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Last active March 27, 2017 11:49
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  • Save markpapadakis/d2c7897736f58fea26ccbac7e915571e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Yak Shaving: spending a whole weekend going through variations/alternative implementations until a utility function impl. feels 'right'.
struct query_assign_ctx
uint32_t nextIndex;
std::vector<std::vector<phrase *> *> stack;
static void assign_query_indices(ast_node *const n, query_assign_ctx &ctx)
if (n->is_unary())
if (ctx.stack.size())
n->p->index = ctx.nextIndex;
ctx.nextIndex += n->p->size;
else if (n->type == ast_node::Type::UnaryOp)
assign_query_indices(n->unaryop.expr, ctx);
else if (n->type == ast_node::Type::ConstTrueExpr)
assign_query_indices(n->expr, ctx);
else if (n->type == ast_node::Type::BinOp)
const auto lhs = n->binop.lhs, rhs = n->binop.rhs;
const auto op = n->binop.op;
if (op == Operator::AND || op == Operator::STRICT_AND)
auto u = std::make_unique<std::vector<phrase *>>();
assign_query_indices(lhs, ctx);
for (auto p : *u)
p->toNextSpan = ctx.nextIndex - p->index;
assign_query_indices(rhs, ctx);
else if (op == Operator::NOT)
// We do not care for the RHS(not)
// but we need to advance nextIndex by 4 so that we won't consider whatever's on the RHS adjacent to whatever was before the LHS
ctx.nextIndex += 4;
assign_query_indices(rhs, ctx);
// This is a bit more involved because of the semantics we are trying to enforce
// re: OR groups and phrases
const auto saved{ctx.nextIndex};
assign_query_indices(lhs, ctx);
const auto maxL{ctx.nextIndex};
ctx.nextIndex = saved;
assign_query_indices(rhs, ctx);
const auto maxR{ctx.nextIndex};
ctx.nextIndex = std::max(maxL, maxR);
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