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Created October 31, 2013 20:35
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This program will give the fully-qualified name of a given integer using the American naming convention.
This program will give the fully-qualified name of a given integer from:
@author Andrew Brown
@date 10/30/2013
#Lexical dictionaries
base = {0:'zero',1:'one',2:'two',3:'three',4:'four',5:'five',6:'six'
smallPrefix = {2:'twen',3:'thir',4:'four',5:'fif',6:'six',7:'seven'
largeBasePrefix = {1:'m',2:'b',3:'tr',4:'quadr',5:'quint',6:'sext'
largeFirstPrefix = {0:'',1:'un',2:'duo',3:'tre',4:'quattuor',5:'quin',6:'sex'
largeSecondPrefix = {1:'dec',2:'vigint',3:'trigint'}
#Recursive function evaluates the following cases:
#base case: 0 - 99
#case 1: 100 - 999
#case 2: 1000 - 999999
#case 3: 1e6 - 1e120
def num_name(x):
length = len(str(x))
if(length > 0 and length < 3):
return base_digits(x)
elif(length >= 3 and length < 4):
return (base[int(str(x)[:1])] + ' hundred '\
+ zero_helper(x, length)).strip()
elif(length >= 4 and length < 7):
return (num_name(str(x)[:length - 3]) + ' thousand '\
+ zero_helper(x, length)).strip()
lexKey = ((length - 1) / 3) - 1
return (num_name(str(x)[:(length % digit_place_helper(length)) + 1])\
+ ' '\
+ large_syntax_helper(x, lexKey) + 'illion '\
+ zero_helper(x, length)).strip()
#Returns 0 - 99 base case string
def base_digits(x):
x = int(x)
if(x < 13):
return base[x]
elif(x >= 13 and x < 20):
return smallPrefix[int(str(x)[1:])] + 'teen'
return smallPrefix[int(str(x)[:-1])] \
+ ('ty' if base[int(str(x)[1:])] == 'zero'\
else 'ty-') \
+ ('' if base[int(str(x)[1:])] == 'zero'\
else base[int(str(x)[1:])])
#Builds compound prefixes for numbers starting at decillion
def large_syntax_helper(x, lexKey):
if(lexKey < 10):
return largeBasePrefix[lexKey]
return largeFirstPrefix[int(str(lexKey)[1:])]\
+ largeSecondPrefix[int(str(lexKey)[:-1])]
#Returns smallest number of digits in a place grouping
#e.g. 7 - 9 will always return 7 to pair with 'million'
# 10 - 12 will always return 10 to pair with 'billion'
# etc.
def digit_place_helper(x):
if(x % 3 == 1):
return x
elif(x % 3 == 2):
return x - 1
return x - 2
#Returns blank string only if ALL trailing digits after the top-most
#digit grouping are 0, otherwise recurse
def zero_helper(x, length):
return ('' if int(str(x)[(length % digit_place_helper(length)) + 1:]) == 0\
else num_name(int(str(x)[(length % digit_place_helper(length)) + 1:])))
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