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Last active May 16, 2018 13:34
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An Exhaustive Look At Memory Management in Swift

A Glossary of Terms


ARC, or Automatic Reference Counting, is the compiler provided solution to Manual Retain-Release. MRR required the developer to manually insert retain and release functions to track uses of references, which one can imagine is a recipe for disaster. This concoction made it easy to introduce memory leaks, led to error prone code, and added tedious boilerplate. And so along came ARC, because after all, Apple has to take steps to avoid Copland 2010.

The original Transitioning to ARC Release Notes dive into more detail about how ARC works, but this post will primarily focus on Swift, especially when it comes to dealing with memory in closures.

To ensure that instances of objects don’t disappear while they are still used, ARC tracks the usages of reference types that are referencing each instance. ARC will not deallocate an instance as long as at least one active reference to that instance still exists.


Strong references mean exactly that: a firm hold on a variable. Whenever one assigns a reference type to a variable, then that variable maintains a strong reference to that instance. That is, the strong reference keeps a firm grasp on the variable and will not allow it to be deallocated as long as the strong reference remains.

Under ARC, strong is the default for object types. Unlike Objective-C, Swift has no keyword to specify that an object should be annotated as a strong reference. Instead, strong is the default.

class Person {
    let name = "Morgan"

Note: In Objective-C, strong was used as a keyword to annotate a property as a strong reference. In Swift, there is no equivalent keyword as this is the default.


Conversely, weak references do not prevent ARC from deallocating their referred instances. Thus, a weak reference is a reference to an object that does not maintain a strong hold on the variable, which prevents strong reference cycles—more on that later.

A weak reference does not extend the lifetime of the object it points to, and automatically becomes nil when the object is deallocated. Since ARC can automatically set weak references to nil at runtime, they can only be declared as optional variables.

class Person {
    weak var parent: Parent?

Note: In Objective-C, weak was used as a keyword to annotate a property as a weak reference. Swift uses the same keyword to annotate variables as weak references.


In Swift unowned variables will always contain a value without the possibility of it turning into a dangling pointer. If an unowned reference is accessed after the instance has been deallocated, then a runtime error will occur.

unowned is safe, in that if the instance is accessed after it has been deallocated, it will always stop the execution of the program on that line and will not access the memory location of where the instance used to live.

class Page {
    unowned let document: Document

    init(document: Document) {
        self.document = document

There has been a lot of confusion on when to use weak or unowned in Swift, to the degree that some developers simply never use unowned in fear of it causing the app to crash at runtime. When using unowned, it is important to be absolutely certain that the instance containing the unowned reference never outlives the unowned reference.

Note: There is no equivalent of unowned in Objective-C.


The unsafe equivalent of unowned is unowned(unsafe). Accessing the reference of an unowned(unsafe) instance after it has been deallocated will result in accessing the memory location where the instance previously lived, which is deemed unsafe.

class ImageProcessor {
    func processImage(_ image: CIImage) {
        imageFilter.process(image, handler: { [unowned(unsafe) self] in
            // process image

Note: In Objective-C, assign or unsafe_unretained was used as a property attribute to specify that a reference does not keep the referred object alive nor does it set it to nil when there are no remaining strong references to the object. If the object it references is deallocated, then the pointer is left dangling. Swift uses the keyword unowned(unsafe) to mean the semantic equivalent.

After much searching to determine if assign and unsafe_unretained were indeed interchangeable with respect to memory ownership, this clang documentation and this block of code in clang validated this assumption.


This is a very little known memory reference type that has zero documentation.

🤷🏼‍♀️ rdar://40080779


Ownership of objects is implemented through reference counting. Before ARC, reference counts, or retain counts, were manually managed by using the retain and release methods, which would increment or decrement the retain count. To defer releasing an object, the autorelease method was used which would decrement the retain count by 1 at the end of what's called an autorelease pool.

Since ARC manages the reference counts automatically, there is no equivalent autorelease method. However, there are still autoreleased objects so autoreleasepool blocks exist instead of directly interfacing with NSAutoreleasePool. Autorelease pool blocks provide a mechanism to relinquish ownership of an object without the possibility of it being immediately deallocated.

Autorelease pools are great for reducing peak memory footprint. Within a block of code, it's possible to accumulate many temporary objects before the end of the current event-loop that add substantial memory overhead. In this situation, disposing of the objects sooner will reduce the memory overhead at the end of each block.

Using an autoreleasepool block will reduce the memory overhead in the for loop below by disposing of the data after each iteration rather than continue to accumulate memory until the end of the event-loop iteration.

for file in files {
    autoreleasepool {
        let data = Data(contentsOfFile: file)
        // process data

See the NSAutoreleasePool documentation and Using Autorelease Pool Blocks for more information.

