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Last active February 28, 2022 10:20
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Phase vocoder in pure tensorflow
def phase_vocoder(D, hop_len=None, rate=0.8):
"""Phase vocoder. Given an STFT matrix D, speed up by a factor of `rate`.
Based on implementation provided by:
:param D: tf.complex64([num_frames, num_bins]): the STFT tensor
:param hop_len: float: the hop length param of the STFT
:param rate: float > 0: the speed-up factor
:return: D_stretched: tf.complex64([num_frames, num_bins]): the stretched STFT tensor
with tf.device("cpu:0"):
with tf.variable_scope("phase_vocoder"):
# make sure rate greater than 0
tf.assert_greater(rate, 0.0)
# get shape
sh = tf.shape(D, name="STFT_shape")
frames = sh[0]
fbins = sh[1]
nfft = tf.multiply(2, (fbins - 1), name="nfft")
# default val
if not hop_len:
hop_len = tf.cast(tf.floormod(nfft, 4), tf.float32, name="hop_len")
# make sure hop_len <= (3/4)*winlen
tf.cast(hop_len, tf.float32),
tf.multiply(0.75, tf.cast(nfft, tf.float32)))
# time steps range
t = tf.range(0.0, tf.cast(frames, tf.float32), rate, dtype=tf.float32, name="time_steps")
# Expected phase advance in each bin
dphi = tf.lin_space(0.0, np.pi * hop_len, fbins, name="dphi_expected_phase_advance")
phase_acc = tf.angle(D[0, :], name="phase_acc_init")
# Pad 0 columns to simplify boundary logic
D = tf.pad(D, [(0, 2), (0, 0)], mode='CONSTANT', name="padded_STFT")
# def fn(previous_output, current_input):
def _pvoc_mag_and_cum_phase(previous_output, current_input):
# unpack prev phase
_, prev = previous_output
# grab the two current columns of the STFT
i = tf.cast((tf.floor(current_input) + [0, 1]), tf.int32)
bcols = tf.gather_nd(D, [[i[0]], [i[1]]])
# Weighting for linear magnitude interpolation
t_dif = current_input - tf.floor(current_input)
bmag = (1 - t_dif) * tf.abs(bcols[0, :]) + t_dif * (tf.abs(bcols[1, :]))
# Compute phase advance
dp = tf.angle(bcols[1, :]) - tf.angle(bcols[0, :]) - dphi
dp = dp - 2 * np.pi * tf.round(dp / (2.0 * np.pi))
# return linear mag, accumulated phase
return bmag, tf.squeeze(prev + dp + dphi)
# initializer of zeros of correct shape for mag, and phase_acc for phase
initializer = (tf.zeros(fbins, tf.float32), phase_acc)
mag, phase = tf.scan(_pvoc_mag_and_cum_phase, t, initializer=initializer,
parallel_iterations=10, back_prop=False,
# add the original phase_acc in
phase2 = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(phase_acc, 0), phase], 0)[:-1, :]
D_stretched = tf.cast(mag, tf.complex64) * tf.exp(1.j * tf.cast(phase2, tf.complex64), name="stretched_STFT")
return D_stretched
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