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2021/01/08 12:26:03.820 (462 MB) (2749385) 🔧 PMKNetworkTask.m:197 | Started: 29450: Plex (4c022a78daec5c2e43576c1d43f439474025fe9e): GET /hubs/sections/2?count=50&excludeFields=summary&includeCollections=1&includeExternalMedia=1&includeExternalMetadata=1&includeLibraryPlaylists=1&includeMeta=1&includeRecentChannels=1&includeRelated=1&includeStations=1&includeTrailers=1&includeTypeFirst=1
2021/01/08 12:26:03.820 (473 MB) (2749387) 🔧 PMKNetworkTask.m:197 | Started: 29452: Plex (4c022a78daec5c2e43576c1d43f439474025fe9e): GET /hubs/sections/1?count=50&excludeFields=summary&includeCollections=1&includeExternalMedia=1&includeExternalMetadata=1&includeLibraryPlaylists=1&includeMeta=1&includeRecentChannels=1&includeRelated=1&includeStations=1&includeTrailers=1&includeTypeFirst=1
2021/01/08 12:26:03.820 (473 MB) (2749318) 🔧 PMKNetworkTask.m:197 | Started: 29451: Plex (4c022a78daec5c2e43576c1d43f439474025fe9e): GET /hubs/sections/2?count=50&excludeFields=summary&includeCollections=1&includeExternalMedia=1&includeExtern
markphilpot / custom.css
Last active August 29, 2018 03:55
Mastodon CSS Customization
.reply-indicator__content p, .status__content p {
font-size: 13px;
.column-link {
font-size: 14px !important;
.display-name {
font-size: 13px;
markphilpot / original.txt
Last active November 9, 2017 04:28
prettier markdown for pelican
Category: micro
Date: 2017-11-08T19:29:13
Slug: 2017-11-08T19:29:13
TwitterId: 928343670180294656
[@chrisbiscardi]( And you've pushed me to change the code blocks on my own blog to use Solarized Dark instead of Light. =)
markphilpot / example.js
Created October 16, 2017 19:53
Example using Compent as Selector
// In this example, we have a box with subcomponents BoxInner and Prompt. Both are `styled.div`
// In line 5, we are customizing the apperance of BoxInner w/o moving those features in to props
// In line 10, we are applying the hover state to nested elements when the parent is hovered.
const Box = styled.div`
border: 1px dashed #ccc;
${BoxInner} {
filter: opacity(50%) grayscale(50%);
&:hover {
border-color: blue;

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am markphilpot on github.
  • I am mphilpot ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 240D 3F99 210E 594A 9A4B C051 A885 571E 8D81 7EE7

To claim this, I am signing this object:

markphilpot /
Last active April 6, 2017 19:24
ssh tunnel
ssh -vv -N -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -L $LOCAL_PORT:$DEST_HOST:$DEST_PORT $VIA_HOST
markphilpot /
Last active April 6, 2017 19:25
detect ssl support on a server
openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -ssl2
openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 -ssl3
markphilpot /
Last active February 13, 2022 16:26
git :: remove empty commits
git filter-branch --commit-filter 'git_commit_non_empty_tree "$@"' -f HEAD
rm -rf .git/refs/original/ && git reflog expire --all && git gc --aggressive --prune
markphilpot /
Created May 30, 2012 15:54
git remove history
set -o errexit
# Author: David Underhill
# Script to permanently delete files/folders from your git repository. To use
# it, cd to your repository's root and then run the script with a list of paths
# you want to delete, e.g., git-delete-history path1 path2
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
exit 0