Strong Reference Cycles

If two class instances hold a strong reference to each other, each keeping the other instance alive, then it's possible that either instance could never get to a point where it has zero strong references. This is known as a strong reference cycle in ARC (formerly known as a retain cycle).

Here's an example that shows a Person object holding a strong reference to their Pet, and a Pet holding a strong reference to a Person.

class Person {
    var pet: Pet?

class Pet {
    var owner: Person?
} = pet
pet.owner = person

In the above sample code, the person instance holds a strong reference to the pet instance, which in turn holds a strong reference to the person instance, thus creating a strong reference cycle. Both object's properties, being strong references by default, are keeping each other alive.

Testing for Strong References

It's one thing to look at code and have confidence that a reference cycle exists, but it's another thing to know for certain. Fortunately, it's simple enough to write a unit test to check for strong reference cycles.

Using our code sample from above, we can initialize our instances, assign the person instance to a weak reference, and assert that explicitly nilling out the strong reference also released the weak reference.

func test() {
    var person: Person? = Person()
    var pet = Pet() = pet
    pet.owner = person

    weak var weakPerson = person
    person = nil


Unfortunately, with the current state of our Person and Pet implementation, our assertion fails. The weak reference in the assertion is not nil, indicating that there's a strong reference cycle.

Resolving Strong Reference Cycles with Weak

From the ARC Release Notes:

ARC does not guard against strong reference cycles. Judicious use of weak relationships will help to ensure you don’t create cycles.

In order to break the strong reference cycle, we need to rely on weak references, since weak references will not retain the object longer than is necessary.

In order to keep the object graph intact, there still needs to be at least one strong reference otherwise the instances are at risk of being deallocated.

Cocoa establishes a convention that a parent object should hold strong references to its children, and that the children should have weak references to their parents.

By applying this knowledge, the strong reference cycle in sample code can be resolved by making the Pet's owner a weak reference.

class Pet {
    weak var owner: Person?

And if the unit test is updated with this code, then one can observe with definitive proof that the strong reference cycle is broken and the memory leak is gone.

Resolving Strong Reference Cycles with Unowned

unowned can be used to resolve strong reference cycles, but should only be used when the other reference has the same or longer lifetime. Again, this is because unowned is not nilled out when the instance is deallocated, and referencing it after the fact will result in a runtime error.

The previous example cannot use unowned, as the Pet's owner was optional and unowned references are defined using nonoptional types. Instead, here's an example using unowned.

class State {
    var counties: [County]

class County {
    private unowned let state: State

    init(state: State) {
        self.state = state

Using unowned has some improvements over weak. While there is is no strong reference cycle, the state property is both immutable and nonoptional.


Reference counting also applies to functions and closures, which are also reference types. Structures and enumerations are value types, not reference types, and are not stored and passed by reference. This means that both closures and functions are managed by ARC and can also leak memory if used without care.


A closure can be escaping if a closure is passed as an argument to a function that returns before the closure is called. If a closure is stored in a property, for instance, and is not called before the function returns then that is an escaping closure.

This is also a common source of strong reference cycles. So much in fact, that if a closure is marked with @escaping, then self must be explicitly used within the closure as a reminder to the developer to avoid the strong reference cycle.

var callbacks: [() -> ()] = []

func storeCallback(completionHandler: @escaping () -> ()) {

Explicit vs Implicit Self

Closures require explicit self to make capture semantics explicit:

var block: () -> () = { }
var data ...

func saveBlock() {
    let innerClosure = {
    block = innerClosure

This code results in a compiler error with the diagnostic: Reference to property 'data' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit

Observe, instead, the following example:

var block: () -> () = { }
var data ...

func saveBlock() {
    func innerFunction() {
    block = innerFunction

Here, there is no compiler error. Remember that functions are reference types, so the closure holding onto the function does in fact result in a strong reference cycle. Unfortunately, Swift does not warn about this error since only escaping closures require explicit self.

Strong Reference Cycles By Example

There are two obvious scenarios that demonstrate strong reference cycles: referencing self within an owning closure of a class instance and strong delegates between class instances.

The example below demonstrates a strong reference cycle by capturing self strongly within a class instance that holds a strong reference to its closure.

class Example {
    var closure: () -> () = { }

    func captureSelf() {
        closure = { // [weak self] in
            _ = self

The strong reference cycle is easily resolved by using a capture list to pass self weakly within the closure.

The example below demonstrates a strong reference cycle by capturing self strongly through delegates, or simply put, strong references to objects that own one another.

protocol SomeDelegate: class {

class One: SomeDelegate {
    var two: Two?

    init() {
      two?.delegate = self

class Two {
    /* weak */ var delegate: SomeDelegate?

In practice, delegates are typically made weak since they are usually optional and there are no guarantees about the lifetime of the delegate. It's important to make protocols that provide the interface for a delegate conform to class so that the reference can be made weak.

