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Create Ubuntu Mate for Raspberry Pi in macOS

Install xz with homebrew:

brew install xz

Insert the SD and get the device name for the SD with df:

Filesystem    512-blocks      Used Available Capacity iused      ifree %iused  Mounted on
/dev/disk1     487867392 157859992 329495400    33% 2352643 4292614636    0%   /
devfs                373       373         0   100%     647          0  100%   /dev
map -hosts             0         0         0   100%       0          0  100%   /net
map auto_home          0         0         0   100%       0          0  100%   /home
/dev/disk2s1   124702720  61860336  62842384    50%    5090 4294962189    0%   /Volumes/USBDisk
/dev/disk3s1      130780    130780         0   100%     512          0  100%   /Volumes/SD

In this case, the SD is /dev/disk3.

Unmount the SD card:

sudo diskutil unmount /Volumes/SD

Decompress the ubuntu image you downloaded:

unxz ubuntu-mate-16.04.2-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img.xz

Write the uncompressed image to the SD card simply using dd, no need to use ddrescue:

sudo dd bs=1m if=ubuntu-mate-16.04.2-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi.img  of=/dev/rdisk3
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