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Forked from neel-krishnaswami/abt
Created November 19, 2017 18:37
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Abstract binding trees implementation
(* -*- mode: ocaml; -*- *)
module type FUNCTOR = sig
type 'a t
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
type 'a monoid = {unit : 'a ; join : 'a -> 'a -> 'a}
type var = string
module V = Set.Make(struct type t = var let compare = compare end)
module type ABT = sig
type 'a signature
type 'a f = Var of var | Abs of var * 'a | Tm of 'a signature
val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a f -> 'b f
type t
val into : t f -> t
val out : t -> t f
val freevars : t -> V.t
val var : V.elt -> t
val abs : V.elt * t -> t
val tm : t signature -> t
val subst : t -> var -> t -> t
module type SIGNATURE = sig
include FUNCTOR
val join : 'a monoid -> 'a t -> 'a
module Abt(F : SIGNATURE) : ABT with type 'a signature := 'a F.t =
type 'a f =
| Var of var
| Abs of var * 'a
| Tm of 'a F.t
let map f = function
| Var x -> Var x
| Abs(x, e) -> Abs(x, f e)
| Tm t -> Tm ( f t)
type t = In of V.t * t f
let freevars (In(vs, _)) = vs
let out (In(_, t)) = t
let m = {unit = V.empty; join = V.union}
let var x = In(V.singleton x, Var x)
let abs(z, e) = In(V.remove z (freevars e), Abs(z, e))
let tm t = In(F.join m ( freevars t), Tm t)
let into = function
| Var x -> var x
| Abs(x, e) -> abs(x, e)
| Tm t -> tm t
let rec fresh vs v =
if V.mem v vs then fresh vs (v ^ "'") else v
let rec rename x y (In(fvs, t)) =
match t with
| Var z -> if x = z then var y else var z
| Abs(z, e) -> if x = z then abs(z, e) else abs(z, rename x y e)
| Tm v -> tm ( (rename x y) v)
let rec subst t x body =
match out body with
| Var z when x = z -> t
| Var z -> var z
| Abs(x, e) ->
let x' = fresh (V.union (freevars t) (freevars body)) x in
let e' = subst t x (rename x x' e) in
abs(x', e')
| Tm body -> tm ( (subst t x) body)
module Lambda =
type tp = Base | Arrow of tp * tp
type 'a t = Lam of 'a | App of 'a * 'a | Let of 'a * 'a | Annot of tp * 'a
let map f = function
| Lam x -> Lam (f x)
| App (x, y) -> App(f x, f y)
| Let (x, y) -> Let(f x, f y)
| Annot(t, x) -> Annot(t, f x)
let join m = function
| Lam x -> x
| App(x, y) -> m.join x y
| Let(x, y) -> m.join x y
| Annot(_, x) -> x
module Syntax = Abt(Lambda)
module Bidir = struct
open Lambda
open Syntax
type ctx = (var * tp) list
let is_synth = function
| Tm (Lam _) | Tm (Let (_, _)) -> false
| _ -> true
let is_check e = not(is_synth e)
let unabs e =
match out e with
| Abs(x, e) -> (x, e)
| _ -> assert false
let rec check ctx e tp =
match out e, tp with
| Tm (Lam t), Arrow(tp1, tp') ->
let (x, e') = unabs t in
check ((x, tp1) :: ctx) e' tp'
| Tm (Lam _), _ -> failwith "expected arrow type"
| Tm (Let(e', t)), _ ->
let (x, e'') = unabs t in
let tp1 = synth ctx e' in
check ((x, tp1) :: ctx) e'' tp
| body, _ when is_synth body ->
if tp = synth ctx e then () else failwith "Type mismatch"
| _ -> assert false
and synth ctx e =
match out e with
| Var x -> (try List.assoc x ctx with Not_found -> failwith "unbound variable")
| Tm(Annot(tp, e)) -> let () = check ctx e tp in tp
| Tm(App(f, e)) ->
(match synth ctx f with
| Arrow(tp, tp') -> let () = check ctx e tp in tp'
| _ -> failwith "Applying a non-function!")
| body when is_check body -> failwith "Cannot synthesize type for checking term"
| _ -> assert false
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