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Created October 28, 2021 15:16
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Benchmark 2021-10-27_14-26-main-4776b07d178b 2021-10-28_13-40-small-ints-structs-not-pointers-1f0ccfe79313
regex_dna 351 ms 337 ms: 1.04x faster
nqueens 154 ms 150 ms: 1.03x faster
float 145 ms 141 ms: 1.03x faster
regex_v8 39.7 ms 38.6 ms: 1.03x faster
fannkuch 698 ms 681 ms: 1.02x faster
pathlib 32.3 ms 31.6 ms: 1.02x faster
sqlalchemy_imperative 31.9 ms 31.3 ms: 1.02x faster
pickle_list 7.30 us 7.17 us: 1.02x faster
sqlite_synth 4.52 us 4.45 us: 1.02x faster
richards 96.6 ms 95.1 ms: 1.02x faster
sqlalchemy_declarative 239 ms 236 ms: 1.01x faster
pyflate 883 ms 874 ms: 1.01x faster
scimark_monte_carlo 133 ms 131 ms: 1.01x faster
chaos 130 ms 128 ms: 1.01x faster
unpickle_list 7.91 us 7.84 us: 1.01x faster
scimark_sor 262 ms 260 ms: 1.01x faster
regex_compile 240 ms 239 ms: 1.01x faster
2to3 440 ms 439 ms: 1.00x faster
json_loads 45.5 us 45.3 us: 1.00x faster
django_template 63.7 ms 63.5 ms: 1.00x faster
python_startup 14.2 ms 14.2 ms: 1.00x faster
python_startup_no_site 10.0 ms 9.99 ms: 1.00x faster
pidigits 316 ms 317 ms: 1.00x slower
dulwich_log 114 ms 115 ms: 1.00x slower
sympy_str 502 ms 504 ms: 1.00x slower
pickle_dict 49.4 us 49.6 us: 1.00x slower
sympy_sum 286 ms 287 ms: 1.00x slower
sympy_expand 826 ms 831 ms: 1.01x slower
xml_etree_parse 248 ms 250 ms: 1.01x slower
mako 20.5 ms 20.7 ms: 1.01x slower
xml_etree_process 101 ms 102 ms: 1.01x slower
scimark_fft 587 ms 593 ms: 1.01x slower
pickle_pure_python 602 us 609 us: 1.01x slower
hexiom 12.4 ms 12.6 ms: 1.01x slower
spectral_norm 182 ms 184 ms: 1.01x slower
logging_format 11.4 us 11.6 us: 1.01x slower
xml_etree_generate 140 ms 142 ms: 1.01x slower
scimark_lu 241 ms 244 ms: 1.02x slower
scimark_sparse_mat_mult 7.92 ms 8.05 ms: 1.02x slower
logging_simple 10.5 us 10.7 us: 1.02x slower
logging_silent 200 ns 204 ns: 1.02x slower
go 283 ms 290 ms: 1.03x slower
nbody 182 ms 187 ms: 1.03x slower
unpack_sequence 76.3 ns 80.6 ns: 1.06x slower
Geometric mean (ref) 1.00x faster

Benchmark hidden because not significant (14): pickle, json_dumps, meteor_contest, crypto_pyaes, deltablue, sympy_integrate, raytrace, unpickle_pure_python, chameleon, unpickle, tornado_http, xml_etree_iterparse, regex_effbot, telco

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