In the example below, the reference cycle is not as apparent since a capture list exists that captures self as a weak reference. However, the capture list only exists on the inner closure. Without the capture list on the outerClosure, self is passed strongly within the block. By the time innerClosure captures self weakly, it is too late. The only way to break the reference cycle in this example is to rely on an external collaborator to nil out the outerClosure--which is not okay!

class Example {
    var outerClosure: (() -> ())?

    func testCycle() {
        var innerClosure: (() -> ())?
        outerClosure = {
            innerClosure = { [weak self] in
                _ = self

let example = Example()
example.testCycle() // Leak!

Let's modify the example to pass self in weakly to the outer closure, preventing the strong reference cycle.

class Example {
    var outerClosure: (() -> ())?

    func testCycle() {
        var innerClosure: (() -> ())?
        outerClosure = { [weak self] in
            innerClosure = {

let example = Example()
example.testCycle() // All good!

It might be tempting to use optional binding to guard against a weak self, especially if a function takes a non-optional parameter that is owned by self. Observe the following:

class Example {
    var outerClosure: (() -> ())?

    func testCycle() {
        var innerClosure: (() -> ())?
        outerClosure = { [weak self] in
          guard let `self` = self else { return }
            innerClosure = {
                self.callAFunction(withValue: self.value)

let example = Example()
example.testCycle() // Leak!

Unfortunately, this introduces a strong reference cycle. Shadowing self is not the problem, instead, the optional binding with guard let unwraps the weak self as a strong reference, which is the default memory ownership in Swift. The solution here is to use another capture list in the innerClosure to pass the shadowed self weakly and optionally guard against the weak self for the same reasons as stated previously. Be careful not to abuse shadowed properties, especially in nested closures, as it can be confusing what self actually is.

class Example {
    var outerClosure: (() -> ())?

    func testCycle() {
        var innerClosure: (() -> ())?
        outerClosure = { [weak self] in
            guard let `self` = self else { return }
                innerClosure = { [weak self] in
                    guard let `self` = self else { return }
                    self.callAFunction(withValue: self.value)

let example = Example()
example.testCycle() // All good!

Let's again modify the first example to not reference self in the inner closure. Even though self is not used to read or write a property or call a method, there is still a strong reference cycle. The capture list passes self weakly to the innerClosure which means that self is implicitly captured strongly in the outerClosure. Thankfully, the compiler will warn against this with the diagnostic Variable 'self' was written to, but never read.

class Example {
    var outerClosure: (() -> ())?

    func testCycle() {
        var innerClosure: (() -> ())?
        outerClosure = {
            innerClosure = { [weak self] in


let example = Example()
example.testCycle() // Leak!

Functions Are Reference Types

Functions and closures are reference types in Swift. This is an important point to drive home, because it is very easy to cause strong reference cycles when passing functions as arguments. As of Swift 4.1, the compiler neither warns nor forces explicit capture semantics when referencing self in a function that is passed into an argument as a closure.

This situation is exacerbated in RxSwift, when passing functions into arguments.

class UserService {
    // ...

    func setupBindings() {
        let request = // ...
            .fetchData(from: request)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

    func decodeUser(_ data: Data) throws -> User {
        return try JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: data)

The aesthetics of passing the function into the closure parameter and thus omitting the curly braces is appealing. But the side effects come with a strong reference cycle, since self owns this function and functions are reference types.

There are several means to mitigate the reference cycle. A lesser appealing solution is to capture self in a capture list within the map.

    .fetchData(from: request)
    .map { [unowned self] in self.decodeUser($0) }
    // ...

Alternatively, since the function does not rely on internal state, it can be extracted into a "Type Method" such as a static function. Static functions are not owned by the class and as such prevent the strong reference cycle.

    // ...
            .fetchData(from: request)
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

    private static func decodeUser(_ data: Data) throws -> User {
        return try JSONDecoder().decode(User.self, from: data)

Here's another subtle example of capturing implicit self strongly when passing a function as an argument. At a glance, the code appears to have no problems. The developer reading the code could very easily miss the strong reference cycle, especially if the programmer is only looking for a weak capture list.

class Example {
    // ...

    func doStuff() {
        closure = { [weak self] in
            if let block = self?.notifyListeners {

    func notifyListeners() {
        self.listeners.forEach {

    func performWithCompletion(_ completion: @escaping () -> ()) {
        self.completion = completion
        // ...

This contrived example isn't completely out of the ordinary, and yet the subtlety makes it especially concerning. In a previous example, optional binding was used to unwrap weak self into a temporary, strong reference. The optional binding in this example, if let block = self?.notifyListeners {, similarly creates a strong, temporary reference to the function self.notifyListeners. For extra subtlety, the function looks like a variable since it is assigned to a variable rather than called, as functions typically are.

