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Created September 4, 2021 20:15
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Generate an HTML presentation of a Twitter thread given a specific tweet ID
#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Standard library
import datetime
import re
import sys
import time
# 3rd party library
import requests
bearer_token = 'YOUR_BEARER_TOKEN_HERE'
headers = { 'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(bearer_token) }
def get_html_for_thread(tweet_thread, tweets, includes, users):
result = '<a name="start_of_thread"></a>\n\n'
thread_len = len(tweet_thread.keys())
thread_index = 1
for k, v in tweet_thread.items():
result += "{}\n\n".format(get_html_for_tweet(v, tweets, includes, users, thread_index, thread_len))
thread_index += 1
return result
def get_html_for_tweet(tweet, tweets, includes, users, thread_index=None, thread_len=None):
result = None
if 'data' in tweet: tweet = tweet['data']
created_at_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(tweet['created_at'].replace('.000Z', ''), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
created_at_str = created_at_obj.strftime("%d-%b-%Y, %H:%M")
html = tweet['text'].replace('\n\n', "<br /><br />")
# remove image URLs
for m in re.findall(r'(\w+))', tweet['text']):
#print("--- checking URL {}".format(m[0]))
r = None
r = requests.get(m[0])
except Exception as err:
print("Unable to resolve URL included in tweet. Threw exception:\n\t{}".format(err))
if r and r.status_code == 200:
mi = re.match(r'\d+/(photo)|(video)/\d+', r.url)
if mi:
# This URL is for an included attachment
html = html.replace(" {}".format(m[0]), '')
html = html.replace(m[0], '<a href="{}">{}</a>'.format(m[0], r.url))
# add images
if 'attachments' in tweet and 'media_keys' in tweet['attachments']:
for attachment in tweet['attachments']['media_keys']:
include = includes[attachment]
if include['type'] == 'photo':
html += '<br /><img src="{}" />'.format(include['url'])
# tweet link
user = users[tweet['author_id']]
html += '<p class="tweet-link"><img src="{}" alt="{}" /><b>@{}</b> tweeted at <a href="{}/status/{}">{}</a></p></p>'.format(user['profile_image_url'], user['username'], user['username'], tweet['author_id'], tweet['id'], created_at_str)
position = ""
nav = ""
if thread_index and thread_len:
position = '<p class="tweet-position"><a name="{}">Tweet {}/{}</a><span>&nbsp;</span><a href="#{}">👇 Next tweet</a>'.format(thread_index, thread_index, thread_len, (thread_index+1))
if thread_index > 1:
position += '<span>&nbsp;</span><a href="#start_of_thread">👆 Start</a>'
position += "</p>"
if thread_index == thread_len:
nav = '<p class="tweet-link"><a href="#start_of_thread">👆 Start</a>'
result = '{}<div class="tweet" data-tweet-id="{}">{}{}</div>'.format(position, tweet['id'], html, nav)
return result
def organize_tweets(tweets):
results = {}
for t in tweets:
results[t['id']] = t
return results
def organize_includes(includes):
results = {}
for i in includes:
results[i['media_key']] = i
return results
def organize_users(users):
results = {}
for u in users:
results[u['id']] = u
return results
def get_tweet(tweet_id):
results = None
url = '{}?expansions=attachments.media_keys,author_id,,public_metrics,source,text,author_id,in_reply_to_user_id&user.fields=profile_image_url,url,username,verified,name,created_at'.format(tweet_id)
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if r.status_code == 200:
results = r.json()
print("Could not get tweet {}. Threw err:\n\t{}".format(tweet_id, r.text))
return results
def get_tweets_for_user(user_id, max_results=100, token=None):
results = None
if max_results > 100: max_results = 100
url = '{}/tweets?expansions=attachments.media_keys,author_id,,public_metrics,source,author_id,text,in_reply_to_user_id&user.fields=profile_image_url,url,username,verified,name,created_at'.format(user_id)
if token:
url += '&pagination_token={}'.format(token)
r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
if r.status_code == 200:
results = r.json()
print("Could not get tweets for user {}. Threw err:\n\t{}".format(user_id, r.text))
return results
def get_last_tweets_for_user(user_id):
tweets = []
includes = []
users = []
token = None
for i in range(5):
response = get_tweets_for_user(user_id, token=token)
tweets += response['data']
includes += response['includes']['media'] # this is a dict
users += response['includes']['users'] # this is a dict
if 'meta' in response and 'next_token' in response['meta']:
token = response['meta']['next_token']
return { 'tweets': tweets, 'includes': includes, 'users': users, }
def get_tweet_in_reply_to(replied_to_tweet_id, tweets):
result = None
for k,t in tweets.items():
if 'referenced_tweets' in t:
for ref_t in t['referenced_tweets']:
if ref_t['type'] == 'replied_to' and ref_t['id'] == str(replied_to_tweet_id):
result = t
return result
def get_thread(root_tweet, tweets):
thread = { root_tweet['data']['id']: root_tweet }
reply = get_tweet_in_reply_to(root_tweet['data']['id'], tweets)
if reply:
thread[reply['id']] = reply
while reply:
reply = get_tweet_in_reply_to(reply['id'], tweets)
if reply: thread[reply['id']] = reply
return thread
def main(root_tweet_id=None):
Call as: TWEET_ID
if not root_tweet_id: root_tweet_id = sys.argv[-1]
print("Finding threat for tweet: {}".format(root_tweet_id))
# Get the root tweets
root_tweet = get_tweet(root_tweet_id)
root_user_id = None
if root_tweet and 'data' in root_tweet and 'author_id' in root_tweet['data']:
root_user_id = root_tweet['data']['author_id']
print("Re-building thread by user id #{}...".format(root_user_id))
# Get the last 500 tweets from the current user to build the thread from
tweets_and_includes_and_users = get_last_tweets_for_user(root_user_id)
includes = organize_includes(tweets_and_includes_and_users['includes'])
tweets = organize_tweets(tweets_and_includes_and_users['tweets'])
users = organize_users(tweets_and_includes_and_users['users'])
print("Retrieved {} tweets to sort through...".format(len(tweets_and_includes_and_users['tweets'])))
# dict's now follow insertion order
tweet_thread = get_thread(root_tweet, tweets)
return tweets, includes, users, tweet_thread
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
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marknca commented Sep 4, 2021

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