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Last active May 6, 2018 05:19
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Implementation of atoi
''' atoi package '''
''' atoi converts string representations of integers and floats to their numeric type
from decimal import Decimal
ORD_0 = ord('0')
def atoi_int(s):
''' atoi_int converts a string representation of an integer into an integer
s (str): string representing an integer
int: integer equivalent of `s`
sum = 0
s_len = len(s)
for i in range(s_len):
sum += (ord(s[s_len-(i+1)]) - ORD_0) * (10 ** i)
return sum
def atoi_float(s):
''' atoi_float converts a string representation of a float to a float
Note: uses the `decimal` package because the floating point byte conversion produce results
that are unexpected. Example: 3.14159 == 3.14159000000000002
s (str): string representing a floating point number
float: floating point equivalent
if '.' in s:
d, f = s.split('.', 1)
d = s
f = '0'
sum = Decimal(0)
f_len = len(f)
for i in range(f_len):
sum += Decimal(ord(f[i]) - ORD_0) / (10 ** (i+1))
return float(atoi_int(d) + sum)
''' test_atoi includes nosetests for atoi functions
to run:
`# nosetests -v`
from .atoi import atoi_int, atoi_float
def test_int():
cases = (
('1234', 1234),
('42', 42),
('8675309', 8675309),
('5150', 5150),
for s, want in cases:
got = atoi_int(s)
assert want == got, 'integer mismatch - want: {0}, got: {1}'.format(want, got)
def test_float():
cases = (
('1234.5678', 1234.5678),
('3.14159', 3.14159),
('1.6180', 1.618),
('0', 0.0),
('21', 21.0),
('0.739085', 0.739085),
for s, want in cases:
got = atoi_float(s)
assert want == got, 'float mismatch - want: {0}, got: {1}'.format(want, got)
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