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Created September 3, 2020 16:03
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r1 = 32
c1 = 63
-- triangle :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
-- ciel x
triangle r c = [[a, c, 0], [0,r,r]] where a = (c/2) -- ceiling ( (fromInteigral c) /2)
-- adder :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [[Float]]
adder r c f1 = [[0, -c*f1,c*f1], [r*f1, -r*f1, -r*f1 ]]
l1 = triangle r1 c1
r1' = adder r1 c1 1
flip' l1 r1' = [zipWith (+) (l1!!0) (r1'!!0), zipWith (+) (l1!!1) (r1'!!1)]
r2' = adder r1 c1 (-1)
row' = [foldl (\acc x -> "_" ++ acc) "" [1..c1]]
rc' = foldl (\acc x -> row' ++ acc ) row' [1..r1]
-- putStrLn $ unlines rc
rotate = drop <> take -- ????!!!! how does it works
slopes l1 = [zipWith (-) (l1 !!0) (rotate 1 (l1!!0)), zipWith (-) (l1 !! 1) (rotate 1 (l1!!1))]
fromBool x
| x == True = 0
| x == False = -1
line (x', y') (x,y) (dx,dy)
| dx == 0 = case x of {
0 -> fromBool $ (&&) ((&&) (x' >= (min x x2)) (x' <= (max x x2))) ((&&) (y' >= (min y y2)) (y' <= (max y y2)));
x -> x;
| otherwise = signum $ y' - m * x' - c
m = dy/dx
c = y - m*x
x2 = x-dx
y2 = y-dy
-- () | (signum x'-x) == 0
get l1 n = (zip (l1!!0) (l1!!1)) !! n
is_same_side_ l1 x y n = (((line (get l1 ((n-1) `mod` 3)) (get l1 n) (get (slopes l1) n)) * (line (x,y) (get l1 n) (get (slopes l1) n))))
-- is_same_side l1 x y = foldl1 (\acc n -> n * acc) [0..2]
-- is_same_side l1 x y = foldl1 (\acc n -> (is_same_side_ l1 x y n) * acc) [0..2]
printables = ['_', '1']
is_same_side l1 x y f1
| prod == 0 = (printables !! (f1 `mod` 2))
| prod == 1 = (printables !! (f1 `mod` 2))
| otherwise = (printables !! ((f1+1) `mod` 2))
prod = (is_same_side_ l1 x y 0) * (is_same_side_ l1 x y 1) * (is_same_side_ l1 x y 2)
test_tr = [[0, 0, 3], [0.0, 4.0, 0.0]]
-- putStrLn $ unlines [[is_same_side l1 x y | (x,y) <- zip [1..c1] [i,i..]] | i <- [0..r1] ]
l2 = l1
stage1 l1 = [[is_same_side l1 x y 1 | (x,y) <- zip [1..c1] [i,i..]] | i <- [0..r1] ]
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