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Last active January 25, 2019 20:50
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one-ish liners
Starting a list of random things that I have found useful but can't always seem to remember and got tired of re-creating them over and over again.
# quickly use ping to see what is responding on a subnet (for when you just don't have the right tools on hand)
for I in 192.168.1.{1..254} ; do ping -c 1 $I >/dev/null 2>&1 && echo "$I answers pings" & done 2>&1 | grep answers | grep -v Exit
# quickly clean up a bunch of docker images (I think docker might have finally added somethign to do this)
docker rmi -f $(docker image ls | grep -v REPOSITORY | awk '{print $3}')
# delete an old cached host key, if it complains about line 123
sed -i 123d ~/.ssh/known_hosts
# delete a bunch by IP
for H in 50 51 52 ; do sed -i -e "/10.10.10.${H}/d" ~/.ssh/known_hosts ; done
# AWS Route53
aws route53 list-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id <id> | \
jq -r '.ResourceRecordSets[] | select(.Name |contains("")) | select(.Type=="A" or .Type=="CNAME") | "\(.Name) \(.ResourceRecords[].Value)"'
# jenkins list installed plugins
curl -sk -u username:password '*/*shortName|/*/*/version' | python -mjson.tool | jq -r '.plugins[] | "\( .shortName).\(.version)"'
# jenkins export job
curl -sk -u username:password -o myjob.xml
# jenkins import job
curl -sk -u username:password -X POST -H "Content-Type:text/xml" '' --data-binary @myjob.xml
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