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Forked from 1Marc/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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Looking for workshop teachers to teach on the following topics!

For introductions please tweet @frontendmasters, @1marc or email: marc at Thanks!

You can propose other topics too.


  • React.js Scheduled Ryan Florence Mar '15 / Flux
  • ES6 Recorded Aaron Frost
  • Unit Testing Scheduled David Mosher & Justin Searls May 1st '15
  • DOM Scripting Scheduled Justin Meyer Dec '14
  • Asynchronous JavaScript Scheduled Jafar Husain '15
  • Algorithms and Data Structures Tenatively Bianca Gandolfo mid '15
  • JS Design Patterns
  • Phonegap
  • Transpilers - flavors of JS coffeescript / PureScript / sweetjs / etc
  • Debugging / error handling
  • Advanced Debugging - profiling, heap dump etc
  • Node.js - Streams / Other Topics
  • Working with Client-Side APIs (Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, OAuth2.js, etc)
  • Mori / immutable data
  • Ember.js

Web Apps

  • SVG / vector Scheduled Doug Schepers Jan '31
  • Rendering Performance (Hardware Accel, Painting, etc)
  • Progressive Enhancement
  • RWD Performance
  • Polymer / Web Components
  • Mapping (leaflet, google maps)
  • JSON APIs / API design
  • Security
  • Offline APIs / Web Workers

Design Topics

  • Html/RWD emails Scheduled Justine Jordan Dec '14
  • Typography Recorded Jason Pamental
  • CSS structure (oocss, smass) Recorded Jonathan Snook Nov '14
  • UI prototyping / Framer Scheduled Jay Stakelon Feb '15
  • Mobile design patterns
  • Data driven design
  • UI design
  • CSS preprocessors LESS/Sass/compass/stylus

UI Frameworks and Animation Libraries

  • Scheduled Shu Liu Mar '15
  • Foundation
  • Bootstrap
  • Node WebKit / Native/web
  • Ionic Framework
  • Animation Engines - GreenSock / Velocity
  • Three.js / WebGL libraries

Other Topics

  • Accessibility
  • Document Databases - MongoDB / LevelDB / CouchDB
  • Browserify
  • Hardware Hacking in Node.js
  • A/B testing
  • Analytics
  • WebKit/Blink internals
  • Meteor.js

For introductions please email marc at FrontendMasters dot com.

P.S. You can propose other topics too.

Upcoming Schedule

  • December 12th - Justine Jordan on RWD Emails
  • January 30th - Doug Schepers on SVG
  • February 13th - Ryan Florence on React.js
  • February 20th - Jay Stakelon on FramerJS
  • March 20th - Shu Liu on
  • March 27th - Building an App with AngularJS
  • April 17th - Jafar Husain on Asynchronous JavaScript
  • May 1st - Dave Mosher and Justin Searls on Unit Testing in JS
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