserialize($resp);
return false;
return $r;
* Create a VPS
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param string $path The action you want to do
* @param array $post An array of DATA that should be posted
* @param array $cookies An array FOR SENDING COOKIES
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function addippool($post){
$post['addippool'] = 1;
$path = 'index.php?act=addippool';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addips($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=addips';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addiso($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=addiso';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addplan($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addplan';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addserver($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addserver';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addtemplate($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addtemplate';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function adduser($post = 0){
$path ='index.php?act=adduser';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
* Create a VPS
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param array $post An array of DATA that should be posted
* @param array $cookies An array FOR SENDING COOKIES
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function addvs($post, $cookies = array()){
$path = 'index.php?act=addvs';
$post = $this->clean_post($post);
$ret = $this->call($path, '', $post, $cookies);
return array(
'title' => $ret['title'],
'error' => @empty($ret['error']) ? array() : $ret['error'],
'vs_info' => $ret['newvs'],
'globals' => $ret['globals']
function addiprange($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addiprange';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addsg($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addsg';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addbackupserver($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addbackupserver';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addstorage($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addstorage';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function adddnsplan($post){
$path ='index.php?act=adddnsplan';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function add_admin_acl($post){
$path ='index.php?act=add_admin_acl';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addmg($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addmg';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function add_distro($post){
$path ='index.php?act=add_distro';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function addpdns($post){
$path ='index.php?act=addpdns';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function adminindex(){
$path = 'index.php?act=adminindex';
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
function apidoings(){
function backup($post){
$path ='index.php?act=backup';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function bandwidth(){
$path ='index.php?act=backup';
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
* Cleaning the POST variables
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param array $post An array of DATA that should be posted
* @param array $cookies An array FOR SENDING COOKIES
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function clean_post(&$post, $edit = 0){
$post['serid'] = !isset($post['serid']) ? 0 : (int)$post['serid'];
$post['uid'] = !isset($post['uid']) ? 0 : (int)$post['uid'];
$post['plid'] = !isset($post['plid']) ? 0 : (int)$post['plid'];
$post['osid'] = !isset($post['osid']) ? 0 : (int)$post['osid'];
$post['iso'] = !isset($post['iso']) ? 0 : (int)$post['iso'];
$post['space'] = !isset($post['space']) ? 10 : (int)$post['space'];
$post['ram'] = !isset($post['ram']) ? 512 : (int)$post['ram'];
$post['swapram'] = !isset($post['swapram']) ? 1024 : (int)$post['swapram'];
$post['bandwidth'] = !isset($post['bandwidth']) ? 0 : (int)$post['bandwidth'];
$post['network_speed'] = !isset($post['network_speed']) ? 0 : (int)$post['network_speed'];
$post['cpu'] = !isset($post['cpu']) ? 1000 : (int)$post['cpu'];
$post['cores'] = !isset($post['cores']) ? 4 : (int)$post['cores'];
$post['cpu_percent'] = !isset($post['cpu_percent']) ? 100 : (int)$post['cpu_percent'];
$post['vnc'] = !isset($post['vnc']) ? 1 : (int)$post['vnc'];
$post['vncpass'] = !isset($post['vncpass']) ? 'test' : $post['vncpass'];
$post['sec_iso'] = !isset($post['sec_iso']) ? 0 : $post['sec_iso'];
$post['kvm_cache'] = !isset($post['kvm_cache']) ? 0 : $post['kvm_cache'];
$post['io_mode'] = !isset($post['io_mode']) ? 0 : $post['io_mode'];
$post['vnc_keymap'] = !isset($post['vnc_keymap']) ? 'en-us' : $post['vnc_keymap'];
$post['nic_type'] = !isset($post['nic_type']) ? 'default' : $post['nic_type'];
$post['osreinstall_limit'] = !isset($post['osreinstall_limit']) ? 0 : (int)$post['osreinstall_limit'];
$post['mgs'] = !isset($post['mgs']) ? 0 : $post['mgs'];
$post['tuntap'] = !isset($post['tuntap']) ? 0 : $post['tuntap'];
$post['virtio'] = !isset($post['virtio']) ? 0 : $post['virtio'];
$post['hvm'] = $post['hvm'];
$post['noemail'] = !isset($post['noemail']) ? 0 : $post['noemail'];
