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Last active July 25, 2019 04:04
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Brick pile (pyramid) problem solvers.
package marksto.algorithms;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;
import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Mode;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.Runner;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.Options;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.OptionsBuilder;
import org.openjdk.jmh.runner.options.TimeValue;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import java.util.function.Function;
import static java.lang.System.arraycopy;
* Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
* BrickPileProblem.checkIterativeEffective avgt 10 0,068 ± 0,002 ms/op
* BrickPileProblem.checkIterativeNonEffective avgt 10 0,106 ± 0,009 ms/op
* BrickPileProblem.checkRecursiveEffective avgt 10 0,928 ± 0,031 ms/op
* BrickPileProblem.checkRecursiveNonEffective avgt 10 3,456 ± 0,045 ms/op
public class BrickPileProblem {
public static final double DEFAULT_BRICK_MASS = 1;
abstract static class BrickPileSolver {
protected double m;
public BrickPileSolver(double brickMass) {
this.m = brickMass;
public double solve(int row, int pos) {
assertThat(pos >= 0 && pos <= row);
return W(row, pos);
protected abstract double W(int row, int pos);
// --- RECURSIVE SOLUTIONS -------------------------------------------------
private static class MemoizingRecursiveBrickPileSolver extends BrickPileSolver {
// NOTE: Thanks to the absence of Tuples in the Java Core...
static class MapKey {
int row;
int pos;
public MapKey(int row, int pos) {
this.row = row;
this.pos = pos;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
MapKey mapKey = (MapKey) o;
return row == mapKey.row && pos == mapKey.pos;
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(row, pos);
* In Java 9+ this can't be implemented in a shorter way with 'computeIfAbsent()' because of the known issue. For details see:
private static <I, O> Function<I, O> memoize(Function<I, O> fn) {
final Map<I, O> cache = new HashMap<>();
return in -> {
if (cache.get(in) != null) {
return cache.get(in);
} else {
O result = fn.apply(in);
cache.put(in, result);
return result;
private final Function<MapKey, Double> memoized = memoize(this::W_m);
public MemoizingRecursiveBrickPileSolver(double brickMass) {
private double W_m(MapKey key) {
return (W(key.row, key.pos) + m) / 2;
private double W_impl(int row, int pos) {
if (pos < 0 || pos > row) {
return 0d;
return memoized.apply(new MapKey(row, pos));
protected double W(int row, int pos) {
return W_impl(row - 1, pos - 1) + W_impl(row - 1, pos);
private static class EffectiveRecursiveBrickPileSolver extends BrickPileSolver {
// NOTE: The 'ConcurrentHashMap' implementation should be used instead
// in case this object is to be shared between multiple threads.
final Map<Integer, double[]> cache = new HashMap<>();
public EffectiveRecursiveBrickPileSolver(double brickMass) {
private double W_m(int row, int pos) {
return (W(row, pos) + m) / 2;
private double W_impl(int row, int pos) {
if (pos < 0 || pos > row) {
return 0d;
double[] cachedRow = cache.computeIfAbsent(row, key -> new double[row + 1]);
double result = cachedRow[pos];
if (result == 0d) {
result = W_m(row, pos);
cachedRow[pos] = result;
return result;
protected double W(int row, int pos) {
return W_impl(row - 1, pos - 1) + W_impl(row - 1, pos);
// --- ITERATIVE SOLUTION --------------------------------------------------
private static class IterativeBrickPileSolver extends BrickPileSolver {
public IterativeBrickPileSolver(double brickMass) {
private double W_top(double onTop) {
return (onTop + m) / 2;
private double W_top(double onTopL, double onTopR) {
return W_top(onTopL) + W_top(onTopR);
protected double W(final int row, final int pos) {
// NOTE: This is the same as 'Math.min(pos, row - pos) + 1',
// but is better optimized by JIT compiler at runtime.
int maxTopRowSize = (int) (0.5*row - Math.abs(0.5*row - pos) + 1);
