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Forked from saitoha/
Last active June 16, 2020 15:43
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Convert image file to VT-320's DRCS format.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
if ($#ARGV != 0) {
print "ussage: <filename>.";
exit 0;
my $file = $ARGV[0];
my $tmpfile = "tmp.xpm";
system("convert -flatten -negate -monochrome $file $tmpfile");
# character size : 15 x 12
my $width = 15;
my $height = 12;
my $dscs = 97;
my $column = 10;
my $row = 1;
my $imageWidth = $column * $width;
my $imageHeight = $row * $height;
print "row: $row, col: $column\n";
my @char_map;
open (IN, $tmpfile) or die "Cannot open : $!";
my $i = 0;
while (<IN>) {
if (length($_) - 3 >= $imageWidth and $_ =~ /^"/) {
my $r = int($i / $height);
for my $c (0..$column - 1) {
my $line = substr($_, 1 + $c * $width, $width);
$char_map[$r][$c] .= $line;
close IN;
print "ESC P1;0;0;$width;1;2;$height;0{", chr $dscs, "\n";
for my $r (0..$row - 1) {
for my $c (0..$column - 1) {
my $str = $char_map[$r][$c];
my @data = split(//, $str);
my @lines = ();
for my $y (0..($height / 6 - 1)) {
my $line = "";
for my $x (0..$width - 1) {
my $acc = 0;
for my $b (1..6) {
$acc *= 2;
my $index = ($y * 6 + 6 - $b) * $width + $x;
my $c = $data[$index];
if (not $c) {
print $y, "-",
$b, "-",
$height, "-",
$#data, "#",
$index, "\n";
if ($c eq ".") {
$acc += 1;
$acc += 0x3f;
$line .= chr $acc;
push @lines, $line;
print join("/", @lines), ";", "\n";
print "ESC \\";
print "ESC (", chr $dscs;
for my $r (0..($row - 1)) {
print "ESC #3";
for my $c (0..$column - 1) {
print chr (0x21 + $r * $column + $c);
print "\n";
print "ESC #4";
for my $c (0..$column - 1) {
print chr (0x21 + $r * $column + $c);
print "\n";
print "ESC (B\n\n";
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