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Created March 6, 2013 03:29
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  • Save markstos/5096483 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save markstos/5096483 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Based on [this copy of]( with the following updates: - The beginnings of a "dry run" mode. Currently just some "say" lines that you have manually uncomment, and comment out the related active lines - Support for importing comments (needs tested) - Bette…
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use v5.10;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp;
use IO::Prompt::Tiny 'prompt';
use Net::GitHub;
use Path::Tiny;
use RT::Client::REST::Ticket;
use RT::Client::REST;
use Syntax::Keyword::Junction 'any';
use Data::Dump 'dump';
# In the .git/config of the active repo, create a [github] section and add 'user' and 'token' keys'
sub _git_config {
my $key = shift;
chomp( my $value = `git config --get $key` );
croak "Unknown $key" unless $value;
return $value;
my $pause_rc = path( $ENV{HOME}, ".pause" );
my %pause;
sub _pause_rc {
my $key = shift;
if ( $pause_rc->exists && !%pause ) {
%pause = split " ", $pause_rc->slurp;
return $pause{$key} // '';
sub _dist_name {
# dzil only for now
my $dist = path("dist.ini");
if ( $dist->exists ) {
my ($first) = $dist->lines( { count => 1 } );
my ($name) = $first =~ m/name\s*=\s*(\S+)/;
return $name if defined $name;
return '';
my $github_user = prompt( "github user: ", _git_config("github.user") );
my $github_token = prompt( "github token: ", _git_config("github.token") );
my $github_repo_owner = prompt( "repo owner: ", $github_user );
my $github_repo = prompt( "repo name: ", path(".")->absolute->basename );
my $rt_user = prompt( "PAUSE ID: ", _pause_rc("user") );
my $rt_password =
_pause_rc("password") ? _pause_rc("password") : prompt("PAUSE password: ");
my $rt_dist = prompt( "RT dist name: ", _dist_name() );
my $gh = Net::GitHub->new( access_token => $github_token );
$gh->set_default_user_repo( $github_repo_owner, $github_repo );
my $gh_issue = $gh->issue;
my $rt = RT::Client::REST->new( server => '' );
username => $rt_user,
password => $rt_password
# see which tickets we already have on the github side
my @gh_issues =
map { /\[rt\.cpan\.org #(\d+)\]/ }
map { $_->{title} }
$gh_issue->repos_issues( $github_repo_owner, $github_repo, { state => 'open' } );
my @rt_tickets = $rt->search(
type => 'ticket',
query => qq{
Queue = '$rt_dist'
( Status = 'new' or Status = 'open' )
for my $id (@rt_tickets) {
if ( any(@gh_issues) eq $id ) {
say "ticket #$id already on github";
# get the information from RT
my $ticket = RT::Client::REST::Ticket->new(
rt => $rt,
id => $id,
# we just want the first transaction, which
# has the original ticket description
my $iterator = $ticket->transactions->get_iterator;
my $first_transaction = $iterator->();
my $desc = $first_transaction->content;
$desc =~ s/^/ /gms;
my $subject = $ticket->subject;
my %issue = (
"title" => "$subject [ #$id]",
"body" => "$id\n\n$desc",
"labels" => [ 'rt' ],
# say dump (\%issue);
my $isu = $gh_issue->create_issue(\%issue);
while (my $tx = $iterator->()) {
my $content = $tx->content;
#say "tx: ".dump($content) unless $content eq 'This transaction appears to have no content';
unless ($content eq 'This transaction appears to have no content') {
my $comment = $gh_issue->create_comment($isu->{number}, { body => $content });
say "ticket #$id ($subject) copied to github";
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