double[] topRowWs = new double[maxTopRowSize];
double[] tmpRowWs = new double[topRowWs.length];
int startPos = 0;
int readTops = 0;
int decStart = Math.max(pos, row - pos);
for (int i = 0; i <= row; i++) {
if (i < maxTopRowSize) {
readTops += 1;
} else if (i > decStart) {
startPos += 1;
readTops -= 1;
for (int k = startPos; k < startPos + readTops; k++) {
int idx = k - startPos;
if (i == 0) {
tmpRowWs[idx] = 0d;
} else if (k == 0) {
tmpRowWs[idx] = W_top(topRowWs[idx]);
} else if (k == i) {
tmpRowWs[idx] = W_top(topRowWs[idx - 1]);
} else {
int dec = i > decStart ? 0 : -1;
tmpRowWs[idx] = W_top(topRowWs[idx + dec], topRowWs[idx + dec + 1]);
arraycopy(tmpRowWs, 0, topRowWs, 0, tmpRowWs.length);
return topRowWs[0];
private static class EffectiveIterativeBrickPileSolver extends BrickPileSolver {
public EffectiveIterativeBrickPileSolver(double brickMass) {
private double W_top(double onTop) {
return (onTop + m) / 2;
private double W_top(double onTopL, double onTopR) {
return W_top(onTopL) + W_top(onTopR);
protected double W(int row, int pos) {
// NOTE: Leverages the fact of horizontal symmetry.
// Shaves off lots of extra steps and checks.
int adjustedPos = Math.min(pos, row - pos);
double[] blocks = new double[adjustedPos + 1];
blocks[0] = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= row; i++) {
int rangeStart = Math.max(0, (adjustedPos - 1) - (row - i));
int rangeEnd = adjustedPos;
double prev = blocks[rangeStart];
for (int k = rangeStart; k <= rangeEnd; k++) {
if (k == 0 || k == i) {
blocks[k] = W_top(prev);
} else {
double curr = blocks[k];
blocks[k] = W_top(prev, curr);
prev = curr;
return blocks[adjustedPos];
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Options opt = new OptionsBuilder()
new Runner(opt).run();
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: Naive recursion will not do in reasonable time,
// so the memoization technique is leveraged here.
// To tune the thread stack size, use '-Xss1024k'.
public static void checkRecursiveNonEffective() {
runChecks(new MemoizingRecursiveBrickPileSolver(DEFAULT_BRICK_MASS));
public static void checkRecursiveEffective() {
runChecks(new EffectiveRecursiveBrickPileSolver(DEFAULT_BRICK_MASS));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: The most fast & cognitively complex algorithms.
// It takes some real time to grok & support them.
public static void checkIterativeNonEffective() {
runChecks(new IterativeBrickPileSolver(DEFAULT_BRICK_MASS));
public static void checkIterativeEffective() {
runChecks(new EffectiveIterativeBrickPileSolver(DEFAULT_BRICK_MASS));
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static void runChecks(BrickPileSolver pile) {
assertThat(pile.solve(0, 0) == 0d);
assertThat(pile.solve(1, 0) == 0.5d);
assertThat(pile.solve(1, 1) == 0.5d);
assertThat(pile.solve(2, 0) == 0.75d);
assertThat(pile.solve(2, 1) == 1.5d);
assertThat(pile.solve(2, 2) == 0.75d);
assertThat(pile.solve(3, 0) == 0.875d);
assertThat(pile.solve(3, 1) == 2.125d);
assertThat(pile.solve(3, 2) == 2.125d);
assertThat(pile.solve(3, 3) == 0.875d);
double expRes322 = 306.48749781747574d;
assertThat(pile.solve(322, 156) == expRes322);
assertThat(pile.solve(322, 322 - 156) == expRes322);
private static void assertThat(boolean expression) {
if (!expression) {
throw new AssertionError();
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dmnm commented Jul 19, 2019

double W(int row, int pos) {
    int adjustedPos = Integer.min(pos, row - pos);
    double[] blocks = new double[adjustedPos + 1];
    for (int i = 1; i <= row; i++) {
        int rangeStart = Integer.max(0, (adjustedPos - 1) - (row - i));
        double prev = blocks[rangeStart];
        for (int j = rangeStart; j <= adjustedPos; j++) {
            if (j != 0 && j != i) {
                double curr = blocks[j];
                blocks[j] = ((prev + 1) / 2) + ((curr + 1) / 2);
                prev = curr;
            } else blocks[j] = (prev + 1) / 2;
    return blocks[adjustedPos];

minified/obfuscated version (16 lines, as you requested)

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