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Created September 1, 2011 10:04
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Going git
# The following commands
# need to be run once to set-up git
# Install git (you may have this already, type git then hit [ENTER] in Terminal to check)
cd ~/Downloads && curl -OL "" && open ~/Downloads/git-1.7.6-x86_64-snow-leopard.dmg
# Start a new Terminal window
# I don't have a command for this one
# Install the Git Flow extension
curl -OL && sudo chmod a+x && sudo ./ && rm ./
# Install the Git Subtree extension
curl -OL && mv "$(git --exec-path)"/git-subtree && sudo chown root:admin "$(git --exec-path)"/git-subtree && sudo chmod 755 "$(git --exec-path)"/git-subtree
# Setup your global git name/email
git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
git config --global ""
# Turn on git colours
git config --global color.ui true
# Setup SSH key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f "id_rsa_made"
mv id_rsa_made ~/.ssh/id_rsa_made && mv ~/.ssh/
sudo ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_made
# Copy your public key into your clipboard (ready to paste into Beanstalk)
cat ~/.ssh/ | pbcopy
# Now go to Beanstalk and give them your key
# Optionally restyle your Terminal prompt to include the current branch
mate ~/.bash_profile
# …then copy the following into the bottom of your .bash_profile
function parse_git_branch_name {
git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\ \[\1\]/'
function parse_git_branch_color {
local CURRENT_GIT_BRANCH=`git branch --no-color 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/\\1/'`
if [[ $CURRENT_GIT_BRANCH =~ .*master.* ]]
# Red for master
echo -e '38;5;196m'
elif [[ $CURRENT_GIT_BRANCH =~ .*develop.* ]]
# Green for develop
echo -e '0;32m'
elif [[ $CURRENT_GIT_BRANCH =~ .*feature/.* ]]
# Blue for features
echo -e '38;5;45m'
elif [[ $CURRENT_GIT_BRANCH =~ .*hotfix/.* ]]
# Orange for hotfixes
echo -e '38;5;202m'
elif [[ $CURRENT_GIT_BRANCH =~ .*release/.* ]]
# Bright Yellow for releases
echo -e '38;5;226m'
# Lemon for everything else
echo -e '38;5;230m'
PS1="\[\033[0;37m\]\h:\u\[\033[0m\] \W\[\033[\$(parse_git_branch_color)\]\$(parse_git_branch_name) \[\033[0m\]\$ "
# The following commands
# are all per project
# Get into the right directory
cd ~/whereyoukeepyourvhosts
# Clone the Beanstalk Repo
git clone --origin=beanstalk --recursive git@[company][project].git [vhost/folder/you/want/to/create]
# origin=beanstalk makes the reference to the main remote repository be called 'beanstalk' rather than 'origin'
# Did it fail? Lets debug
# ssh -vT git@[company]
# Setup Git Flow
git flow init
# Then hit enter UNTIL you get to the line that says Version tag prefix []:, then press v then hit Enter
# Get started!
git flow feature start html-templates
mate .
# Do some work (you have to fill this bit in)
# Check what changes you've made
git status
# Add or remove files
git add path/to/my/file/i/added/or/changed
git rm path/to/the/file/i/deleted
# Commit your changes
git commit
git commit -m "Did some work"
git commit -a # If you are lazy and want it to add/rm ALL files that have changed for you
# Oops! Undo that commit
git reset
# Finish your feature
git flow feature finish html-templates
# Update your develop branch
git pull beanstalk develop
# Resolve any conflicts
# Push your changes back to Beanstalk (__make sure you're on the develop branch__)
git push beanstalk develop
# Add the CMS as a subtree
# git subtree add --squash --prefix=web --message="Added subtree for CMS" git@[company][cms-project].git master
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