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Created December 7, 2012 21:32
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Xcode 4.5 Command Line Unit Tests
# Run iOS Unit Tests from the command line with Xcode 4.5 and iOS 6
# Adapted from Scott Thompson at
# Steps:
# 1. Create a new Xcode Scheme for the Tests target
# 2. Edit the Tests Scheme so that the "Run" checkbox is checked for the Tests target
# 3. Use this script as the Test Target's "Run Script" entry on the "Build Phases" tab
# 4. Run tests from the command line with:
# xcodebuild -sdk iphonesimulator -scheme 'TestSchemeName' build SL_RUN_UNIT_TESTS=YES
launcher_path = "ios-sim" #File.join(ENV['SRCROOT'], "Scripts", "ios-sim")
test_bundle_path= File.join(ENV['BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR'], "#{ENV['PRODUCT_NAME']}.#{ENV['WRAPPER_EXTENSION']}")
environment = {
'DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES' => "/../../Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDEBundleInjection.framework/IDEBundleInjection",
'XCInjectBundle' => test_bundle_path,
'XCInjectBundleInto' => ENV["TEST_HOST"]
environment_args = environment.collect { |key, value| "--setenv #{key}=\"#{value}\""}.join(" ")
app_test_host = File.dirname(ENV["TEST_HOST"])
out_file = File.join(ENV['BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR'], 'ios_sim.out')
system("#{launcher_path} launch \"#{app_test_host}\" #{environment_args} --args -SenTest All #{test_bundle_path} > #{out_file} 2>&1")
# cat the output for vim quickfix
system("cat #{out_file}")
grep_result = %x[grep -c ": error:" #{out_file}]
if "0\n" != grep_result
abort('test failure')
puts "SL_RUN_UNIT_TESTS not set - Did not run unit tests!"
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