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Created February 20, 2018 13:24
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A simple lean canvas template in Markdown

Lean Canvas


List your top 1-3 problems.

Existing Alternatives

List how these problems are solved today.

Customer Segments

List your target customer and users.

Early Adopters

List the characteristics of your ideal customer.

Unique Value Proposition

Single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth paying attention.

High-level Concept

List your X for Y analogy e.g. Youtube = Flickr for videos


Outline a possible solution for each problem.


List your path to customers (inbound or outbound).

Revenue Streams

List your sources of revenue.

Cost Structure

List your fixed and variable costs.

Key Metrics

List the key numbers that tell you how your business is doing.

Unfair Advantage

Something that cannot easily be bought or copied.

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