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Created July 19, 2019 13:06
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use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::io::Read;
use xml::attribute::OwnedAttribute;
use xml::name::OwnedName;
use xml::namespace::Namespace;
use xml::ParserConfig;
use xml::reader::{EventReader, XmlEvent};
/// Produces elements from the provided source
pub struct ElementSource<R: Read> {
// Needs to be a RefCell since we can't borrow mutably multiple times (e.g. when calls to Element::children() are nested)
state: RefCell<SourceState<R>>,
impl<R: Read> ElementSource<R> {
/// Parses the XML stream and emits elements
/// # Arguments
/// * `xml_data` - the data you wish to parse
// TODO refactor to remove the generic trait bound so users of the API don't need to propagate it around
pub fn new(xml_data: R) -> ElementSource<R> {
// Create the XML parser
let config = ParserConfig::new()
let reader = EventReader::new_with_config(xml_data, config);
// Initialise to a depth of 0 since traversing elements alter our depth (e.g. start element increases depth by 1)
let state = RefCell::new(SourceState::new(reader));
ElementSource { state }
/// Returns the first element in the source
pub fn root(&self) -> Option<Element<R>> {
// Returns the next element at the nominated depth
fn next_element_at_depth(&self, iter_depth: u32) -> Option<Element<R>> {
// Read nodes until we arrive at the correct depth
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
while let Some(node) = {
match node {
// The start of an element may be interesting to the iterator
XmlEvent::StartElement { name, attributes, namespace } => {
// Starting an element increases our depth
state.current_depth += 1;
// If we are at the correct depth we found a node of interest
if state.current_depth == iter_depth {
let element = Element { name, attributes, namespace, source: &self, depth: state.current_depth };
return Some(element);
// The end of an element moves back up the hierarchy
XmlEvent::EndElement { .. } => state.current_depth -= 1,
// Not interested in other events when looking for elements
_ => {}
// If we have hit the end of children at this level we terminate
if state.current_depth < iter_depth - 1 {
return None;
// Hit the end of the document
// Extracts a text element
// TODO idiomatic
fn text_node(&self) -> Option<String> {
let mut state = self.state.borrow_mut();
// If the next event is characters, we have found our text
match state.peek() {
Some(XmlEvent::Characters(_text)) => {
// nothing required at this point
_ => return None
// Grab the next event - we know its a Characters event from the above
if let Some(XmlEvent::Characters(text)) = {
return Some(text);
} else {
// Wraps the XML source and current depth of iteration
struct SourceState<R: Read> {
reader: EventReader<R>,
peeked_event: Option<XmlEvent>,
current_depth: u32,
impl<R: Read> SourceState<R> {
fn new(reader: EventReader<R>) -> SourceState<R> {
SourceState { reader, peeked_event: None, current_depth: 0 }
// Returns the next interesting event (skips XmlEvent::StartDocument etc) or None if no more events are found
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<XmlEvent> {
// Return the peeked value if present
// TODO is this unwrap and rewrap idiomatic?
if let Some(event) = self.peeked_event.take() {
return Some(event);
let reader = &mut self.reader;
loop {
if let Ok(event) = {
match event {
// Only interested in start + end + characters events
XmlEvent::StartElement { .. } | XmlEvent::EndElement { .. } | XmlEvent::Characters(..) => { return Some(event); }
// If we hit the end of the document we have finished iteration
XmlEvent::EndDocument => { return None; }
// Ignore everything else
_ => {}
} else {
// TODO refactor to return a Result and propagate error
return None;
// Peeks the next event (does not advance)
// Callers should call next() to consume the event to move on
// TODO remember None so we don't call next() again
fn peek(&mut self) -> &Option<XmlEvent> {
// If we haven't peeked, load the next value
if self.peeked_event.is_none() {
self.peeked_event =;
/// An element exists at a given depth in the XML document hierarchy
pub struct Element<'a, R: Read> {
/// Qualified name of the element.
pub name: OwnedName,
/// A list of attributes associated with the element.
/// Currently attributes are not checked for duplicates (TODO)
pub attributes: Vec<OwnedAttribute>,
/// Contents of the namespace mapping at this point of the document.
pub namespace: Namespace,
// The underlying source of elements, allowing the more natural implementation of children() on an element rather than the source itself
source: &'a ElementSource<R>,
// Depth of this element
depth: u32,
impl<'a, R: Read> Element<'a, R> {
/// Returns an iterator over children of this element (i.e. descends a level in the hierarchy)
pub fn children(&self) -> ElementIter<'a, R> {
ElementIter { source: &self.source, depth: self.depth + 1 }
/// Returns the child of this element as a String
pub fn child_as_text(&self) -> Option<String> {
/// Iterator over elements at a specific depth in the hierarchy
pub struct ElementIter<'a, R: Read> {
source: &'a ElementSource<R>,
depth: u32,
impl<'a, R: Read> Iterator for ElementIter<'a, R> {
type Item = Element<'a, R>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
mod tests {
use crate::util::test;
use super::*;
fn handle_book<R: Read>(book: Element<R>) {
// Iterate over the children of the book
let mut count = 0;
for child in book.children() {
match {
"author" => {
count += 1;
assert_eq!(child.child_as_text().unwrap(), "Gambardella, Matthew");
"title" => {
count += 1;
assert_eq!(child.child_as_text().unwrap(), "XML Developer's Guide");
"nest1" => {
"empty1" | "empty2" => {
_ => panic!("Unexpected child node: {}",
// Should have found two elements
assert_eq!(count, 2);
fn handle_catalog<R: Read>(catalog: Element<R>) {
// Iterate over the children of the catalog
let mut count = 0;
for child in catalog.children() {
// First child should be book
assert_eq!(, "book");
// Should have an id attribute
assert!(child.attributes.iter().find(|attr| & == "id" && &attr.value == "bk101").is_some());
// Should only have a single child at this level
count += 1;
// Handle the book
assert_eq!(count, 1);
fn handle_nest1<R: Read>(nest1: Element<R>) {
// Should have a single child called "nest2"
let mut count = 0;
for child in nest1.children() {
// First child should be nest2
assert_eq!(, "nest2");
// It should have the expected text
assert_eq!(child.child_as_text().unwrap(), "Nested");
// Should only have a single child at this level
count += 1;
assert_eq!(count, 1);
fn test_iterate_stream() {
let test_data = test::fixture_as_string("xml_sample.xml");
// Root element should be "catalog"
let source = ElementSource::new(test_data.as_bytes());
let catalog = source.root().unwrap();
assert_eq!(, "catalog");
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book id="bk101">
<author>Gambardella, Matthew</author>
<title>XML Developer's Guide</title>
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