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Created October 6, 2011 17:48
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Save marknorgren/1268085 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
SEIS731 Homework3
import re, math
# Debug flag: True=print intermediate data structures
DEBUG = True
# hardcoded (for simplicity) tuple of documents to index
documents = ('D1.txt','D2.txt','D3.txt')
index={} # dictionary key: (document, term), value: frequencies/weights
maxterm={} # dictionary key: document, value: maximum number of time any term appears
docfreq={} # dictionary key: term, value: number of documents term appears in
vocabSet = set()
def add_Term_Weights(the_index):
for ( document, term ) in sorted( index.keys() ):
largest_term_count_in_a_document = maxterm[max(maxterm, key=maxterm.get)]
term_frequency = float( float(index[ ( document, term ) ]) / float(largest_term_count_in_a_document) )
print 'TF====doc:%s, term:%s, docfreq:%s, largestTermCountInADoc:%d, termFreq:%f' % \
(document, term, index[ ( document, term ) ],largest_term_count_in_a_document, term_frequency)
#idf=log base 2[(totalNumberofDocs)/(numberOfDocumentsContainingTerm)]
inverse_document_frequency = math.log( float(len(documents)) / float(docfreq[term]), 2 )
print 'IDF====total#ofDocs:%d, term:%s, docfreq:%s, inverseDocumentFreq:%f' % \
(len(documents), term, index[ ( document, term ) ],inverse_document_frequency)
term_weight = round((term_frequency * inverse_document_frequency), 2)
print 'term:%s ---- TERM_WEIGHT=%f' % \
(term, term_weight)
print '\n'
the_index[document,term] = term_weight
def docFreqCount():
global vocabSet
numberOfDocsContainingTerm = 0
for doc in documents:
for term in vocabSet:
if( index.has_key( (doc, term) ) ):
if not docfreq.has_key( term.lower() ):
docfreq[term.lower()] = 1
print docfreq[term]
docfreq[term.lower()] += 1
for document in documents:
if not maxterm.has_key( ( document) ):
maxterm[ document ] = 0
for line in open( document, 'r'):
terms = re.split('\W+', line)
for term in terms:
if term != '': # Ignore null results from split at start/end of line
if not index.has_key( ( document, term.lower() ) ):
index[ ( document, term.lower() ) ] = 0
index[ ( document, term.lower() ) ] += 1
# check if this is the highest maxterm found in document
if ( index[ ( document, term.lower() ) ] > maxterm[ document ]):
maxterm[ document ] = index[ ( document, term.lower() ) ]
#if index.has_key( document, term.lower() ):
if not docfreq.has_key( term.lower() ):
docfreq[term.lower()] = 1
print docfreq[term]
docfreq[term.lower()] += 1
vocabSet = set(vocab)
print vocabSet
print docfreq
print '\nRaw term count:'
for ( document, term ) in sorted( index.keys() ):
print document, term, index[ ( document, term ) ]
print '\nMaxterm Dict:'
print maxterm
print '\nDocFreq Dict:'
print docfreq
print max(maxterm)
#get maxterm in all docs
print maxterm[max(maxterm, key=maxterm.get)]
print '\nTerm Weights:\n'
for ( document, term ) in sorted( index.keys() ):
print document, term, index[ ( document, term ) ]
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