Instead of passing the function into the block as an argument, using an inline closure that calls the function will resolve the reference cycle, since performWithCompletion does not take an optional parameter.

func doStuff() {
    closure = { [weak self] in

URLSession, DispatchQueues, & Animation Blocks

The iOS SDK provides some block based APIs that use closures for a modern communication pattern. URLSession, DispatchQueues, and UIView block based animations provide APIs that take an escaping closure as a parameter to their function.

let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { data, _, _  in

At a glance this appears to cause a strong reference cycle since there's no capture list that passes self weakly. In fact, there is no reference cycle in this example. URLSession's dataTask does capture the completionHandler, but explicitly nils out the property after completion of the response, and we can verify this assumption through a unit test.

let expectation = self.expectation(description: "")
weak var testObject: NetworkLayer?

autoreleasepool {
    let example = NetworkLayer()
    example.makeNetworkRequest(with: url, completion: {
    testObject = example

// the completion block is captured while the request is made

// the response completes
XCTWaiter().wait(for: [expectation], timeout: 10)

// URLSession internally releases the completion block

This test proves that the completion block is captured during the request and finally released after the response completes. This is an important side effect to know to properly handle lifetime specific code that we'll see an example of later on.

If a library author wants to parrot the implicitly released closure API that URLSession demonstrates, it is straightforward to do so.

var capturedClosure: ((Data) -> ())?

func doStuff(_ closure: @escaping (Data) -> ()) {
    self.capturedClosure = closure
    deferWork() // perform some long running task

private func deferWork() {
    let result = // perform work
    if let closure = self.capturedClosure {
        self.capturedClosure = nil

This is not guaranteed to prevent strong reference cycles, though, so use with caution. It is also very possible for URLSession's dataTask to create a strong reference cycle, for instance.

class ServiceLayer {
    // ...
    private var task: URLSessionDataTask?

    func enqueueTask() {
        task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url, completionHandler: { data, _, _  in

Here, enqueueTask queues a dataTask but might never call resume() on the task. resume() is necessary since that triggers the request to perform and the completion handler will only be set to nil after the response completes. Since the completionHandler captures self strongly, this does create a strong reference cycle.


The reverse of never using capture lists to resolve strong reference cycles is always using capture lists when there are no strong reference cycles.

DispatchQueue's execution block does something similar to URLSession's completion handler. Once the code block is executed, the escaping closure is released absolving the potential for a strong reference cycle. This is verifiable through another unit test.

class DispatchQueueExample {
    func captureSelfStrongly() {
        DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.05) {
            _ = self

func test() {
    weak var testObject: DispatchQueueExample?

    autoreleasepool {
        let example = DispatchQueueExample()

        testObject = example

    // self is still retained while the DispatchQueue's block waits to execute

    // give the block enough time to fire Date().addingTimeInterval(0.1))

    // verify the execution block was released

While this code doesn't cause strong reference cycles, it's not unusual to capture self weakly in a capture list, if the intent is to avoid unnecessary code execution when the class instance is out of scope. What's important is understanding the behavior rather than making guesses about when a capture list is required.

Animation Blocks

Similarly to DispatchQueues block handling, UIView's animation blocks' completion handlers are released after execution. This can also be verified through a unit test, using the same techniques as covered previously.

UIView.animate(withDuration: 10, animations: {
    self.frame = self.frame.insetBy(dx: -10, dy: -10)
}, completion: { _ in

When an animation block's code executes, the animations are started immediately on another thread to avoid blocking the current thread or the main thread, so a capture list in a UIView's animation closure does not have any practical benefits. Instead, the completion block does capture the closure until the execution completes which is where a capture list might be necessary.


Developer Kevin Ballard presented this scenario on the Swift Evolution mailing list several years ago (slightly modified from the original post):

class ServiceLayer {
    // ...
    private var task: URLSessionDataTask?

    func foo(url: URL) {
        task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) { data, response, error in
            let result = // process data
            DispatchQueue.main.async { [weak self] in

    deinit {

An author of this code might expect that self is captured weakly in the data task, but it is not. Prior examples have shown that self is still implicitly captured strongly in the dataTask closure, so capturing self weakly in the dispatch queue closure will not give the likely intended behavior here.

The author might have also intended to cancel the task on deinit, but that scenario can never happen since URLSession's dataTask is strongly capturing self within the completionhandler. This sort of behavior can be tricky and easily overlooked.

There can be many gotchas when taming capture semantics to avoid strong reference cycles or to abort early execution of a data task, for instance. There's no such thing as magic when you know the rules and intimately understand the underlying behavior. For more examples of strong reference cycles and a deep exploration into various patterns with closures, view the accompanying GitHub Repo at

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