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Created December 1, 2011 15:35
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Silverstripe Snippets
// Set default cache length in seconds
HTTP::set_cache_age( 60 );
// Disable cache per page
HTTP::set_cache_age( 0 );
// Set default cache lifetime in seconds
SS_Cache::set_cache_lifetime('all', 600, 1);
// Set template partial caching in seconds
SS_Cache::set_cache_lifetime('cacheblock', 120, 2);
// Change order of comment listings
PageCommentInterface::$order_comments_by = '"Created" ASC';
// Put in site config
function SearchTest() {
// Search for all news posts that have the announcements or reviews category
$criteria = array(
'Categories.URLSegment' => array('announcements','reviews'),
$search = new SearchContext(
'Categories.URLSegment' => new ExactMatchFilter('Categories.URLSegment'),
return $search->getResults($criteria);
// Basic search on Title
$criteria = array(
'Title' => $_GET['title'],
$search = new SearchContext(
'Title' => new ExactMatchFilter('Title')
return $search->getResults($criteria);
// A new page type
class Page extends SiteTree {
static $icon = array('/site/icons/page.png?','file');
// Or if you have icons in multiple states:
// static $icon = '/site/icons/page';
// Allowed child types
// static $allowed_children = array('MyPage');
// Default child type
static $default_child = "Page";
// Can exist at the root of the site?
static $can_be_root = true;
// Extensions
static $extensions = array();
static $many_many = array(
'FeaturePanels' => 'FeatureLinkPanel'
static $db = array(
'NewField' =>'Boolean'
static $defaults = array(
'NewField' => '1'
public function canCreate() {
// Only allow one page of this type
// return !DataObject::get_one($this->class);
return parent::canCreate();
public function canDelete() {
// Don't allow deletion
// return false;
return parent::canDelete();
* Customise the CMS field
* @return FieldsSet
public function getCMSFields(){
$fields = parent::getCMSFields();
return $fields;
* Return classes for the body
* @return string The HTML metatags
public function BodyClasses() {
$classes = array();
// Get each of the page types
$className = get_class($this);
$classes []= 'type'. strtolower(preg_replace('~([A-Z])~','-$1',$className));
while( ($className = get_parent_class($className)) && $className != 'SiteTree' ) {
$classes []= 'subtype'. strtolower(preg_replace('~([A-Z])~','-$1',$className));
// Add a page ID
$page = $this;
$classes []= 'page-id-'.$page->ID;
// Find the section by looping through the parents
while( true ) {
$newpage = $page->Parent;
if( $newpage ) {
$page = $newpage;
} else {
$classes []= 'section-'.$page->URLSegment;
return implode(' ',$classes);
* Return the title
* @return string The HTML metatags
function MetaTitle(){
if($this->MetaTitle && $this->MetaTitle != $this->Title) {
return $this->MetaTitle;
} else {
return $this->getSiteConfig()->Title . ' - ' . $this->Title;
* Return the title, description, keywords and language metatags.
* @todo Move <title> tag in separate getter for easier customization and more obvious usage
* @param boolean|string $includeTitle Show default <title>-tag, set to false for custom templating
* @param boolean $includeTitle Show default <title>-tag, set to false for
* custom templating
* @return string The HTML metatags
public function MetaTags($includeTitle = false, $indent="\t" ) {
$tags = array();
if($includeTitle === true || $includeTitle == 'true') {
$tags []= "<title>" . $this->MetaTitle() . "</title>";
// Keywords
if( $this->MetaKeywords ) {
$tags []= '<meta name="keywords" content="' . Convert::raw2att($this->MetaKeywords) . '">';
// Description
if( $this->MetaKeywords ) {
$tags []= '<meta name="description" content="' . Convert::raw2att($this->MetaDescription) . '">';
if( $this->ExtraMeta ) {
$tags []= $this->ExtraMeta;
$tags = implode("\n".$indent,$tags);
$this->extend('MetaTags', $tags);
return $tags;
* Return an array of opengraph metadata elements
* @return string The HTML metatags
protected function OpenGraphMetaTagElements() {
$tags = array();
$tags['site_name'] = $this->getSiteConfig()->Title;
$tags['title'] = $this->MetaTitle();
$tags['description'] = $this->MetaDescription ? $this->MetaDescription : $this->getSiteConfig()->SiteDescription;
$tags['type'] = 'article';
// Get default image from Site Config
if( $siteImage = $this->getSiteConfig()->SiteImage() ) {
$siteImageUrl = $siteImage->URL('opengraph');
$tags['image'] = $siteImageUrl;
if( $this->has_one('Image') ) {
$iconsize = 'opengraph';
if($iconsize && $img = $this->Image()) {
$tags['image'] = $img->URL($iconsize);
$tags['url'] = $this->AbsoluteLink();
return $tags;
* Return the open graph tags
* @return string The HTML metatags
public function OpenGraphMetaTags( $indent="\t" ) {
$tags = $this->OpenGraphMetaTagElements();
if( !is_array($tags) ) {
return '';
$output = array();
foreach( $tags as $key => $val ) {
$output []= '<meta property="og:'.$key.'" content="' . Convert::raw2att($val) . '">';
$tags = implode("\n".$indent,$output);
return $tags;
* Adds first/last/start/end class to a list item.
* Sometimes you need to:
* Lay out a load of thumbnails in a grid.
* Style only the first or last elements in a vertical/horizontal list of items
* You can do this using nth-child pseudoselectors, but it is dangerous.
* Instead, on any list of elements:
* add a _first_ class to the very first one
* add a _last_ class to the very last one
* add a _start_ class to the first item on a row (e.g. every 4th item, starting with the first one)
* add an _end_ class to the last item on a row (e.g. every 4th item, starting with the fourth one)
* @param $rowLength length of each row
* @return string list class
public function ListClass( $rowLength ) {
$classes = array();
// first
if ($this->iteratorPos == 0) {
$classes[] = 'first';
// last
if($this->iteratorPos == $this->iteratorTotalItems - 1) {
$classes[] = 'last';
// start
if ($this->iteratorPos % $rowLength == 0) {
$classes[] = 'start';
// end
if ($this->iteratorPos % $rowLength == $rowLength - 1) {
$classes[] = 'end';
$html = join(' ', $classes);
return $html;
* Return the value of the current environment
public function Environment() {
$val = Director::get_environment_type() or $val = 'live';
return $val;
// Put in Site_Controller, call to flip between SSL and non-SSL pages
protected function _checkSSL() {
$needSSL = $inSSL = $destURL = false;
$inSSL = ( isset($_SERVER['SSL']) || (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) &amp;&amp; $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ) ? true : false;
// Get static $ssl_actions and see if we need to switch in or out of SSL
if($all_ssl_actions = Object::combined_static($this, 'ssl_actions') and is_array($all_ssl_actions) ) {
$action = $this->getRequest()->latestParam('Action'); // $this->getAction() always empty??
if( in_array($action,$all_ssl_actions) or
(in_array('index',$all_ssl_actions) and is_null($action) ) ) {
$needSSL = true;
if( $needSSL and !$inSSL ){
$destURL = str_replace('http:','https:', Director::absoluteURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
} elseif( !$needSSL and $inSSL ) {
$destURL = str_replace('https:','http:', Director::absoluteURL($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
if( $destURL ) {
header("Location: $destURL", true, 301);
die('<h1>Your browser is not accepting header redirects</h1><p>Please <a href="'.$destURL.'">click here</a>');
// Caching lists
<% cached 'child-pages', Aggregate(Children).Max(LastEdited) %>
<% cached unless CurrentUser %>
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