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Last active March 10, 2019 14:50
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import Data.Maybe
data User = User {
userId :: Maybe Int,
name :: String,
age :: Int
} deriving (Show)
data S3Config = S3Config {
region :: String,
bucket :: String
} deriving (Show)
data DBConfig = DBConfig {
host :: String,
port :: Int
class UserService a where
getUser :: a -> Int -> IO User
updateUser :: a -> Int -> User -> IO User
instance UserService S3Config where
getUser = getUserS3
updateUser = updateUserS3
instance UserService DBConfig where
getUser = getUserDB
updateUser = updateUserDB
getUserS3 :: S3Config -> Int -> IO User
getUserS3 conf uid = do
putStrLn "Getting user using S3"
return $ User (Just uid) "Some Name" 37
updateUserS3 :: S3Config -> Int -> User -> IO User
updateUserS3 conf uid user = do
putStrLn "Updating user using S3"
return $ User (Just uid) (name user) (age user)
getUserDB :: DBConfig -> Int -> IO User
getUserDB conf uid = do
putStrLn "Getting user using DB"
return $ User (Just uid) "Some Name" 37
updateUserDB :: DBConfig -> Int -> User -> IO User
updateUserDB conf uid user = do
putStrLn "Updating user using DB"
return $ User (Just uid) (name user) (age user)
-- different configs for UserServic
s3Config = S3Config "us-east-1" "bucketName"
dbConfig = DBConfig "somehost" 1234
-- This is our program that may use different implementation of UserService
changeNameProgram :: UserService a => a -> Int -> String -> IO User
changeNameProgram conf uid newName = do
found <- getUser conf uid
updated <- updateUser conf uid found {name = newName}
return updated
res1 = changeNameProgram s3Config 10 "Melissa"
-- Getting user with S3
-- Updating user with S3
-- User {userId = Just 10, name = "Melissa", age = 37}
res2 = changeNameProgram dbConfig 20 "Frank"
-- Getting user with DB
-- Updating user with DB
-- User {userId = Just 20, name = "Frank", age = 37}
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