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Created April 17, 2017 18:54
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Super naive maze generator
defmodule Maze do
def get_maze maze_size do
maze =
for y <- (maze_size..1),
do: build_row(y, maze_size)
defp build_row(y, maze_size), do: Enum.into(%{}, build_row_tuples(y, maze_size))
defp build_row_tuples(y, maze_size)do
for x <- (1..maze_size), do: {x, get_direction(x, y, maze_size)} #tuple: {x, direction}
defp get_direction(maze_size, maze_size, maze_size), do: :end #end of the maze
defp get_direction(_x, maze_size, maze_size), do: :right #Top row, always to the right
defp get_direction(maze_size, _y, maze_size), do: :up #rightmost column, always up
defp get_direction(_x, _y, maze_size), do: Enum.random([:up, :right])
defmodule MazePrinter do
#printing stuff
def print_maze maze do
Enum.reduce(maze, "", &print_maze_row/2) |> IO.puts
def print_maze_row row, acc do
Enum.reduce(row, acc, fn({x, direction}, acc)-> print_cell(acc, direction) end)
<> "\n"
defp print_cell(acc, :up), do: acc <> " |"
defp print_cell(acc, :right), do: acc <> "‾‾"
defp print_cell(acc, :end), do: acc <> " O"
|> MazePrinter.print_maze
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