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Created November 18, 2013 09:58
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App::uses('Component', 'Controller');
App::uses('User', 'Model');
App::uses('CakeEmail', 'Network/Email');
class TicketComponent extends Component
var $components = array('Email');
var $sitename = '';
//var $linkdomain = '';
var $linkdomain = '';
public function initialize(Controller $controller)
$this->Controller = $controller;
$this->redis = $this->Controller->redis;
$this->redis = new Redis();
$this->redisTicketPrefix = $this->Controller->redisTicketPrefix;
$this->redisTicketPrefix = 'vusion:passwordreset';
public function createMessage($token)
$ms='<html><head><title>Password Reset Request</title></head>';
$ms .='<body>Your email has been used in a password reset request at '.$this->sitename.'<br/>';
$ms .='If you did not initiate this request, then ignore this message.<br/>';
$ms .=' Click the link below into your browser to reset your password.<br/>';
$ms .='<a href="http://'.$this->linkdomain.'/users/useTicket/'.$token.'">Reset Password</a>';
$ms .='</body></html>';
$ms = wordwrap($ms,70);
return $ms;
public function sendEmail($userEmail, $userName, $message)
$email = new CakeEmail();
$email->from(array('' => ''));
$email->subject('Message from '.$this->sitename.' for '.$userName);
/// I need to add $userid in this function so as to get "vusion:passwordreset:$userId:$hash"
but i need help on how to call the user id here
protected function _getTicketKey($hash)
return $this->redisTicketPrefix.':'.$hash;
public function checkTicket($hash)
$ticketKey = $this->_getTicketKey($hash);
$ticket = $this->redis->get($ticketKey);
if (empty($ticket)) {
$result = $hash;
$this->redis->setex($ticketKey, 1000, $hash);
return $result;
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