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Last active January 1, 2016 01:09
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Save markocupic/8070710 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The mediabox template for contao gallery_creator
/* CSS for the frontend-output */
$GLOBALS['TL_CSS'][] = 'system/modules/gallery_creator/assets/css/gallery_creator_fe.css';
/* javascript for the frontend-output */
$GLOBALS['TL_JAVASCRIPT'][] = 'system/modules/gallery_creator/assets/js/gallery_creator_fe.js';
<?php if (!\Input::get('items')): ?>
<!-- gallery_creator - album list -->
<div class="<?php echo $this->class; ?> gallery_creator block"<?php echo $this->cssID; ?><?php if ($this->style): ?> style="<?php echo $this->style; ?>"<?php endif; ?>>
<?php if ($this->headline): ?>
<<?php echo $this->hl; ?>><?php echo $this->headline; ?></<?php echo $this->hl; ?>>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php echo $this->pagination; ?>
<?php if (count($this->arrAlbums)>0): ?>
<ul class="list_albums">
<?php foreach ($this->arrAlbums as $Album): ?>
<li class="level_1 block"<?php echo $this->imagemargin ? 'style="'.$this->imagemargin.'"' : ''; ?>>
<div class="tstamp block"><p>[<?php echo $Album['event_date']; ?>]</p></div>
<div class="col_1">
<figure class="image_container" onmouseover="<?php echo $Album['thumbMouseover']; ?>">
<img src="<?php echo $Album['thumb_src']; ?>" width="<?php echo $Album['size'][0]; ?>" height="<?php echo $Album['size'][1]; ?>" alt="<?php echo $Album['alt']; ?>" class="<?php echo $Album['class']; ?>" data-config="<?php echo $Album["id"]; ?>">
<div class="col_2">
<h2><?php echo $Album['name']; ?></h2>
<?php if ($Album['count']): ?>
<p class="count_pics"><?php echo $Album['count']; ?> <?php echo $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['gallery_creator']['pictures']; ?></p>
<p class="visitors"><?php echo $Album['visitors']; ?> <?php echo $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['gallery_creator']['visitors']; ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($Album['count_subalbums']): ?>
<p class="count_pics"><?php echo $Album['count_subalbums']; ?> <?php echo $GLOBALS['TL_LANG']['gallery_creator']['subalbums']; ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($Album['comment']): ?>
<p class="album_comment"><?php echo $Album['comment']; ?></p>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
// Dollar Safe Mode
(function ($) {
window.addEvent('domready', function () {
$$(".list_albums img").addEvent('click', function (event) {
var el = $(this);
var albumId = el.getProperty('data-config');
function startXhr(albumId) {
var xhr = new Request.JSON({
url: document.URL,
method: 'get',
onSuccess: function (responseText) {
if (responseText.arrImage != "") {
var responseArray = responseText.arrImage.split('***');
var imageArray = [];
responseArray.each(function (str, index) {
// eval server response
var arrImg = str.split('###');
if (arrImg[0] != "") {
// fill the image array
imageArray[index] = [arrImg[0], arrImg[1], ''];
if (typeof Mediabox != "undefined") {, 0, null);
if (typeof Slimbox != "undefined") {, 0, null);
xhr.send('isAjax=1&LightboxSlideshow=true&albumId=' + albumId);
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