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Last active October 30, 2022 08:21
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/** Full code is available here: */
import { Construct } from 'constructs';
import { NodejsFunction } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs';
import { Runtime, Tracing } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda';
import { Duration } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
import { ILogGroup } from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-logs';
import {
Color, GaugeWidget, GraphWidget, GraphWidgetView, IWidget, LogQueryVisualizationType, LogQueryWidget, MathExpression, Metric, SingleValueWidget, TextWidget,
} from 'aws-cdk-lib/aws-cloudwatch';
import { CustomFunctionProps, PowerToolsEnvProps } from './types';
* External npm modules that are included in the tools-layer.
* These module are excluded in the bundle process.
const toolsModuleList = [
* Creates a Lambda function from the Typescript source.
* Includes PowerTools logging option settings.
export class CustomFunction extends Construct {
/** The new function */
function: NodejsFunction;
/** CloudWatch Log Group */
logGroup: ILogGroup;
/** CloudWatch Widgets for Dashboard */
dashboardWidgets: IWidget[];
* @param {Construct} scope
* @param {string} id
* @param {CustomFunctionProps} props
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: CustomFunctionProps) {
super(scope, id);
const {
svcName, description, entry, label = 'Function',
layers = [], environment = {},
powerToolsOptions = {}, functionProps = {},
} = props;
// Set Defaults
const {
logLevel = 'INFO',
logEvent = false,
} = powerToolsOptions;
const {
logRetention = 30,
memorySize = 128,
timeout = 10,
} = functionProps;
const metricNamespace = powerToolsOptions.metricsNamespace || 'DemoNamespace';
const metricsSvcName = svcName.toUpperCase();
const powertoolsEnv: PowerToolsEnvProps = {
LOG_LEVEL: logLevel,
POWERTOOLS_LOGGER_LOG_EVENT: (logEvent) ? 'true' : 'false',
POWERTOOLS_TRACER_CAPTURE_RESPONSE: (logLevel === 'DEBUG') ? 'true' : 'false',
const fnc = new NodejsFunction(this, 'Fnc', {
// ... function props
tracing: Tracing.ACTIVE,
layers: [
bundling: {
sourceMap: true,
externalModules: toolsModuleList,
environment: {
NODE_OPTIONS: '--enable-source-maps',
this.function = fnc;
this.logGroup = fnc.logGroup;
* Standard Metrics for the Lambda Function
const invocationMetric = fnc.metricInvocations({
label: `${label} Invocations`,
dimensionsMap: {
FunctionName: fnc.functionName,
statistic: 'sum',
period: Duration.minutes(15),
const durationMetricAvg = fnc.metricDuration({
label: `${label} Duration Avg`,
statistic: 'avg',
dimensionsMap: {
FunctionName: fnc.functionName,
color: Color.PURPLE,
// ... max and min metrics
const coldStartMetric = new Metric({
metricName: 'ColdStart',
namespace: metricNamespace,
label: `${label} ColdStart`,
dimensionsMap: {
function_name: fnc.functionName,
service: metricsSvcName,
statistic: 'sum',
color: Color.BLUE,
const warmStartMetric = new MathExpression({
label: `${label} Warm Start`,
expression: 'invocations - coldStarts',
usingMetrics: {
invocations: invocationMetric,
coldStarts: coldStartMetric,
color: Color.GREEN,
const warningMetric = new Metric({
metricName: 'WARNING',
namespace: metricNamespace,
label: `${label} Warning`,
dimensionsMap: {
function_name: fnc.functionName,
service: metricsSvcName,
statistic: 'sum',
period: Duration.minutes(15),
color: Color.ORANGE,
const errorMetric = new Metric({
metricName: 'ERROR',
namespace: metricNamespace,
label: `${label} Error`,
dimensionsMap: {
function_name: fnc.functionName,
service: metricsSvcName,
statistic: 'sum',
period: Duration.minutes(15),
color: Color.RED,
* Standard Widgets for adding to a CloudWatch Dashboard
const headerWidget = new TextWidget({
markdown: `## ${label} Metrics`,
width: 24,
height: 1,
const invocationStats = new SingleValueWidget({
metrics: [invocationMetric],
sparkline: true,
height: 6,
const coldStartStats = new GraphWidget({
title: `${label} Cold and Warm Starts`,
left: [coldStartMetric],
right: [warmStartMetric],
view: GraphWidgetView.PIE,
setPeriodToTimeRange: true,
height: 6,
const durationAvgGauge = new GaugeWidget({
title: `${label} Average Duration`,
metrics: [durationMetricAvg],
leftYAxis: {
min: 0,
max: timeout * 1000,
height: 6,
// ... max and min guages
const errorStats = new SingleValueWidget({
title: `${label} 40x Warning and 500 Errors`,
metrics: [warningMetric, errorMetric],
sparkline: true,
height: 6,
// Error Log Query Widget
const errorLogWidget = new LogQueryWidget({
title: `${label} Errors`,
logGroupNames: [fnc.logGroup.logGroupName],
view: LogQueryVisualizationType.TABLE,
queryLines: [
'fields @timestamp, @message',
'sort @timestamp desc',
'filter level = "ERROR"',
'limit 20',
width: 12,
height: 6,
* Export all the widgets for use in a Dashboard Row
this.dashboardWidgets = [
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