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Last active April 23, 2017 13:02
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  • Save markschl/c8317978e1d26bf049bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save markschl/c8317978e1d26bf049bb to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Attempt to implement a Handsontable ( plugin allowing deferred loading of data (see also For an example see:
* This Handsontable plugin implements deferred data loading, useful for
* large tables ("infinite scrolling").
* Example usage
* -------------
* In this example data is fetched from a Django + Tastypie Api
* var hot = new Handsontable(document.getElementById('table'), {
* dataSource: function(page, cb) {
* $.get("/api/v1/tablename", {page: page}).sucess(function(result) {
* cb(result.objects, result.meta.total_count);
* });
* },
* pageSize: 400,
* rowsBuffered: 400
* });
* Options explained
* -----------------
* - dataSource (mandatory):
* Data loading function. It replaces the *data*
* option / the loadData() function.
* It's arguments are:
* 1. a page number (1-based)
* 2. A callback function. This function accepts two arguments:
* 1. the data array
* 2. the total row count. After the first page is loaded,
* the data array of the given size is created.
* Changes to the total count are currently not taken into
* account
* - data (optional):
* If specified, the given array will be filled with data as the table
* is scrolled. However, all data it contained before will be removed.
* - pageSize (optional):
* Number of rows to load in one batch.
* Default: 100
* - rowsBuffered (optional):
* Number of rows above and below the visible range to be automatically
* preloaded
* Default: 100
* - loadDelay (optional):
* Delay in ms before starting a page load. This is
* done to prevent every page from being loaded
* during fast scrolling.
* Maybe it could be made more intelligent by determining
* the scrolling speed?
* Default: 100
* - loadingMsg (optional):
* DOM selector that should act as replacement for the default
(function(Handsontable) {
"use strict";
* @class
function LazyLoader(hot, opt) { = hot;
this.dataSource = opt.dataSource;
this.pagesize = opt.pageSize || 100;
this.rows_buffered = typeof opt.rowsBuffered === "number" ? opt.rowsBuffered : 0;
this.load_delay = opt.loadDelay || 100; = || new Array(1000);
if (opt.loadingMsg) {
this.loading_msg = opt.loadingMsg;
} else {
this.loading_msg = document.createElement("div");
this.loading_msg.className = "hot-loading-msg"
var s =;
s.color = "#444";
s.borderRadius = "0.5em";
s.backgroundColor = "rgba(250,250,250,0.9)";
s.border = "1px solid rgba(150,150,150,0.9)";
s.padding = "1em";
var s =;
s.position = "absolute";
s.zIndex = 999999;
this.msg_offset_top = Math.round(this.loading_msg.clientHeight / 2);
this.msg_offset_left = Math.round(this.loading_msg.clientWidth / 2);
s.display = "none";
this.loading = {};
* Clears and initializes the table. This function is called
* each time the data has to be reloaded.
* @param {LazyLoader~loadCallback} cb - optional callback function passed to loadPage()
LazyLoader.prototype.init = function(cb) {
this.pages_loaded = {};
this.offsets = [];
this.is_new = true;
// clear the data array if it already exists
if ( !== null) {, [0,].concat(new Array(;
var _this = this;
this.loadPage(1, function() {;
cb && cb.apply(this, arguments);
* Determines the currently visible row range and page (range).
* If necessary, fetches missing data using the dataSource function.
* @param {boolean} settingsChanged - true if the render was forced by a
* settings change (not scrolling), see isForced parameter from afterRender event
LazyLoader.prototype.update = function(settingsChanged) {
if (settingsChanged) {
/* update the position of the loading message */
var cnt =,
off = Handsontable.Dom.offset(cnt); = + Math.round(cnt.clientHeight / 2) - this.msg_offset_top + "px"; = off.left + Math.round(cnt.clientWidth / 2) - this.msg_offset_left + "px";
/* get row ranges */
var first_row_visible =,
last_row_visible = first_row_visible +;
first_row_visible -= this.getOffset(first_row_visible);
last_row_visible -= this.getOffset(last_row_visible);
/* These variables are always up to date */
this.first_page_visible = this.getPage(first_row_visible);
this.last_page_visible = this.getPage(last_row_visible);
var first_now, last_now;
this.buf_first_page = first_now = this.getPage(Math.max(1, first_row_visible - this.rows_buffered));
this.buf_last_page = last_now = this.getPage(Math.min(, last_row_visible + this.rows_buffered));
var not_loaded = [],
for (page = first_now; page <= last_now; page++) {
if (!(this.isLoading(page) || this.isLoaded(page))) {
if (not_loaded.length) {
/* wait for a short time before loading the page, then check again
if still to be loaded */
// TODO: Any better way to deal with scrolling?
var _this = this;
setTimeout(function() {
for (var i = 0, len = not_loaded.length; i < len; i++) {
page = not_loaded[i];
if (!(_this.isLoading(page) || _this.isLoaded(page)) &&
page >= _this.buf_first_page &&
page <= _this.buf_last_page) {
_this.loadPage(page, function(pg) {
if (_this.isVisible(pg)) {
// TODO: this triggers afterRender() again!;
}, this.load_delay);
* @param {number} rowindex - row index (0-based)
* @returns a page number (1-based)
LazyLoader.prototype.getPage = function(rowindex) {
return Math.floor(rowindex / this.pagesize + 1);
* Determines whether any of the visible rows
* are currently loading and displays a message
* if necessary.
