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Last active August 18, 2017 18:17
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  • Save markisatacomputer/e519d845fa09f84aa6703bc3f35528a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save markisatacomputer/e519d845fa09f84aa6703bc3f35528a9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
deploy changes to pantheon - an attempt to do as little as possible by hand - this way we can test more often
# delete old calendar nodes to free up aliases
echo 'node_delete_multiple(array(13,82,3186,3219,3250,3251,3264,4656,4838,4858,4955,5216,5248,5250,5261,5292,6794,6795,8360,8361,8362,8358,8352,8355,9147));' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
# enable features
drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV en explo_feature_event_calendar_views -y
# revert features
drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV fr explo_feature_event_type -y
# remove old event views made for after dark
drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV dis explo_event_views -y
drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV pm-uninstall explo_event_views -y
# delete old past programs contexts
echo '$context = context_load("upcoming_event_series"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("conversations_about_landscape_past_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("explorables_past_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("full_spectrum_past_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("lab_and_lunch_past_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("market_days_past_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("off_the_screen_past_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("pairings_past_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("pairings_upcoming_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("sat_cinema_past_programs"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("this_weeks_events"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$context = context_load("todays_events"); context_delete($context);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
# publish the after dark children nodes
echo '$nodes = node_load_multiple(array(11467,11468,11469,11470,11471,11472,11473,11474,11475,11476,11477,11478,11483,11484));
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
// set status property to 1
$node->status = 1;
// re-save the node
}' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
# unpublish the tactile dome special hours nodes
echo '$nodes = node_load_multiple(array(11347,11348,11349,11350,11352,11406,11407,11408,11409));
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
// set status property to 1
$node->status = 0;
// re-save the node
}' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
# update taxonomy aliases
drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV vset pathauto_taxonomy_term_event_type_pattern 'visit/calendar/[term:name]'
drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV vset pathauto_update_action 2
echo 'pathauto_taxonomy_term_update_alias_multiple(array(39,40,41,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,222), "bulkupdate");' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV vset pathauto_update_action 0
# delete aliases
#echo '$delete = array(
# "taxonomy/term/517"
# );
# foreach ($delete as $source) {
# $result = db_query("DELETE FROM {url_alias} WHERE source = :source", array(":source" => $source));
# }' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
# update aliases that need to be other than auto
echo '$updates = array(
"taxonomy/term/45" => "visit/calendar/holiday",
"taxonomy/term/108" => "arts/resonance",
"taxonomy/term/49" => "visit/calendar/members",
"taxonomy/term/1863" => "visit/calendar/first-thursdays",
"taxonomy/term/503" => "visit/calendar/everything-matters",
"taxonomy/term/509" => "visit/calendar/in-the-balance",
"taxonomy/term/1863" => "visit/calendar/first-thursdays",
"taxonomy/term/486" => "visit/calendar/cinema/saturday-cinema",
"taxonomy/term/499" => "visit/calendar/lab-and-lunch",
"taxonomy/term/487" => "visit/calendar/full-spectrum-science",
"taxonomy/term/517" => "visit/calendar/tactile-dome-special-evening-hours-list",
"node/11478" => "visit/calendar/tactile-dome-special-evening-hours"
foreach ($updates as $source => $alias) {
$result = db_query("SELECT pid FROM {url_alias} WHERE source = :source", array(":source" => $source));
$a = $result->fetchObject();
$na = array(
"source" => $source,
"alias" => $alias,
"pid" => $a->pid,
}' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
# update menu items
echo '$newlink = array(
"menu_name" => "main-menu",
"link_path" => "visit/calendar",
"link_title" => "Calendar",
"plid" => 910,
"weight" => -47,
menu_link_save($newlink);' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
echo '$newlink = array(
"menu_name" => "menu-main-menu-mobile",
"link_path" => "visit/calendar",
"link_title" => "Calendar",
"plid" => 1772,
"weight" => -49,
$mlid = menu_link_save($newlink);
$newlink = array(
"menu_name" => "menu-main-menu-mobile",
"link_path" => "visit/calendar/today",
"link_title" => "Today",
"plid" => $mlid,
"weight" => -50,
$newlink = array(
"menu_name" => "menu-main-menu-mobile",
"link_path" => "visit/calendar/this-week",
"link_title" => "This Week",
"plid" => $mlid,
"weight" => -49,
$newlink = array(
"menu_name" => "menu-main-menu-mobile",
"link_path" => "visit/calendar/ongoing",
"link_title" => "Ongoing + Series",
"plid" => $mlid,
"weight" => 10,
$event_types = array(
39 => "After Dark Thursday Nights",
40 => "Arts",
41 => "Cinema Arts",
44 => "Free",
45 => "Holiday Hours",
46 => "Kids + Families",
47 => "Lab Members",
48 => "Live Webcasts",
49 => "Members",
$i = -40;
foreach($event_types as $tid => $title) {
$lank = array(
"menu_name" => "menu-main-menu-mobile",
"link_path" => "taxonomy/term/$tid",
"link_title" => $title,
"plid" => $mlid,
"weight" => $i++,
' | drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV php-script -
# clear the cache!!
drush @pantheon.exploratorium.$PANTHEON_ENV cc all
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