$post['boot'] = !isset($post['boot']) ? 'dca' : $post['boot'];
$post['band_suspend'] = !isset($post['band_suspend']) ? 0 : $post['band_suspend'];
$post['vif_type'] = !isset($post['vif_type']) ? 'netfront' : $post['vif_type'];
if($edit == 0){
$post['addvps'] = !isset($post['addvps']) ? 1 : (int)$post['addvps'];
$post['editvps'] = !isset($post['editvps']) ? 1 : $post['editvps'];
$post['acpi'] = !isset($post['acpi']) ? 1 : $post['acpi'];
$post['apic'] = !isset($post['apic']) ? 1 : $post['apic'];
$post['pae'] = !isset($post['pae']) ? 1 : $post['pae'];
$post['dns'] = !isset($post['dns']) ? array('','') : $post['dns'];
$post['editvps'] = !isset($post['editvps']) ? 1 : (int)$post['editvps'];
return $post;
function cluster(){
function config($post){
$path ='index.php?act=config';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
* Get CPU usage details
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param
* @return array The unserialised array is returned on success or
* empty array is returned on failure
function cpu($serverid = 0){
$path = 'index.php?act=manageserver&changeserid='.$serverid;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret['usage']['cpu'];
function createssl($post){
$path ='index.php?act=createssl';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function createtemplate($post){
$path ='index.php?act=createtemplate';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function databackup(){
function defaultvsconf($post){
$path ='index.php?act=defaultvsconf';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
* Delete a VPS
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param array $post An array of DATA that should be posted
* @return boolean 1 on success OR 0 on failure
function delete_vs($vid){
$path = 'index.php?act=vs&delete='.(int)$vid;
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res['done'];
* Get Disk usage details
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param
* @return array The unserialised array is returned on success or
* empty array is returned on failure
function disk($serverid = 0){
$path = 'index.php?act=manageserver&changeserid='.$serverid;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret['usage']['disk'];
function downloadiso(){
function editemailtemp(){
function editippool($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=editippool';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function editips($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=editips';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function editplan($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=editplan';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function editserver($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=editserver';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function edittemplate($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=edittemplate';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function edituser($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=edituser';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
* Create a VPS
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param array $post An array of DATA that should be posted
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function editvs($post, $cookies = array()){
$path = 'index.php?act=editvs&vpsid='.$post['vpsid'];
$post = $this->clean_post($post, 1);
$ret = $this->call($path, '', $post, $cookies);
return array(
'title' => $ret['title'],
'error' => @empty($ret['error']) ? array() : $ret['error'],
'vs_info' => $ret['vps']
function emailconfig($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=emailconfig';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function emailtemp($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=emailtemp';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function filemanager($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=filemanager';
$res = $this->call($path,'', $post);
return $res;
function firewall($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=firewall';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function giveos(){
function health(){
function hostname($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=hostname';
$res = $this->call($path,'',$post);
return $res;
function import($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=import';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function ippool($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=ippool&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
* Get list of IPs
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param
* @return array The unserialised array on success.
function ips($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=ips&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
function iso($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=iso&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
function kernelconf($post = 0){
$path = 'index.php?act=kernelconf';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function license(){
$path = 'index.php?act=license';
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
* List VPS
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param int page number, if not specified then only 50 records are returned.