LazyLoader.prototype.updateLoadingMessage = function() {
for (var page = this.first_page_visible, lv = this.last_page_visible; page <= lv; page++) {
if (this.isLoading(page)) { = "block";
} = "none";
* Loads rows from one page into the data array. Afterwards, a custom
* plugin hook called 'afterLoadPage' is executed.
* @param {number} page - Page number to load (1-based index)
* @param {LazyLoader~loadCallback} cb - Function called when done
* @returns {boolean} true if the page is already loaded, otherwise false
LazyLoader.prototype.loadPage = function(page, cb) {
if (this.isLoaded(page)) {
return true;
if (!this.isLoading(page)) {
this.loading[page] = true;
var _this = this;
this.dataSource(page, function(data, size) {
if (_this.is_new) { = size;
_this.pages_loaded[page] = true;
delete _this.loading[page];
if ((page - 1) * _this.pagesize >= size) {
// TODO: why does this even happen?
//throw "Page " + page + " is out of range.";
var first = _this.getCorrectedPosition((page - 1) * _this.pagesize),
last = first + _this.pagesize - 1;, [first, _this.pagesize].concat(data.slice(0, _this.pagesize))
cb && cb(page, first, last, _this.is_new);'afterLoadPage', page, first, last, _this.is_new);
if (_this.is_new) {
_this.is_new = false;
return false;
* @param {number} page - Page number
LazyLoader.prototype.isLoading = function(page) {
return page in this.loading;
* @param {number} page - Page number
LazyLoader.prototype.isLoaded = function(page) {
return page in this.pages_loaded;
* @param {number} page - Page number
LazyLoader.prototype.isVisible = function(page) {
return page >= this.first_page_visible && page <= this.last_page_visible;
* Sets an offset at a given row index. This information is used
* by getOffset()
* @param {number} index - row index
* @param {number} offset - row offset (positive = insertion, negative = deletion)
LazyLoader.prototype.setOffset = function(index, offset) {
/* this.offsets is always kept sorted by index */
var data;
for (var i = this.offsets.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
data = this.offsets[i];
if (index <= data[0] && data[0] - index >= data[1] &&
offset > 0 && data[1] > 0) {
/* this offset can be added to an existing offset */
data[0] += offset;
data[1] += offset;
if (index >= data[0]) {
/* offsets at higher positions need to be adjusted */
if (offset < 0 && data[0] < index - offset) {
/* prevent moving indices below first deleted row */
data[0] = index;
} else {
data[0] += offset;
if (offset > 0) {
index += offset;
this.offsets.splice(i + 1, 0, [index, offset]);
* Determines the offset introduced by insertions/deletions
* (see setOffset()) at the given position in the table.
* @param {number} position - row index
* @returns {number} Positive or negative offset
LazyLoader.prototype.getOffset = function(position) {
if (this.current_offset !== null && position >= this.current_offset[0] &&
(this.next_offset_index === null || position <= this.next_offset_index[0])) {
// row with same offset as last time -> return cached offset
return this.current_offset[1];
var cum_offset = 0,
data = null,
prev_data = null,
offsets = this.offsets;
this.next_offset_index = null;
for (var i = 0, len = offsets.length; i < len; i++) {
data = offsets[i];
if (data[0] >= position) {
this.next_offset_index = data[0];
cum_offset += data[1];
prev_data = data;
this.current_offset = [(prev_data === null ? 0 : prev_data[0]), cum_offset];
return cum_offset;
* Adjusts a given row index by the offset at this position
* @param {number} position - row index
* @returns {number} adjusted row index
LazyLoader.prototype.getCorrectedPosition = function(position) {
position += this.getOffset(position);
return position;
* Clears the cache used to accelerate getOffset() calls
LazyLoader.prototype.resetOffsetCache = function() {
this.current_offset = null;
this.next_offset_index = null;
* @callback LazyLoader~loadCallback
* @param {number} page - page number
* @param {number} first - index of first row (corrected by offsets)
* @param {number} last - index of last row (corrected by offsets)
* @param {boolean} is_new - true if loading data for the first time
* after LazyLoader.init()
Handsontable.hooks.add("afterInit", function() {
var opt = this.getSettings();
if ("dataSource" in opt) {
this.LazyLoader = new LazyLoader(this, opt);
/* The 'afterRender' callback triggers data loading */
this.addHook("afterRender", function(isForced) {
/* The plugin needs to keep track of row removals/additions for always being
able to correctly determine which items are visible at a given time */
// TODO: not yet investigated whether the UndoRedo infrastructure could be used for this
this.addHook("beforeRemoveRow", function(index, amount) {
this.LazyLoader.setOffset(index, -1 * amount);
this.addHook("afterCreateRow", function(index, amount) {
this.LazyLoader.setOffset(index, amount);
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Updated to work with manualColumnFreeze and manualColumnMove. Additionally, it is now possible to keep a reference to the data array by using the data option. Before, it was only accessible through

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When I use code from this gist, browser is freezing. If I use code from , everything is okay.
Anyway, thank you for your plugin!

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