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Last active December 31, 2016 18:28
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<!-- gallery_creator - album list -->
<div class="<?= $this->class ?> gallery_creator block"<?= $this->cssID ?><?php if ($this->style): ?> style="<?= $this->style ?>"<?php endif; ?>>
<?php if ($this->headline): ?>
<<?= $this->hl ?>><?= $this->headline ?></<?= $this->hl ?>>
<?php endif; ?>
<?= $this->pagination ?>
<?php if (count($this->arrAlbums)>0): ?>
<ul class="list_albums">
<?php foreach ($this->arrAlbums as $Album): ?>
<li class="level_1 <?= $Album['cssClass'] ?> clearfix block"<?= $this->imagemargin ? 'style="'.$this->imagemargin.'"' : '' ?>>
<div class="tstamp block"><p>[<?= $Album['event_date'] ?>]</p></div>
<div class="col_1">
<figure class="image_container" data-album="<?= $Album['id'] ?>" onmouseover="<?= $Album['thumbMouseover'] ?>">
<?php $this->insert('picture_default', $Album['picture']); ?>
<div class="col_2">
<h2><?= $Album['name'] ?></h2>
<?php if ($Album['count']): ?>
<p class="count_pics"><?= $Album['count'] ?> <?= $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['gallery_creator']['pictures'] ?></p>
<p class="visitors"><?= $Album['visitors'] ?> <?= $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['gallery_creator']['visitors'] ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($Album['count_subalbums']): ?>
<p class="count_pics"><?= $Album['count_subalbums'] ?> <?= $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['gallery_creator']['subalbums'] ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($Album['comment']): ?>
<div class="album_comment"><?= $Album['comment'] ?></div>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
jQuery(function ($) {
$().ready(function () {
// Load image-data from server
$('.list_albums figure.image_container').each(function () {
var albumId = $(this).attr('data-album');
dataType: "json",
url: $(location).attr('href'),
data: {
'isAjax': true,
'getImagesByPid': true,
'pid': albumId
success: function (response) {
if (response.success == 'true' && response.src.length > 0) {
$('#gcColorboxContainer' + albumId).remove();
$('<div></div>').prop('id', 'gcColorboxContainer' + albumId).hide().appendTo('body');
$.each(response.src, function (index, aImg) {
var path = aImg['href'];
var title = aImg['caption'];
$('<a></a>').prop('href', path).attr('title', title).attr('data-lightbox', 'lb' + albumId).appendTo($('#gcColorboxContainer' + albumId));
$('#gcColorboxContainer' + albumId + ' a').colorbox({
loop: false,
rel: 'lb' + albumId,
maxWidth: '95%',
maxHeight: '95%',
preloading: true
}).click(function (event) {
var albumId = $(this).attr('data-album');
$('#gcColorboxContainer' + albumId + ' a').first().trigger('click');
Copy link

markocupic commented Dec 31, 2016

Gallery Creator Bundle Template. Albenauflistung ohne Detailseite. Anstatt auf die Detailseite zu linken, öffnet sich die Colorbox und zeigt die Bilder des angewählten Albums.

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