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Last active February 14, 2020 00:20
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  • Save markpapadakis/10960554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save markpapadakis/10960554 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Fast sort by elimination
// Assuming you, for example, are going through dates and for each date you collect ids and for each id the number of times
// the object identified by that id (e.g an ad banner, a product, anything) was clicked, or anything like that.
// That is, assuming that you are going to have to update the value of an object 1+ times, as opposed to just once (you can use other
// more efficient algorithms to deal with that -- e.g maintain a top-K list as you go, etc), how do you then sort the final list that holds
// (id, value) - that is, for each distinct id, the sum of times it was clicked (or anything)?
// Sorting a list that is comprised of 1million distinct IDs is just really slow.
// This is one way to do it, which is particularly efficient if the distribution of values is large.
// Say you want to get the top 10 items from that Vector<keywithvalue>
// This will filter kv so that Vector<>::Sort() will only end up sorting, usually, a few dozen values
FilterForSort(10, kv);
// Sort by value DESC
kv.Sort([](const keywithvalue &a, const keywithvalue &b)
return TrivialCmp(b.value, a.value);
// And now you have the top 10 most clicked (anything) objects in kv.
// This came in handy last night, maybe it can help you too one way or another.
// @upto == offset * limit + limit
// @kv is a vector that holds {key, value}, where key is e.g an identifier and value whatever we are using to sort (e.g total clicks)
static void FilterForSort(const uint32_t upto, Vector<keywithvalue> &kv)
if (unlikely(upto == 0))
Uniques seenTimes; // Could have jused a Set<uint32_t> distinctTimes
Vector<uint32_t> distinctTimes;
const uint32_t n = kv.Size();
const keywithvalue *const all = kv.Values();
// As @gmosx suggested, we could have used a prio-queue here instead to collect the top `upto` distinct
// times (or a similar algorithm). It should squeeze another few ms worth of performance out of this.
for (uint32_t i = 0; i != n; ++i)
if (seenTimes.SetUnique(all[i].value))
if (distinctTimes.Size() >= upto)
distinctTimes.Sort([](const uint32_t a, const uint32_t b)
return TrivialCmp(b, a);
const uint32_t limit = distinctTimes[upto - 1];
const keywithvalue *in = kv.Values(), *const end = in + n;
keywithvalue *out = kv.Values();
while (unlikely(in != end))
if (in->value >= limit)
*(out++) = *in;
kv.SetTotal(out - kv.Values());
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