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Created July 25, 2017 15:38
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vue decorator using 'vue-class-component'
<input v-model="msg">
<!--<p>prop: {{propMessage}}</p>-->
<p>msg: {{msg}}</p>
<!--<p>helloMsg: {{helloMsg}}</p>-->
<p>computed msg: {{computedMsg}}</p>
<button @click="greet">Greet</button>
import Vue from 'vue'
import Component from 'vue-class-component'
import { test, createDec } from './decorator';
export default class App extends Vue {
// initial data
msg = 123
// use prop values for initial data
// helloMsg = 'Hello, ' + this.propMessage
// lifecycle hook
mounted() {
// @test(123)
created() {
console.log('old created');
// computed
get computedMsg() {
return 'computed ' + this.msg
// method
greet() {
console.log('greeting: ' + this.msg)
import { createDecorator } from 'vue-class-component';
export function test(id) {
console.log('evaluated', id);
return (target, property, descriptor) => {
console.log(target, property, descriptor);
console.log('executed', id);
export const createDec = createDecorator((options, key) => {
// component options should be passed to the callback
// and update for the options object affect the component = 'bar';
const originalCreated = options.created;
options.created = function () {
console.log('new created');
console.log(options, key, '===');
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