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function listvs($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=vs&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
return $this->call($path);
function login(){
function loginlogs($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=loginlogs&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
function logs($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=logs&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
function maintenance($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=maintenance';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function makeslave(){
function os($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=os';
$ret = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $ret;
function ostemplates($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=ostemplates&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
function performance(){
$path = 'index.php?act=performance';
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
function phpmyadmin(){
function plans($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=plans&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
* POWER OFF a Virtual Server
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param int $vid The VMs ID
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
function poweroff($vid){
// Make the Request
$res = $this->call('index.php?act=vs&action=poweroff&serid=0&vpsid='.(int)$vid);
return $res;
function processes(){
$path = 'index.php?act=processes';
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret;
* Get RAM details
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param
* @return array The unserialised array is returned on success or
* empty array is returned on failure
function ram($serverid = 0){
$path = 'index.php?act=manageserver&changeserid='.$serverid;
$ret = $this->call($path);
return $ret['usage']['ram'];
* Rebuild a VPS
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param array $post An array of DATA that should be posted
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function rebuild($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=rebuild';
return $this->call($path, '', $post);
* RESTART a Virtual Server
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param int $vid The VMs ID
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
function restart($vid){
// Make the Request
$res = $this->call('index.php?act=vs&action=restart&serid=0&vpsid='.(int)$vid);
return $res;
function restartservices($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=restartservices';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
* Current server information
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function serverinfo(){
$path = 'index.php?act=serverinfo';
return $this->call($path);
* List Servers
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param
* @return array The unserialized array on success OR false on failure
function servers(){
$path = 'index.php?act=servers';
return $this->call($path);
function services($post = 0){
$path = 'index.php?act=services';
$res = $this->call($path, '', $post);
return $res;
function ssh(){
/* $path = 'index.php?act=ssh';
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;*/
function ssl($post = 0){
/* $path = 'index.php?act=ssl';
$res = $this->call($path, '', $post);
return $res;*/
function sslcert(){
/* $path = 'index.php?act=sslcert';
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;*/
* START a Virtual Server
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param int $vid The VMs ID
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
function start($vid){
$res = $this->call('index.php?act=vs&action=start&serid=0&vpsid='.(int)$vid);
return $res;
* STOP a Virtual Server
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param int $vid The VMs ID
* @return bool TRUE on success or FALSE on failure
function stop($vid){
// Make the Request
$res = $this->call('index.php?act=vs&action=stop&serid=0&vpsid='.(int)$vid);
return $res;
* Gives status of a Virtual Server
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param Array $vids array of IDs of VMs
* @return Array Contains the status info of the VMs
function status($vids){
// Make the Request
$res = $this->call('index.php?act=vs&vs_status='.implode(',', $vids));
return $res['status'];
* Suspends a VM of a Virtual Server
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param int $vid The VMs ID
* @return int 1 if the VM is ON, 0 if its OFF
function suspend($vid){
$path = 'index.php?act=vs&suspend='.(int)$vid;
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
* Unsuspends a VM of a Virtual Server
* @author Pulkit Gupta
* @param int $vid The VMs ID
* @return int 1 if the VM is ON, 0 if its OFF
function unsuspend($vid){
$path = 'index.php?act=vs&unsuspend='.(int)$vid;
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
function tools(){
function ubc($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=ubc';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function updates(){
$path = 'index.php?act=updates';
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
function userlogs($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=userlogs&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
function users($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=users&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
function vnc($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=vnc';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function vpsbackupsettings($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=vpsbackupsettings';
$res = $this->call($path, array(), $post);
return $res;
function vpsbackups($post){
$path = 'index.php?act=vpsbackups';
$res = $this->call($path, '', $post);
return $res;
function vs($page = 1, $reslen = 50){
$path = 'index.php?act=vs&page='.$page.'&reslen='.$reslen;
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
function vsbandwidth(){
$path = 'index.php?act=vsbandwidth';
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
function vscpu(){
$path = 'index.php?act=vscpu';
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
function vsram(){
$path = 'index.php?act=vsram';
$res = $this->call($path);
return $res;
} // Class Ends
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